Asked and Answered By Soul

Jennifer Urezzio, founder of Soul Language is dedicated to providing her listeners with tangible tools to embody their Divinity and create a life based on Freedom. Asked and Answered by Soul focuses on topics that will guide you to listening and utilizing your essential nature.

During each show, Jennifer asks an expert three key questions so you can understand that you are not alone on this journey and that your Soul is the key to forming a life full of abundance, purpose, and passion. The goal of each interview is for you to take away a practice that you can do right now to change your life and understand what assistance is out there in the Universe to support you.

Religion & Spirituality
How to Love Your Burnout with Linda Lange
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul today, Jennifer Urezzio and Linda Lange, coach, Raise Your Energy podcast host, and guided meditation creator, talk about experiencing burnout and how you can learn to become a version of yourself that will never fall into it again. The first and most difficult step is to accept that you are in burnout - from there you can become the observer of your beliefs and emotions, and change them.
14 min
The Power of Identifying our Wounds with Christ...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Christina Ammerman, Core Wound Healer and creator of the Belief Transformation Technique, explore the idea that all of our negative emotional patterns and limiting beliefs have been layered and built upon a core wound - the very first limiting belief that we experience.
15 min
What is Ancestral Breath Work? With Sand Symes ...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Sand Symes, spiritual coach and creator of the Sovereignty Blueprint, discuss ancestral breath work and how we can use it to activate a deep, restful place of balance and harmony for ourselves. As we use our breath to call forth our ancestors, we are able to release toxic patterns and energetic traumas which may be affecting our lives.
14 min
What is your Video Personality™️ with Nina Fror...
In today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Nina Froriep, visual storyteller and founder of Clock Wise Productions, talk about creating video content and discovering your video personality. If you are not allowing your authentic self to show up in your videos, people sense that. It's important to remember that your ideal client is drawn to you because you're YOU.
17 min
Are You Unconsciously Bias? with Nancy Marmolejo
On Asked and Answered by Soul today, Jennifer Urezzio and coach, corporate trainer, and speaker Nancy Marmolejo discuss how we can be unconsciously biased – and how to recognize it and change the thought patterns which led us to our conclusions. When we pause, observe, and get honest with ourselves, then we create the opportunity to release our unconscious judgments of others.
17 min
No Sacrifice Needed Having Both Passion and Pro...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Amy Walker, client acquisition specialist and small business strategist, talk about how you can have both profit in your business and also support your passion and purpose - you don’t have to give up one for the other. You deserve to be extremely profitable while you do good in the world – it’s what your Soul and the Universe want for you.
12 min
Being the Producer vs. the Director of Your Vis...
18 min
Learning to Lead With Intuition and Follow with...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Clare Hefferren, branding expert and founder of Callosum, discuss how to use intuition and spirit to lead, but also be able to prove that with analytics and data. It’s very important to create space to pause, listen and acknowledge what speaks to you – it’s the deep stuff that lights you up.
16 min
More Results – Less Stress with Jen Coken
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Jen Coken, international executive coach, humorist, and best-selling author explore how to experience more results and less stress in leadership roles. You don’t need more information to be a great leader – just carve away those things that disempower you so you are your true authentic self.
18 min
How To Get Started Writing That Book with Maggi...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul episode, Jennifer Urezzio and award-winning author Maggie Mills, ghostwriter and founder of Black Book Marketing, have a dynamic discussion about knowing if you have a book within you, and how to go about getting started. We all have a story to tell, and more importantly, someone else will benefit from your story.
13 min
How to Make a Bigger Impact and Create Greater ...
In today’s Asked and Answered by Soul episode, Jennifer Urezzio and Vanessa Shaw, dream maker and founder of The Business Growth Academy, discuss business models and share that when we want to create more impact, we have to really tune in, define what that looks like and see how it feels energetically before taking purposeful action.
18 min
How To Connect To Your Greater Purpose with Hal...
In Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Hallie Avolio, manifestation and self-love coach, talk about self-love, what it really is, and how to reclaim it – when we are ready. Self-love is about purpose, getting to the heart of who we are, and the relentless discovery of our truest essence.
16 min
Creating Your Boundary Castle with Dr. Carrie ...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and speaker, author and psychologist Dr. Carrie Johansson talk about boundaries and how to build your own boundary castle. You are a sovereign being worth caring for and part of taking care of yourself is choosing who gets to be closest to you.
17 min
Astrological Energies for 2022 with Tam Veilleux
On Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Tam Veilleux, transformational coach and creator of the Energy Almanac, explore 2022 astrological energies and influences present now and coming up. We are currently in the midst of a once-in-several-lifetimes event with the Pluto return, which requires patience and our best observational skills.
14 min
5 Minute Gratitude with Matt O'Grady
In today’s episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Matt O’Grady, author, podcaster, and co-founder of Soul Brothers, dive deep into gratitude and how simple it can be when we are present and aware. When we find ways to insert appreciation and positive things into life we create space to receive more goodness.
22 min
Utilizing Compassion To Achieve Your Goals with...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and multi-certified wellness coach Sunnee Blake Hoppe, founder of Sunnee Blake Fitness, explore how we can set big goals and still allow compassion for ourselves as we focus on achieving what we most desire. We are put on this planet to have fun, so show yourself some compassion and grace as you work to manifest your dreams.
16 min
How To Let Go Of Your Fear of The Spotlight wit...
On Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and online marketing consultant and video coach Ed Troxell discuss why people avoid being in the spotlight and how to release that fear. It’s time to recognize that you really do matter and your message needs to be heard. Your audience is waiting for you to show up and they’re ready to engage with you.
21 min
Essential Elements of Communication with Rebecc...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Rebecca Johns, certified professional coach and speaker, take a fun and insightful look at the five essential elements of communication, the importance of developing a relationship with and listening to your inner knowing, and learning to speak your truth even if your voice is shaking.
29 min
Creating Community with Jennifer Hough
In today’s episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Jennifer Hough, best-selling author and founder of the Agents of Awakening community, talk about creating and having an impact in our community. The things that are near and dear to each of us are near and dear to all of us, and where we come together is in our desire to make a difference and give back.
20 min
Top Tips for Leveraging the Power of Storytelli...
On today’s episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and business coach Kami Guildner, storyteller and creator of award-winning Extraordinary Women Radio, talk about the power of storytelling and how when you open up and make space and time to hear it, your Soul will guide you every step of the way.
19 min
How To Celebrate Tough Decisions Taken To Thriv...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Natalie Fairchild, founder and Chief Inspirational Officer of Pacific Perks Coffee, talk about taking time to celebrate things – even small ones, accepting what you really need, making the tough decisions, and getting comfortable with change. When we can appreciate and envision new things and believe they can truly happen, we create something great.
20 min
Step Powerfully Into The Life You're Meant To L...
18 min
How To Use Your Creativity to Be Seen, Expresse...
In today’s episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and life coach and critically acclaimed author Jeff Leisawitz discuss creative expression and how important it is as a way for us to be seen, expressed, healed, and connected. Creativity is not a luxury item – we must be willing to step into it and understand that even if there is fear, we are safe to share our creative expression in the world.
13 min
How To Protect Yourself and Your Home From Meth...
In this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and activist Kathi McCarty, founder of Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance, discuss the serious topic of meth toxins in residential and commercial properties, and how sometimes the checks and balances we put in place do not protect us as we believed they would.
14 min
How To Find Support On The Journey with Michel...
In Asked and Answered by Soul today, Jennifer Urezzio and Confidence Coach and Positivity Activist Michelle Marie King, founder of Positive Presence, discuss finding the right support for your unique journey. As long as you are guided by your internal compass and truly understand that you are enough, you will never go astray.
13 min