What Drives You with Kevin Miller

From host Kevin Miller: When I was 7 years old and got out of line, my parents would give me an “attitude adjustment” and make me listen to motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar. I didn’t appreciate it at the time but the experience gave me awareness of how powerful our minds and outlook on life are. I went on to become a pro athlete, have 9 kids, start 17 businesses and become addicted to performance and production. Till I burnt out. Multiple times.

That started a quest to not just pursue performance, but to uncover my true potential which was far more than just what I did. It became about who I was and could be. I started podcasting as host of The Ziglar Show, in a stroke of irony. After countless conversations with the most influential thought leaders on the planet, I wrote a book called What Drives You to look at what we really want and understanding why we want it. I now host a podcast of the same name, What Drives You. I’ve had deep talks with over 270 experts in the Human Potential Movement and my shows have had over 70 million downloads. I’ve walked with well over 1,000 people as they pursue their own personal evolution.

Today I don’t seek out the most popular leaders, but the most knowledgeable. I find the professors teaching classes, the therapists counseling with patients and the researchers in labs who understand what causes us to transform in today’s world. And what keeps us stuck. We don’t need more ideas. We need better understanding. I’m pursuing my own personal growth and evolution and invite you to learn and grow with me. Join me on the What Drives You podcast.

How To
What Drives Your Health | You Don’t Have A High...
High blood pressure medications have become one of the most common prescriptions in our culture. Current stats put about 50% of Americans on high blood pressure, with people needing it at younger ages all the time.
60 min
Misbelief w/ Kevin Miller | The Big Idea, The B...
I wrap up our series on Misbelief with The Big Idea, The Big Takeaway & The Big Action where I distill it all down to what most stood out to me. What I see are the foundational fundamentals of the issue so we can better understand, embrace, and take action on how to better serve ourselves and humanity with our beliefs.
47 min
Misbelief Discussed w/ Jared Angaza | Reject Yo...
We continue our discussion on misbelief and strive to get to the heart of how our beliefs primarily exist to serve and protect us. However they are seldom if ever, fact. I want you to hear that. Few if any of your beliefs are fact. They are not right and other’s are wrong.
66 min
What Drives Duke Professor of Psychology & Auth...
We continue our series on belief…by looking at misbelief. We’re back with our expert, Dan are-ee-elly, to see what drives him. And we’ll give special attention to the beliefs that drive him.
43 min
Misbelief w/ Dan Ariely | How To Keep Our Belie...
You’ve heard me talk often as of late about what I’ve grown to believe are the dangers of our individual and cultural beliefs. We all want to know what is and what is not and be able to count on it.
78 min
What Drives Your Health | How To Have Your Heal...
The culture talks about “life span”, which is how long we live from the day we are born until the day our heart stops beating. Health span however, is how long you are well and able.
39 min
Happierness w/ Kevin Miller | The Big Idea, The...
We wrap up our series on Happierness featuring Atlantic columnist and Harvard Professor Arthur Brooks, and Oprah Winfrey, who just co authored the book, “Build The Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier.”
34 min
Happierness w/ Jared Angaza | How To Understand...
We continue our series on Happierness which we kicked off with Atlantic columnist and Harvard Professor, Arthur Brooks. Arthur’s new book with Oprah Winfrey is called Build The Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier.
59 min
What Drives Happiness Expert, Atlantic Columnis...
We continue our series on Happierness with happiness researcher and evangelist Arthur Brooks. This is part two where we go behind the scenes to find out What Drives Arthur in his personal life as he strives to practice what he preaches.
50 min
Happierness w/ Arthur Brooks & Oprah Winfrey | ...
In this episode we begin a series on happierness. As you're about to hear, we can't live a meaningful life and just be in a state of happy all the time.
82 min
What Drives Us In Death | What My Mom Wants To ...
In the previous episode I shared “What My Dad’s Pending Death Can Teach Us About Living.” (visit his tribute page https://murial.life/dan-miller) Today I highlight a message my mom feels burdened with during this acute time of life.
46 min
What Drives Us In Death | What My Dad’s Pending...
33 min
What Drives Your Health | How To Think Yourself...
This is a What Drives Your Health episode. Your health comes from what you do and don’t eat, and what exercise you do and don’t do. And good sleep. Basically your lifestyle. Add to that your genetics and we have it pretty much covered, right? But what about your thinking? Not your mental state, but your actual thinking? Can you think yourself healthy? Or unhealthy?
67 min
What Drives Millennial Whisperer & Connection E...
I bring you a special What Drives You episode with renowned author of “The Millennial Whisperer”, Chris Tuff. Chris was one of the first advertisers to work directly with Mark Zuckerberg in 2006 and filmed one of the first ever, “viral” videos, which landed him on the front page of The Wall Street Journal.
48 min
What Drives Cognitive Scientist & Renowned Podc...
In this episode, I bring you a special What Drives You episode with Maya Shankar. Maya is a cognitive scientist and the creator, host, and executive producer of the podcast, A Slight Change of Plans, made in collaboration with Malcolm Gladwell's production company, Pushkin Industries.
59 min
What Drives Your Health: How To Support Your Th...
This is a What Drives Your Health episode and we’re talking about your thyroid. Your thyroid regulates much of your body, such as metabolism, growth and development.
46 min
What Drives Your New Year | What Will Fuel You ...
In this episode, What Drives Your New Year. You can get a fresh start any time. Any day. But I do appreciate the magic of January 1. Party because I enjoy the indulgences and challenges of the holiday season.
36 min
What Drives City on a Hill Actor Matthew Del Negro
Matthew Del Negro is a celebrated actor credited for roles in some of TV's most-renowned and award-winning shows such as SOPRANOS, SCANDAL, Goliath & WEST WING, and films HOT PURSUIT and WIND RIVER.
63 min
What Drives Silicon Valley Legend Guy Kawasaki
I bring you Silicon Valley legend and all around wise guy, Guy Kawasaki. I’ve read Guys books, had him on my shows twice before, hung out with him face to face in San Diego and I think our relationship was solidified after he butt dialed my cell phone one afternoon and we talked a while about him starting a podcast, which he did...called Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People which has now become a top ranked podcast.
43 min
What Drives Your Health | How To Control The In...
Everything in our lives is speeding up. Technology and artificial intelligence and deliveries and...boom.
56 min
#4 Perfectionism w/Kevin Miller | The Big Idea,...
I wrap up our series on perfectionism and how it is hurting our drive. This is the Big Idea, The Big Takeaway & The Big Action episode to distill it all down.
26 min
#3 Perfectionism w/ Jared Angaza | How To Free ...
We continue our talk on perfectionism and how we’re letting it diminish our success and joy. We kicked off the series with Thomas Curran who is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics where he studies the personality characteristic of perfectionism, how it develops, and how it impacts our mental health.
57 min
#2 What Drives Perfectionism Expert Thomas Curran
In this episode I'm back with Thomas Curran in our series on Perfectionism and how we don’t understand what it actually says about us and how it is sabotaging our drive…for the purpose of…getting out of the Perfection Trap.
54 min
#1 Perfectionism w/ Thomas Curran | How To Let ...
65 min
Special: What Drives Christmas | Ideas On How T...
I ask, What Drives Christmas, and give Ideas On How To Actually Enjoy The Holiday Season & Fuel Your New Year. Sometimes we have an extraordinary experience from a spontaneous event.
39 min