Host Matt Leon and KYW Newsradio reporters recap the biggest news in Philadelphia each week. Catch up on what you missed and dig deeper into the top stories.
The hottest places around Philly to buy and sel...
The housing market is hot right now, and that includes Philadelphia and the suburbs. We wanted to find out where there's high demand and low demand, where the hottest places to buy and sell a house are right now, and if there are any bubble concerns in the market.
19 min
COVID-19 vaccines are still emergency use. Why...
There has been a lot of talk lately about when we will see the FDA give full approval to some of the COVID-19 vaccines. Which begs the question, what exactly is the difference between the emergency use authorization that the vaccines have been distributed under and full approval?
18 min
Ask a South Philly pharmacist: real life questi...
Truong Vu is a pharmacist at the Walmart in South Philadelphia. He has spent the last several months vaccinating people, actually getting needles in arms.
9 min
COVID economy update: Rising cases test Wall St...
We got a bit of a surprise in the jobless claims numbers for the week as the numbers ticked up, but wages are on the rise as well. What do these indicators mean for the health of the economy?
9 min
Record numbers of people are quitting their job...
We've spent a lot of time on the podcast talking about the unemployment numbers and the layoffs that sadly became a dominant economic theme in this pandemic. But there's another aspect of the jobs world that we need to talk about too -- record numbers of people are quitting their jobs.
22 min
How do you feel about your financial situation?...
Some really thought provoking survey results were released recently by the management consultant firm McKinsey & Company that looked at how Americans view economic opportunity in the US these days, what they think about their economic standing, how COVID affected their financial situation and much, much more.
21 min
'Death by a hundred cuts:' The state of voting...
Voting rights have been in the headlines for months. Many states are passing new laws around the right to vote, and there is a recent Supreme Court ruling that we found interesting out of Arizona for the effect it could have on people being able to cast ballots.
21 min
Anti-government protests in Cuba: Why now and w...
The recent anti-government protests in Cuba led to a lot of headlines, because we don’t see demonstrations against the communist regime on the island nation very often at all. So what drove Cubans to take to the streets? Was it more than just anger at the government’s COVID response?
27 min
Big questions about living in condos after the ...
After the tragic condo building collapse in Surfside, Florida, condo owners and associations across the country are asking hard questions about the condition of their buildings, and a lot of people are taking a second look at inspections and maintenance reports and worrying about if what happened in Florida could happen other places as well.
23 min
Yes, that unemployment report looks like pre-pa...
Don't blink, but the jobless claims report reminds us of a very different time in history when pandemics were just things we read about and didn't consume every part of American life.
9 min
Workers have strong feelings about returning to...
How are workers feeling about returning to the office? And how much of the population is hoping remote works stays around forever?
14 min
'There's no vaccine against hunger' but the chi...
Food insecurity continues to be a serious problem even as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. But could the expanded child tax credit set to kick in this month with money being sent directly to families be a game changer in addressing that food insecurity?
26 min
Parts of the American economy won't go back to ...
It's been a very long pandemic but the economy is working its way back and it will eventually get back to the level of strength it was before all of this. But it's not going to look the same.
14 min
The consequences of the declining birth rate in...
The birth rate in the US has been in decline for several years now. How big of a deal is that?
15 min
'The problem is much bigger' than the wealthies...
The nonprofit investigative journalism outlet ProPublica released a series of articles based on a treasure trove of tax records they obtained. The tax records focus on the wealthiest people in American society and reveal how little they pay in personal taxes.
26 min
What do people mean when they talk about 'criti...
We have heard an awful lot about critical race theory in the news lately, it has become the new flashpoint for debate, but... what do people mean when they talk about critical race theory?
15 min
43 years of saving lives: Gift of Life CEO on a...
You might not know Howard Nathan’s name, but chances are you know his work. He's been in charge of the Gift of Life donor program for decades, he's been working at Gift of Life for 43 years, and now he's retiring.
29 min
The worker shortage did what Congress couldn't:...
Several months ago there was a strong push to raise the minimum wage at the federal level to $15 an hour. That effort failed -- but in the meantime, wages at many businesses and companies have been going up, to $15 an hour or even beyond, because of the worker shortage we are seeing all over the country.
22 min
Great news for the economy: 'We haven't seen th...
Every week we take a look at the economy, how it's doing coming out of the pandemic, and answer some of the biggest questions of the last seven days.
10 min
Biden's vaccine deadline will likely fall a bit...
President Joe Biden set a goal of having 70% of adults get at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot by July 4th. Are we going to hit that goal?
11 min
Pride is worldwide and growing. Some companies ...
June is Pride Month and you are hard pressed to find a corporation in America that hasn’t shown support for the cause. Many are selling merchandise so you can support it too. But is all the corporate support for the right reasons?
12 min
Drexel structural engineer on the Florida condo...
The collapse of that condo building near Miami, Florida has led to a heart wrenching search for survivors. It's also has led to an investigation into how such a terrifying thing could happen.
24 min
American opinions on travel brands, after a yea...
As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic more and more people are starting to travel and stay in hotels. So how has their opinion of travel companies and brands changed?
10 min
How to fight offshore tax shelters? One way: 15...
The G-7 countries have endorsed the concept of a global minimum corporate tax of at least 15%. So how hard would it be to make this happen everywhere? Is that realistic, or will companies just find other ways to avoid paying taxes?
20 min
Ransomware has evolved: "There are more bad guy...
We are constantly hearing stories about major cyber attacks and ransom ware hitting more and more companies and important public services. How much worse could it get?