What Drives You with Kevin Miller

From host Kevin Miller: When I was 7 years old and got out of line, my parents would give me an “attitude adjustment” and make me listen to motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar. I didn’t appreciate it at the time but the experience gave me awareness of how powerful our minds and outlook on life are. I went on to become a pro athlete, have 9 kids, start 17 businesses and become addicted to performance and production. Till I burnt out. Multiple times.

That started a quest to not just pursue performance, but to uncover my true potential which was far more than just what I did. It became about who I was and could be. I started podcasting as host of The Ziglar Show, in a stroke of irony. After countless conversations with the most influential thought leaders on the planet, I wrote a book called What Drives You to look at what we really want and understanding why we want it. I now host a podcast of the same name, What Drives You. I’ve had deep talks with over 270 experts in the Human Potential Movement and my shows have had over 70 million downloads. I’ve walked with well over 1,000 people as they pursue their own personal evolution.

Today I don’t seek out the most popular leaders, but the most knowledgeable. I find the professors teaching classes, the therapists counseling with patients and the researchers in labs who understand what causes us to transform in today’s world. And what keeps us stuck. We don’t need more ideas. We need better understanding. I’m pursuing my own personal growth and evolution and invite you to learn and grow with me. Join me on the What Drives You podcast.

How To
865: Stronger From Trauma | Tana Amen
A powerful journey of someone who had every reason to fail and be overcome. But as you’ll hear, she made a different choice.
53 min
864: What Keeps You From Giving Up?
What foundational reason(s) keeps you from completely falling down? What keeps you striving and from giving up?
51 min
863: Write Sober, Edit Sober | Habits with Dona...
Ernest Hemingway is famously cited as saying, “Write drunk, edit sober.”
28 min
862: Leverage Strength & Outsource Weakness in ...
For those of you in business for yourself, whether full time making millions or a side hustle making a buck or two, where are you strongest in your business and where are you weakest?
59 min
861: Better Than An MBA | Donald Miller
“I believe everyone deserves access to a life-changing business education"
51 min
860: The Most Profitable Daily Deposits For Suc...
What are the daily small deposits in your life that give you the most payoff?
58 min
859: The State of Small Business in 2021 | Dan ...
2020 saw a lot of upheaval for small business, few people were untouched by it.
64 min
858: Do It Till You Like It
“What is a healthy habit or personal discipline that started as a chore/drudgery/negative and today is a joy/pleasure/positive?”
45 min
857: Entitled to nothing, grateful for everythi...
I have a double Habits episode for you.
24 min
856: You Can Own Your Customer By Overdelivering
In this episode of The Ziglar Show we talk about customer service.
51 min
855: Believe In People, Not Control | Charles K...
How do you succeed in business?
57 min
854: Are You Disciplined?
No one listening to this show is unaware of the concept of personal discipline.
68 min
853: A Legit Formula For Success | Steven Kotler
The mere claim to have a formula for any aspect of success initially strikes me wrong, but to a degree, anything can be boiled down to the core ingredients.
62 min
852: Change The Circumstances Or Your Attitude?
“If you have any frustrations with your work, do you feel you need to change the circumstances or just need to change your attitude?
61 min
851: Personal Strategy Trumps Business Strategy...
"I think personal strategy is so much more important than business strategy, and it's the reason why most people fail in business and life or end up successful and have lost their family along the way.”
21 min
850: How To Get Value From Journaling
There are few leaders and influencers who don’t cite journaling as a daily habit for success.
43 min
849: The Introverts Edge | Matthew Pollard
Matthew Pollard first wrote "The Introvert's Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone"
61 min
848: What will be better in your life a year fr...
As the New Year is upon us, we have many people making resolutions and thinking of goals.
60 min
847: Finding Calm and Clarity | Habits with Jes...
Jess Ekstrom is the renowned founder of Headbands of Hope and was my guest in episode 845.
26 min
846: Where Do You Need Help In Your Business?
If you were given $10,000 to spend on business coaching, what are the top one to three issues you would want wise counsel on?
60 min
845: The Strategy of Optimism
“Optimism isn’t a mood, it’s a strategy,”
65 min
844: Evidence Of Goal Pursuit
“If I snooped through your home, office, and car, what evidence would I find of you pursuing personal growth?”
56 min
843: Protect Your Morning | Habits with Jonatha...
95% of the time I ask an influencer what their most valued daily routine is, they answer with the morning.
24 min
842: What Most Threatens Your Joy? | with Janie...
I asked The Ziglar Audience and received over 400 comments.
58 min
How To Figure Out What You Truly Want | Special...
Special insert - No intro, outro, or ads. Just a brief, solo message from Kevin Miller.
26 min