Asked and Answered By Soul

Jennifer Urezzio, founder of Soul Language is dedicated to providing her listeners with tangible tools to embody their Divinity and create a life based on Freedom. Asked and Answered by Soul focuses on topics that will guide you to listening and utilizing your essential nature.

During each show, Jennifer asks an expert three key questions so you can understand that you are not alone on this journey and that your Soul is the key to forming a life full of abundance, purpose, and passion. The goal of each interview is for you to take away a practice that you can do right now to change your life and understand what assistance is out there in the Universe to support you.

Religion & Spirituality
How To Love Your Body With Sarah Haas
16 min
How To Start the Right Conversations with Stuar...
Today on Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Stuart Bell, marketing expert, entrepreneur and co-founder of 90-Minute Books, have a lively discussion about using your creative content as a tool for gathering leads, expanding your market, or just adding value to conversations and interactions with potential clients.
12 min
What is Positive Activity? with Lori Rogers
On this episode of Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Lori Rogers, positive activity and mindset shift expert, and president and co-founder of industry leader Rogers Marketing, talk about how changing your perspective and mindset can increase abundance and productivity, and allow in more joy, optimism and creativity. Learning practices that raise your vibrational energy gives you a whole new way of being and experiencing life.
12 min
How To Have Agency Over Your Life Experience wi...
On today's episode of Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Tessa Arnold, ayurvedic lifestyle coach and consultant, certified Chopra Health Instructor, registered yoga teacher, founder of A Balance of You Co., and co-founder of SnapBack Energy, explore claiming ownership and agency over your life experiences, learning to embrace life's natural ebb and flow, and living each day with joy and authenticity. The first steps are to understand that you are not defined by your thoughts, and to take ownership of what is occurring in your life.
12 min
How to Let Go Of Self-Doubt That is Impacting Y...
Today on Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Meg Joyce, Brand Therapist, Founder and Owner of inKind Design, and Visual Brand Designer, discuss how you can learn to release self-doubt and limiting beliefs that may be impacting your business and brand. Your value is not tied to your accomplishments, it's tied to the fact that you exist in the world, and you have to start from love in order to work through any self-doubt you are experiencing.
11 min
How to Create A Sustainable Business with Emily...
On today's episode of Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Emily Aarons, business alignment coach, podcaster, renowned energy healer, and founder of the signature Mastery & Ascension community membership program, take a deep dive into learning to blend spirituality and business to create a successful, sustainable vision. It's imperative that we understand our vision, mission and values . . . if you know with crystal clarity what your mission is, then others will recognize that and support you.
16 min
How Teamwork is a Game-Changer with Leslie Gau...
On this episode of Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Leslie Gaudet, self-care strategist, life coach and creator of the Whole Soul Blueprint wellness program, take a look at the importance of teamwork, building a supportive, cohesive environment to foster collaboration, and recognizing that the quality and end product of what you accomplish as a team is so much richer. Creating a great team allows space for the contributions and perspectives of others who want to help you manifest your vision and fulfill your purpose in the world.
12 min
How To Create Success That Aligns with Your Tru...
Today on Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Eva Gregory, best-selling author, speaker, award-winning international heart-centered coach and founder of Leading Edge Coaching & Training, discuss bringing together the spiritual and the practical to create success that is in alignment with your passion and true purpose. When you trust the process, tap into your inner voice first, foremost and always and allow guidance, then you can take inspired action and success will follow.
12 min
How to Stay One Step Ahead of the Trend with Ti...
Today on Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Tiffany Neuman, founder and creative director of Your Legacy Brand, visionary branding strategist, and developer of The Legacy Brand Method, talk about creating a brand which makes a massive impact, and understanding that integration is necessary to achieve harmony for our highest good. Branding is truly a spiritual process where the visuals and trends are just icing on the cake.
14 min
How To Re-enter the Workforce with Ease with As...
Today on Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Ashley Connell, entrepreneur, marketing expert and CEO of Prowess Project, discuss listening to our soul and recognizing when we are ready to make a pivot in a more flexible career direction, and into a role where we are celebrated for not only our professional skills but also our empathy. It takes much thought and preparation, and it's very important to recognize we cannot do it all alone.
15 min
How Does Your Environment Reflect Your Inner Wo...
On this episode of Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Bridget Flynn, professional organizer, decluttering and deep transformation specialist, and founder of Divine Organizing, explore how our external environment and clutter may represent our internal landscape and energetic blocks. When we accumulate too much stuff around us, there is no room for the energy to flow and bring new perspectives and opportunities.
16 min
How to Build a Community Around Your Message wi...
Today on Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Jennifer Henczel, podcaster, community leader, author, speaker, creator of the Rise Reach Results Roadmap program, and Founder of the Inspiring Innovators Club and Women Podcasters Network, talk about how meaningful connection is the key to the well-being of ourselves, our businesses and our community. When we step out of isolation, show up and take inspired action to build a circle of support, the opportunities will flow.
11 min
How Do You Need A Medical Intuitive? with Dr. A...
On this episode of Asked And Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Dr. Allison Snowden, renowned multi-disciplinary healer, coach, medical intuitive, Theta® Healing Expert and founder of The Awakening Institute, explore how engaging with a medical intuitive can be the interconnecting point between coventional and alternative healing modalities. We need to learn that our soul desires and beliefs are the operating system which impacts mind, body and spirit, and healing traumas at an energetic level allows us to shift realities and paradigms easily.
15 min
How To Find The Right Hand Leader in Your Busin...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Crista Grasso, business transformation consultant, podcast host, founder of the Lean Out Method® and Strategic Ops Institute, and creator of the Lean Scaling System™, talk about ideas for doing things differently as you learn to get off the hamster wheel and grow and scale your business on your terms. As a visionary, one of the most valuable things you can do is find a right-hand person you can trust completely who can strategize with you and also take steps to make things happen.
16 min
How to Create A Judgement Free Zone with Yourse...
On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Kris Drummond, energy practitioner and expert on The Body Code, The Belief Code and The Emotion Code, explore how we create a judgment free zone in order to heal physical, spiritual, mental and emotional traumas and beliefs which limit us both personally and in business. When we experience these imbalances they can cause dis-ease, resistance to healing, and recovery interference.
12 min
How to Lead with Confidence with Samantha Riley
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Samantha Riley, international speaker, best-selling author, creator of The Thought Leaders Positioning Model™ and host of the Thought Leaders Business Lab Podcast, take a look at what it means to be a confident and successful leader, embrace our strengths, and shine brilliantly in all we do. A real leader builds trust by showing up and BEING a leader while also leaning on the strengths of their team and raising them up too.
13 min
How To Have an Impactful Conversation with Andr...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Andrea F. Daniels, keynote speaker, Exactly What To Say certified guide, lead generation expert and owner/CEO of Rookie To Rainmaker, talk about creating more impactful conversations in order to build trust and deepen communication with others. When we learn to be present, deeply interested and ask the correct questions, we create the opportunity for more client engagement, trust and impact.
7 min
How To Be Brave with Alyssa Berthiaume
On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Alyssa Berthiaume, writing guide, ghostwriter, award-winning author, and founder of The Write Place Right Time, explore the idea of bravery and how we can be more courageous. The first and most powerful act of bravery is to take time to know, like, and trust YOU. Part of your journey here is to become comfortable with who you are and embrace your wholeness - both the light and the shadow.
14 min
How to Understand Your Exit with Natalie Roberts
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Natalie Roberts, founder of iKadre, certified exit planner and global M&A executive and strategy leader in mergers and acquisitions, business consulting and talent acquisition, discuss the importance of considering what your eventual plans for your business or movement will be and how you will navigate them with grace. It's just good business to write your exit plan at the same time that you put together your business plan.
12 min
How To Create an Easy to Do Action Plan with Ma...
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Maura Navin, marketing strategist and visibility coach, mentor, podcaster and founder of LillaBlu, have a conversation about creating an action plan that brings authenticity and mindfulness to your marketing and will take you to the next level . . . with heart. It's important to find the ebb and flow that works for you, because there is no one-size-fits-all, especially in running and marketing a business.
17 min
How To Define Abundance with Teresa Romain
On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Teresa Romain, Abundance Coach, and Advocate, and founder of the Redefining Abundance community, dive into the deep end of our desire for abundance and what that truly means. Abundance is not what you think it is . . . it's something you experience within you - it's who you are and so you need to go inward first and then it will show up externally.
12 min
How To Take Courageous Action With Adriana Baer
On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Adriana Baer, public speaking coach, arts leader, theater director and founder of Claim Center Stage, talk about taking the courageous action of beginning the internal self-discovery in order to manifest what you want in the external world. You have all the resources you require inside of you and when you learn to become aware and listen, you will find the great guidance you need.
14 min
How To Build Online Visibility With Pam Foley
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Pamela Foley, practicing attorney, law firm owner, best-selling author, and creator of digital agency Hey Visible, discuss the importance of authenticity and crafting compelling narratives to attract and engage with your ideal client. When you're working to build your online visibility, choose the social media platform you believe is where your ideal client hangs out and focus the majority of your time commenting and engaging there.
13 min
What Color is Your Energy with Heather Eck
Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Heather Eck, creative channel, spiritual guide, and visionary abstract artist, talk about the whispers of our soul and understanding that we are always being supported by and communicated to by the Universe. Once we begin to notice and become aware of the ways the Divine touches us, we can tap into it and use that for ourselves and to benefit others.
13 min
How To Reawaken To Your Purpose With Laura Clark
13 min