The Wine & Chisme Podcast

The Wine & Chisme Podcast was created to share the stories of everyday people doing extraordinary things to serve their community. Our host, Jessica Yañez brings her love for wine and passion for storytelling together to highlight the stories that need to be told in communities of color. Chisme (Spanish for gossip) comes from the interviewees themselves as they "spill the wine" on their own terms. So grab a glass of wine and join us for the new Wednesday. #WineAndChismeWednesday

Society & Culture
Personal Journals
Vintner Voices: Encanto Vineyards
Owner of Encanto Vineyards, Enrique Lopez, shares his journey from Michoacán, Mexico to working the garlic fields in Nevada and eventually owning his own wine brand.
56 min
Protecting & Preserving Memories with Juan Medina
Juan Medina joins me and shares what drove him to begin the Lalo app- an app that allows people to design their own digital scrapbook of arts to share ONLY with friends and family who the user invites to be a part of the group.
53 min
Equity, Diversity and Emotional Intelligence wi...
Luz and I discuss how she discovered the need to teach companies not only the need for equity, diversity and inclusion but how it can help their employees and not be performative.
69 min
All About Valle Wines with Veronica Carillo
Veronica and I chat about her foray into wine and all about wines from the Valle de Guadalupe region in Baja Caifornia, Mexico.
54 min
Rewind Episode - Machismo & Toxic Masculinity w...
I often get asked which of the podcasts are my favorite. My depends on the day! So let's take a rewind listen at the conversation I had with Mozo Cruz. We discuss machismo in the Latino community and how he is trying to address toxic masculinity in this household and community.
62 min
Embarrassed and Scared with Jessica Yañez
In this solo episode I share my journey of losing my job, dealing with my mom's breast cancer diagnosis, and trying not to lose my ish while my bank account was draining quicker than I anticipated.
27 min
Learning to Live Fit with Vicky Loza
I speak with Vicky Loza aka "Vicky the Fit Chick" about her journey not only in fitness but her life's journey that led to her finding fitness and the launch of her fitness app.
55 min
Vintner Voices: RGNY Wine
In November 2021, I hosted RG|NY Wine for a virtual wine tasting. Maria Rivero González shares the journey of the ONLY Latiné owned winery based in New York. Listen in as we share our experience tasting these wines as Maria shares the RG|NY story.
70 min
Keep Calm and Curl On with Julissa Prado
I have wanted to interview Julissa Prado since before I started the podcast. In this episode Julissa share her curly hair and entrepreneurial journey which led her to creating Rizos Curls.
57 min
Uplifting Community through Mezcal with Rosalin...
Rosalinda share her families journey to the Washington area, working the apple and cherry orchards as a child and how that foundation of hard work continued to connect her to her familia and eventually led her to create a Latina owned mezcal company with her sister. She also shared the specific mezcal journey to source the agave and makes Mocel so special, including the handmade bottles.
59 min
Mindful, Wineful and Dealing with Stress with S...
Sergio shares his story of growing up in a gang prominent area and how he was able to us their mistakes to drive him to another path. He also shares how he discovered meditating and he combines his love for wine and mindfulness to create his own path.
61 min
Vinos Unidos with Bob Jauregui & Gerry Martinez
Founders of Vinos Unidos, Bob and Gerry, share their story of how they met and formed a friendship that allowed them to share their passion for wine, community and giving back.
63 min
From the Hood to the White House and Beyond wit...
Rebecca and I chat about her new book, Lost Girl: From the Hood to the White House to Millionaire Entrepreneur, which recounts this journey from getting off welfare to advising a sitting U.S. president to eventually founding a thriving 100+ person company.
60 min
Growing & Evolving in Fatherhood with Jorge Nar...
Jorge and I speak of his evolution from teen father to father of three and how his perspective on love, life and family has grown.
62 min
Elevating la Cultura with Karina Mora
Karina and I chat about how she found her passion of helping other POC move past assimilation to reclaim their legacy.
58 min
Funding Your American Dream with Eva Melgarejo
Eva and I discuss her unlikely journey to become a loan officer but how that has allowed her to help other Latinos to purchase homes and achieve their own version of the American Dream.
61 min
Finding Passion through Art with Maria Alquicira
Maria and I discuss her life in Mexico, how she gave up her corporate job to study art and found her passion in creating art and living art in Dallas, TX.
52 min
Creating a Calm, Confident, and Competent Minds...
Christine and I discuss strategies and mindset work to apply to life’s decision making situations to help listeners feel calm, confident and competent to face all that life throws our way.
53 min
Breaking Barriers & Traveling the World with Bi...
Bianca and I chime about breaking barriers with the stigma of traveling, especially growing up in the Latin culture. She shares her adventures in traveling solo and future possibilities. It's time that the world sees more Latinas traveling!
60 min
Operation Growth with Brandi Richard Thompson
Brandi is a longtime friend who has lived many lives. In this episode she shares her journey of motherhood, healing invisible scars and black girl magic.
59 min
When the Wine Calls with Pedro Rodriguez
Sonoma vintner, Pedro Rodriguez shares his story of how he immigrated to the U.S. at six years old with his family and became the Owner of his own brand with his wife before 40 years of age.
63 min
Modern Money Management with Alejandra Rojas
This native Colombiana shares her story of finding out she was sick (from being chased by from a dog, no less) and having to travel to Bogotá frequently by plane, to making the trips by bus and how money impacted her family at such a young age. After moving to the states, she thought she had found her "dream" until money burnout reactivated that sickness and she had to re-evaluate her entire life including her finances which led to her create a program that helps others take control of their finances and create wealth.
79 min
Celebrate Your Journey with Jasmine Star
It's our 100th EPISODE Y'ALL!!! And I'm so honored to welcome Jasmine Star to the Wine & Chisme table. Jasmine shares her journey from growing up in a Mexican/ Puerto Rican household as a preacher's kid to building her business and the milestones that have impacted her journey.
54 min
End of the Year Girl Talk with Maureen Locus
Let the girl talk commence! My good friend Maureen and I share our peaks and valleys of 2021 and have some good old fashion girl talk.
75 min
Flailing with Purpose with Francesca Smith
Francesca shares how Casa Brixe came to life (during the pandemic no less) and how she is striving to share the beauty of Mexican home decor and uplift the women from Mexico who weave the beautiful rugs she imports.
62 min