CQ Budget

CQ Roll Call’s budget tracker David Lerman explains how lawmakers in Congress spend the nation’s money.

The Long and Winding Road to A Spending Deal
CQ budget and appropriations editor Peter Cohn explains why a long-running standoff over spending limits is complicating passage of a stopgap measure needed to avoid a government shutdown come Christmas.
11 min
Defense, Domestic Budget Increases Crucial for ...
CQ appropriations reporters Kellie Mejdrich and Jennifer Shutt discuss the two-week spending bill that averted a government shutdown and look at how lawmakers may keep the government funded beyond Dec. 22.  
13 min
GOP's Band-Aid Deal to Avert a Shutdown
CQ budget reporter Jennifer Shutt explains the continuing resolution to fund the government through Dec. 22 and a temporary funding fix for the Children's Health Insurance Program.
8 min
A Two-Year Budget Deal in the Making
CQ's Paul M. Krawzak spells out the progress lawmakers are making on reaching a two-year budget deal that would most likely lift the 2011 budget caps.
11 min
How the Tax Cuts Could Stymie Economic Growth
The Republican writers of the tax overhaul say that lowering taxes on corporations and others would spur economic growth even if the cuts produce a deficit. CQ's budget guru Paul M. Krawzak explains how the opposite could occur.
12 min
The GOP Tax Plan Unpacked
In a special episode of The Week Ahead and Budget Tracker Extra podcasts, CQ journalists Shawn Zeller, David Lerman and Peter Cohn take a deep dive into the new tax bill and explain what it would mean for corporations, small businesses and individuals.
18 min
GOP Tax Plan: 'Square Peg Into Round Hole'
Republicans are quickly trying to pass a tax overhaul plan but indications are that obstacles are around every corner, say CQ Tax Editor Catalina Camia and Budget Editor Peter Cohn, who explain the complications facing the plan.  
13 min
Don't Pop the Champagne Just Yet on Tax Overhaul
Republicans hailed their budget resolution as the key to unlocking a tax code overhaul, but history suggests a partisan tax bill could still face a rocky road, as CQ Budget editor Peter Cohn explains.
11 min
Trump Kneecapping Obamacare Adds to Year-End Sp...
Health care, border wall funding and legislation for Dreamers and an assortment of other issues are piling up and likely to complicate efforts for a year-end spending deal to avert a partial government shutdown, says CQ Budget reporter Jennifer Shutt.
8 min
Dueling Budget Plans Amid Increasing Hurricane Aid
House and Senate Republicans are likely to wrangle over their competing budget resolutions to pave the way for a tax overhaul, says CQ budget reporter Ryan McCrimmon, who also explains why disaster aid is likely to increase.
12 min
The Path Ahead for the Budget Resolutions
Both chambers are hoping to move on their respective budget resolutions that would pave the way for the much-ballyhooed tax overhaul, says CQ budget reporter Jennifer Shutt. But buried in the budget language is a provision aimed at opening an...
11 min
Why Any Tax Cuts Could Be Temporary
CQ budget reporter Paul M. Krawzak explains why a Senate budget resolution would add between $750 billion and $1.5 trillion or more to the deficit over 10 years, making any tax cuts temporary. 
10 min
Next Battlefront:Lifting the Spending Caps
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle would like to lift the spending limits established by law, says CQ's budget reporter Jennifer Shutt, adding that it's just the latest budget issue to confront lawmakers along with passing a budget resolution and a...
11 min