Ten Minute Bible Talks Devotional Bib...

Top 5 devotional podcasts worldwide according to Chartable.com: Connect with God in the time it takes you to drive to work or empty the dishwasher. Every episode focuses on one passage, explains it and applies it to your life. Co-hosted by Keith Simon, Jensen Holt McNair, Tanya Willmeth, Jeff Parrett and Patrick Miller.

Religion & Spirituality
Who is Your True Self? | The Writings | Daniel 4
Are you living with a false sense of self?
11 min
Bowing Down to Culture | The Writings | Daniel 3
Do you feel pressured
9 min
Finding Hope in Dreams | The Writings | Daniel 2
Can God use dreams to talk to his people?
13 min
You Are An Influencer | The Writings | Daniel 1
News flash: you're an influencer living as an exile in a foreign land
8 min
The Role of Lament | The Writings | Lamentations
Are you comfortable with corporate lamenting?
11 min
How to Keep Your Head Up | The Writings | 2 Chr...
Living life in exile is exhausting
11 min
Too Little Too Late? | The Writings | 2 Chronic...
Where is our culture heading?
8 min
God's Reaction to Repentance | The Writings | 2...
Is there anyone too far gone for God to forgive?
9 min
What Brings Hope? | The Writings | 2 Chronicles...
Is there any reason to have hope when the world is full of doom?
11 min
Hope For Dark Days | The Writings | 2 Chronicle...
Where do you turn when you have a bad day?
8 min
Weakness as Power | The Writings | 2 Chronicles...
Where does your strength come from?
13 min
A Whole-Hearted Faith | The Writings | 2 Chroni...
You're either following Jesus, or you aren't.
5 min
The Danger of Influencers | The Writings | 2 Ch...
When you think of an influencer, what do you think of?
10 min
Compounding Growth | The Writings | 2 Chronicle...
Current habits and advice in your life right now can either move you toward or away from God
10 min
Your Reputation After Death | The Writings | 2 ...
What will people say about you after you die?
10 min
When You Don't Know What To Do | The Writings |...
What can you do when you are unsure what to do?
11 min
The Danger of Self-Reliance | The Writings | 2 ...
Are you overconfident?
8 min
Who Holds the Power? | The Writings | 2 Chronic...
Looking to political leaders, countries, and CEOs for power is easy
12 min
What Guides You? | The Writings | 2 Chronicles ...
Whether it's fear, pride, or God, everyone is guided by something
9 min
Everyone Has A Dark Side | The Writings | 2 Chr...
Is it possible for anyone to be all good or all bad?
10 min
Defining Devotion | The Writings | 2 Chronicles...
When you hear the word "devotion," what do you think of?
11 min
What's In Your Heart? | The Writings | 2 Chroni...
Are you putting on a front for other people?
6 min
Seeking A Better King | The Writings | 2 Chroni...
As we beginning our time in 2 Chronicles, Jensen reminds us of the major themes discussed throughout 1 and 2 Chronicles
9 min
Giving Up Control | The Writings | 1 Chronicles...
Who gets the credit for your success?
7 min
What's Your Mission? | The Writings | 1 Chronic...
If you had a mission statement, what would it be?
10 min