Host Matt Leon and KYW Newsradio reporters recap the biggest news in Philadelphia each week. Catch up on what you missed and dig deeper into the top stories.
"I'm just glad I never gave up." The 32 year ol...
Kevin McGovern is a baseball player. He's a left-handed pitcher and a Philly guy, he went to high school at Archbishop Ryan and college at Thomas Jefferson University in East Falls. And for the last decade he has been moving all over the country and beyond, playing ball in independent minor leagues, with teams not affiliated with any Major League squad. But things changed earlier this month.
23 min
Lumber prices, jobless claims, and inflation: ...
Every week we take a look at the economy, how it's doing coming out of the pandemic, and answer some of the biggest questions of the week.
9 min
The Road Past the Pandemic
We are finally making our way out -- after 15 long months of masks and sickness, of staying away from loved ones, the country is getting vaccinated and cases are falling. So what is keeping us from breaking free for good? The Road Past the Pandemic is a KYW Newsradio in Depth special presented by Independence Blue Cross.
52 min
Congress is studying UFOs. Is there intelligent...
Congress is getting a report on UFOs and the military has released videos that they can't explain. Could there be life out there, intelligent life, and will we ever come across it?
14 min
The eviction tidal wave and how to solve an aff...
tion tidal wave and how to solve an affordable housing crisis Episode subtitle: The federal moratorium on evictions is set to expire on June 30th. The protections were put in place at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but now they are set to go away and that could mean millions of people nationwide who are behind on rent could find themselves out of their homes. Episode Summary: The federal moratorium on evictions is set to expire on June 30th. The protections were put in place at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but now they are set to go away and that could mean millions of people nationwide who are behind on rent could find themselves out of their homes. Dr. Avenel Joseph is the Vice President for Policy of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation’s largest health philanthropy. Dr. Joseph breaks down why we have such an affordable housing problem in this country, what we could do to fix it, and why the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is urging that the moratorium be extended. Episode Pubdate: now Midroll locations: 6'38"
13 min
Compensating college athletes: The Supreme Cour...
It is Supreme Court opinion season and on Monday we got one that could lead to massive changes in college athletics.
16 min
Inflation: Is it a serious problem like the 70'...
There is a ton of talk and concern about inflation right now. It's almost a dirty word if you watch the news. We wanted to dig into inflation a bit deeper -- what exactly are people talking about when they talk about inflation? How much of a concern is it right now? What is causing the inflation we are experiencing? Is inflation always a bad thing, and how does this compare to the terrible inflation we experienced in the 70’s?
25 min
What is scaring Wall Street this week? Pandemic...
The economy keeps ramping up entering the summer, eager to leave the pandemic behind, but there are still a couple things to keep an eye on this week -- the jobless claims numbers for one, and whatever is bothering Wall Street.
8 min
'Man, you're awesome.' Celebrate and elevate fa...
This pandemic has been hard for everyone, and dads are struggling too. The good news is there are tools for dads who are feeling overwhelmed or just need some support.
11 min
Could mRNA hold the key for an HIV vaccine?
The success of the COVID-19 vaccines utilizing mRNA technology has raised hopes that mRNA could hold the key to figuring out vaccines for other diseases, like HIV.
20 min
The history of Juneteenth and the long road to ...
Juneteenth is an incredibly important day in United States history, but it's taken a long time to get recognition nationally.
12 min
How the Supreme Court could decide to chip away...
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could fundamentally change access to abortion in the United States.
19 min
Israel's new government agreed on one thing: 'H...
A new government has taken power in Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer the prime minister. So what will this new government focus on? What does this mean for the Palestinians, and what does it mean for the relationship between the United States and Israel?
Inflation is getting a lot of headlines, but is it actually all it's cracked up to be? When are we going to see movement on interest rates? And some good news on the horizon, some substantial help is headed for families and municipalities.
8 min
Pandemic weight loss questions and answers with...
A few weeks ago we put out an episode on COVID weight gain and how to lose those unwanted pandemic pounds. And a lot of you had questions after the episode went out -- like what are some tactical tips to help you stay motivated? How does intermittent fasting work?
31 min
Did the American Rescue Plan stimulus work? Loo...
There's been a lot of stimulus in the last 15 months, most notably the American Rescue Plan. So are we seeing results? Has it worked? Is it too early to tell?
19 min
What NASA wants to find on Venus
Venus is harder to study than Mars, so NASA is getting creative. The space agency announced two missions, DAVINCI and VERITAS, will explore and learn about the planet hopefully by the end of the decade.
15 min
How the AHEAD study is fighting Alzheimer's Dis...
A new NIH-funded study is being put together focusing on Alzheimer’s Disease, a disease that effects millions of Americans and is projected to affect millions and millions more in the coming decades.
7 min
John Chaney, Stan Pawlak, and the wild stories ...
Before the NBA G League, there was the Eastern Professional Basketball League. It was a Pennsylvania and New York basketball league stocked to the brim with great players like John Chaney, Stan Pawlak, Jim Boeheim, and Hal Lear.
30 min
Signs the economy is strengthening, just in tim...
Over 550-thousand jobs were added last month as the US continues to emerge from the pandemic, and April's numbers were revised up as well. Average hourly earnings are up a couple percent, are we seeing the market compensate for the worker shortage?
9 min
Behind the rise of 'deaths of despair,' up 52%...
A record number of people died of 'deaths of despair' in 2019 -- deaths due to alcohol, suicide, or drugs. And there's a lot of concern that 2020's numbers won't be an improvement.
8 min
The questions parents ask about teens and the C...
A lot of teens have been vaccinated, including kids in the 12 to 15 year old range -- but some parents still have questions about their kids and the COVID-19 vaccines.
9 min
Tracing COVID-19's origin: Did the virus escape...
There has been a lot of talk lately about the origin of COVID-19, and more and more attention is being given to the theory that the virus could have emerged from a lab leak from a lab in Wuhan, China.
13 min
Do you need a vacation too? Airlines are lookin...
How have the airlines held up over the pandemic? What should we expect as life continues to return to normal, and how are the airlines positioned if we see a spike in demand in the summer as vaccine numbers continue to rise?
22 min
Pandemic economy update: How much inflation is ...
There are a lot of good signs for the economy including jobs numbers -- but we're also seeing inflation as well. There are a couple of reasons for this, including the stimulus checks, but how do we know how much inflation is too much inflation?