Confessions of a Bra Lady, with Missy...

Missy Helderman brings us Confessions of a Bra Lady: a podcast sharing personal stories and experiences from her life, business, and ministry. With extensive experience in the bra-fitting world, Missy has been helping women find their fit both in bras as well as giving life advice during times of transition. Sweetheart, you are doing yourself and those around you a disservice by stuffing yourself into places and sizes that you were never intended to fill. Together, let's take this journey to find your fit.

20: Ask the Bra Lady: What if one side is bigge...
This week, your Bra Lady is back with some tips for the girls! If your reflection doesn't match the way you want to present yourself to the world because one of your girls is bigger than the other, I have some tips for you. Remember, everybody has this issue - they're sisters, not twins.
13 min
19: Are Distractions Keeping You from Your Purp...
This week, we're talking about what happens when we get distracted from what we're being called to do. When our bigger purpose takes us out of our comfort zone, it can be easy to get sidetracked with a million other smaller tasks, and before we know it, another day has come and gone. Listen in for my tips and reflections about how to get back on track and stay focused.
14 min
18: God's Love is Unconditional (no matter what...
I'm sharing a personal story from my teenage years in today's episode. Even today, I can remember exactly how I felt after wrecking my sister's car.
9 min
17: Do You Have a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Min...
Sometimes we think about things we want, and maybe we even set goals for those things, but we know in the back of our heads that we will never actually get there. We don't believe it's possible for us. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about mindset,...
21 min
16: How to Get From Here to Where You Want to Be
This is the time of year when everyone is talking about goals, and you're probably thinking a lot about them, too! This week, I'm sharing my favorite goal-setting strategy. Have you ever heard of the SMART goals technique?    Connect with...
18 min
15: Remembering Your Why
What is the Why behind what you do? I had an experience at the store recently with a mom and daughter that made me remember exactly why I do what I do. Today, I'm talking about how important it is to always remember your purpose and motivation.  ...
18 min
14: January Devotional - Laugh Without Fear of ...
The world is changing, and it's changing fast. And sometimes when we look around, we see all these hard things and big obstacles. But when we believe that He has a plan for us, we can find joy and peace.    Connect with Missy and the Bra...
11 min
13: Small Adjustments for Big Change
Sometimes making a small adjustment now can cause a big adjustment in the long-term vision of your overall course in life. We all need to make adjustments and changes sometimes, including with this podcast! Have you noticed our new name and our new...
16 min
12: Living Up to Expectations - Do You Measure Up?
I'm sharing some personal stories on today's episode all about how we measure up compared to our own unrealistic expectations. After all, where do the judgments come from that tell us we aren't good enough? Are they really coming from other people or...
23 min
11: 'Tis the Season for Hustle, Bustle, and Rus...
It's that time of year that's full of rushing around from place to place, hustling and bustling to get lots of things done with lots of plans both personally and professionally. But what happens if we slow down, take a breath, and prioritize rest and...
20 min
10: Our Past Mistakes Do Not Define Us
Sometimes it can feel like our mistakes from our past stop us in the present. But everyone makes mistakes, and no mistake can stop you from living your God-given purpose.   Connect with Missy and Find Your Fit:    
11 min
09: Faith, Hope, and Wishful Thinking
Faith. Hope. Wishful thinking. Today, I am digging into these different topics and sharing a fun story I witnessed in the drive-through. Hint: there are puppies involved! And as always, I'm sharing a Hint from Helderman, sponsored by Anita.  ...
10 min
08: How We Determine Our Self Worth
What determines our value, and how do we view our self-worth? Often, we think about our abilities or our performance when we determine how valuable we are. But in today's episode, I'm challenging you to examine your beliefs and to consider your value...
13 min
07: Catapults and Cages - Lessons Learned from ...
Did you know that you are an average of the five people you spend the most time with? In today's episode, I'm talking about how to be intentional when it comes to who has the biggest influence on your life. Are you spending more time with people who...
11 min
06: Shedding Light on Your Unique Strengths (BO...
Here's a BONUS kickstart episode for you! If you've been listening to the podcast so far, you've already heard parts 1-4. If you're new here, you'll want to backtrack to the previous couple of episodes to get up to speed with the activity we've been...
19 min
05: Discovering Your Identity & Purpose - What'...
This is officially part 4 of the kickstart series - and we might go on for a while. This week we are talking about our names. Do you know what your name means? Do you relate to it? Have you prayed about it? Listen in as I explore the meaning behind my...
19 min
04: Kickstart Your Journey to Find Your Fit (Pa...
You've listened to the first two parts, but in this episode, I'm not only giving you episode 3 but also tying everything together. Also, have you been finding these little homework assignments awkward, or even challenging? I know how you feel, and I'm...
27 min
03: Kickstart Your Journey to Find Your Fit (Pa...
In part 2 of the Kickstart Your Journey series, we are revisiting your homework from last week and digging into the next exercise to help you Find Your Fit. Plus, I'm back with another Hint from Helderman!   Connect with Missy and Find Your Fit:...
18 min
02: Kickstart Your Journey to Find Your Fit (Pa...
In this episode, we're starting a three-part series with straightforward exercises you can do to start finding your fit. Plus, introducing Hints from Helderman! Each episode, I'm bringing you one of my favorite tips for the best-fitting bra. ...
15 min
01: Meet Missy Helderman, Your Bra Lady
I'm Missy Helderman, the owner and official Bra Lady of the Bra Market. My passion is to help you not only discover, but also embrace and celebrate, your perfect fit, where you can feel comfortable, confident and empowered every day. This episode is...
17 min
Are you ready to find your fit?
Do you have the sense that your purpose is bigger than you, but lie in bed wondering if you've missed it?   Have you come to the point in your life where you're asking, Is this all there is?   Or do you feel like a square peg stuffed into a...
3 min