Earn Your Happy

Where F*ck-Yes Dreams Come To Figure It Out. This is where your boldest dreams meet the raw, messy middle—the risks, the failures, and the “WTF am I even doing?” moments. 

It’s funny, vulnerable, and real as hell, because chasing big goals isn’t a straight line—it’s a rollercoaster. Top 25 in Entrepreneurship on Apple Podcasts | Forbes Top 11 Female-Led Business Podcasts Hosted by Lori Harder, entrepreneur, podcast host, author and founder of CPG wellness & beauty company Glōci, and your go-to business bestie matchmaker. If you’re here, it’s because you’ve got big dreams and a million ideas, but you’re missing some pieces—and maybe some key people—to bring it all together. We got you.

Follow along on Instagram too @loriharder for more inspiration just like this! This podcast is part of the YAP Media Network.

What It Takes To Be A High Performer In Any Are...
58 min
1 Small Way To Help You Operate As Your Best Self
14 min
How To Create The Perfect Holiday Season
16 min
@bossbabe CEO & Co-Founder Natalie Ellis, On Be...
58 min
How Recommitting To Your Goals Can Help You Tak...
11 min
How To Speed Up Your Success By Building Your N...
18 min
Why A Mission Statement Isn’t Just Words On Pap...
46 min
Ways To Expand Where You Find Your Inspiration
12 min
How To Step Into Mastering Resistance
13 min
6 Ordinary Steps To Achieve Extraordinary Finan...
46 min
One Big Reason You May Not Be Hitting Your Goals!
12 min
How To Live In The Present During Overwhelming ...
10 min
Cara Alwill, aka @thechampagnediet, On Approach...
52 min
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! (And Some Reflections On How ...
10 min
Harness Your Confidence By Leaning Into Your Sk...
16 min
How To Set Yourself Apart In A Saturated Indust...
40 min
You Don't Owe People Their Comfort Zones
Do you have a habit that you’ve totally convinced yourself is okay, but you know deep down inside if you made this one little tweak, you could be operating at such a higher level? For me, I knew that I needed to cut back on how many days a week I...
13 min
Best Practices On How To Prepare For Big Events
Whether you're speaking for an hour or running a week-long mastermind, the way that you show up for your audience will either make or break your brand and your long-term dreams. Chris is going on his sixth year of running the Elite Mastermind, and we...
21 min
Sprinkles Co-Founder, Candace Nelson, On Innova...
My entire world changed the first time I saw a Sprinkles Cupcake ATM, which is why I’m so excited to share the conversation I had with the woman who came up with the idea and co-founder of Sprinkles, Candace Nelson! We talk about the biggest things...
53 min
Best Practices For Training Your Focus
I’m in such a busy season right now and can’t afford to be distracted. I’ve had to become a lot more regimented and thoughtful about the time that I spend on my phone because I’ve noticed that checking a text turns into responding to DMs and...
11 min
Ways To Incorporate Manifestation Into Your Dai...
The common thread between our happiest, wealthiest, and most successful friends is that they all have a daily manifestation or visualization practice. Chris and I find it so important to set a target every single day and stay consistent with action...
12 min
How To Expand Your Brand Vision With GOLDSHEEP ...
I’m joined by Keri Wilson, Founder and Chief Creative Officer of GOLDSHEEP, a vibrant, one-of-a-kind athleisure brand that I’ve been obsessed with since it launched. Keri and I talk about the Goldsheep origin story and how her vision for the brand...
44 min
Ways To Clear Your Mental Space To Free Your En...
One of the most powerful monthly practices that I have is to sit down and really go through what’s bogging me down and taking up too much of my mental space. It’s the tiny things done consistently that get you closer to your goals. It doesn’t...
8 min
How To Use Storytelling To Boost Your Business
If you can learn how to teach through stories, then you’re not only going to be one of the most interesting people in the room, but it’s also going to enrich your content creation. Chris and I discuss the power of story and how to use it in your...
17 min
Why Visualizing Your Dreams Makes Them Reality ...
I’m joined by Nathan Chan, CEO of foundr — a global education company that connects millions of people every month with some of the most successful entrepreneurs of our generation. With a passion for entrepreneurship and people, Nathan created...
42 min