The Week in Philly from KYW Newsradio

Host Matt Leon and KYW Newsradio reporters recap the biggest news in Philadelphia each week. Catch up on what you missed and dig deeper into the top stories.

What we know about Long Covid, 2 years into the...
We have heard a lot about COVID long haulers over the last year or so. And since we're learning new things about this pandemic all the time, we wanted to learn more about what doctors are seeing in long COVID patients right now and whether the omicron variant is complicating things.
14 min
Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, and what ha...
Ghislaine Maxwell was recently convicted in a court of law after a month-long trial connected to Jeffrey Epstein's sexual abuse of underage girls and her role in the abuse. So what happens next, and is there another shoe yet to fall?
21 min
Did You Know? The story of the South Philadelph...
Did you know the Civil Rights anthem ‘We Shall Overcome’ has in a church on Broad Street in Philadelphia?
34 min
Why a conservative Supreme Court overturned one...
The Supreme Court issued rulings on two critical cases involving the Biden Administration's vaccine mandates amid the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked Temple law professor Craig Green why the justices upheld one mandate and overturned another, and what it means for federal power in the United States.
25 min
Pandemic economy: why the retail numbers don't ...
Jobless claims, retail sales, inflation, and some very nervous onlookers keeping an eye on interest rates and housing prices. It's been a busy week in the economy, so Philadelphia economist David Fiorenza is here help break down the news you need to know and what it means for you.
11 min
Doomsday Scenarios, episode 1: Can an asteroid ...
We're starting a mini series on KYW Newsradio In Depth called Doomsday Scenarios, where we ask very smart people if this, that, or the other thing could destroy life as we know it. Today: could an asteroid strike earth with enough mass and force to kill the planet?
19 min
Deja vu all over again: why is COVID testing st...
Nearly 2 years into the coronavirus pandemic and testing is still an issue in the United States. Why does it seem like we never really got this right?
10 min
Where did we go wrong with COVID messaging?
Public health messaging has been a challenge in the pandemic. Could we have done better, or are people just not listening?
20 min
'Kids need to be in school.' Updated COVID guid...
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's PolicyLab recently updated their guidance for schools, so we reached out to Director Dr. David Rubin to ask what changed and why.
9 min
Setting sights on the spring: a vaccination tim...
Drexel University's Dr. Jennifer Hamilton believes a COVID-19 vaccine for kids 0-4 could be ready by the spring.
11 min
Jobs, wages, inflation: the biggest economic qu...
It's a new year, so it's time to take a look at the biggest economic questions and issues we're going to run into in 2022.
10 min
How to fight extremism: 'Interrupt intolerance,...
Extremism is on the rise in the US. So what can normal people do to help fight extremism and to stop hate before it takes root?
8 min
"Anyone can create the news:" how to detect mis...
Drexel University professor Dr. Denise Agosto shares tips on how to tell the difference between truth and fiction.
23 min
"A real opportunity to educate our students bet...
Dr. Jeff Rhodes thinks it's time to do away with antiquated approaches to public education.
21 min
"Sometimes it takes a crisis:" pandemic exposes...
The state of caregiving in the America is a serious issue. Dr. Julie Morita shares some hard truths.
11 min
"I'm sorry it had to come to the rescue:" Dr. D...
University of Pennsylvania scientist Dr. Drew Weissman helped lead research in the development of mRNA vaccines.
12 min
Mayor Kenney grades his performance in a roller...
Philadelphia's mayor reflects on how the city has handled multiple crises in 2021 and looks forward to the next two years.
15 min
"Society can fall apart:" the very real consequ...
A Temple University professer sheds light on a study about the link between social media and fake news.
12 min
The insidiousness of addiction: 'I don't think ...
The opioid crisis hasn’t gotten headlines like it had prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. But that hasn't stopped it from getting worse. Clinical psychologist Dr. Jaime Zuckerman joins the podcast to talk about the crisis and how to better understand the insidious whispers of addiction.
21 min
Food and friendship for folks who need it: behi...
The last couple of years have been truly unprecedented times for local food pantries, as they have had to deal with levels of need that have skyrocketed. We wanted to check in with one group that has been working hard to make a difference -- so we caught up with Vince Schiavone, CEO of Caring for Friends.
19 min
Facts over Fear: What have we learned two years...
Independence Blue Cross presents Facts over Fear, a special pandemic mini-series from KYW Newsradio In Depth. Dr. Perry Halkitis explains how our public health approach to COVID and future pandemics needs to change.
32 min
Facts over Fear: Why fear of omicron doesn't ne...
Independence Blue Cross presents Facts over Fear, a special pandemic mini-series from KYW Newsradio In Depth. Dr. Brian McDonough shares realistic advice on how to keep safe while still living your life.
22 min
Facts over Fear: Setting the record straight on...
Independence Blue Cross presents Facts over Fear, a special pandemic mini-series from KYW Newsradio In Depth. The holidays are here, and omicron is spreading rapidly. What do we know, and how can we arm ourselves with the facts to combat misinformation?
32 min
The biggest nutrition lies and how to spot them
Nutrition misinformation is 'the original fake news.' How can you tell if something you read about health is true?
30 min
2021's top news stories, and how your political...
The data intelligence company Morning Consult recently released a report that looks at the news stories that really resonated, and those that didn’t break through from this past year.
24 min