The Morning Show with Devon Peacock

Listen to The Morning Show with Devon Peacock on 980 CFPL.

Sandie Thomas - Municipal Election 2022 Mayoral...
Londoners go to the polls on October 24. Ahead of the election 980 CFPL is speaking with five mayoral candidates.
13 min
Advocate for B. Davison Secondary School hopes ...
Janine Davison, a supporter of keeping B. Davison vocational school in its current form, explains why she is pleading with TVDSB to keep the school open
7 min
LHSC dietician shares what and how to eat durin...
Salma Mahmoud, Dietitian at LHSC says "even if your sense of taste and smell are compromised there are ways of to ensure you are getting the proper nutrients."
8 min
Retail experts say surplus inventory could lead...
Independent retail analyst Bruce Winder says overstocked inventories and recession fears could push retailers to offer steep discounts this holiday season
7 min
Waste reduction week enoucrages Londoners to pu...
Jay Stanford, London's director of environmental programs and solid waste talks about how you can help curb waste with a little planning and smart shopping
7 min
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: OMA says 400,000...
The OMA says while screenings have returned to forecasted levels, experts worry there are undiagnosed cases of breast cancer yet to appear.
6 min
London, Ont. research team discovers unique clu...
Patients and physicians struggling to officially diagnose long COVID may be one step closer to an answer, thanks to new research from a team of London, Ont. scientists
7 min
The Grand Theatre's artistic director pens book...
Dennis Garnhum talks about the pandemic, mental health and sexuality in his first book "Toward Beauty: Reigniting a Creative Life on the Camino de Santiago"
8 min
Budweiser Gardens marks 20 year anniversary
General Manager Brian Ohl looks back at the past 20 years at Budweiser Gardens
6 min
New PET-CT scanner at LHSC will improve access ...
Dr. Romsa saiys the machne allows a health-care team to determine whether something looks to be more cancerous or more benign, as well as how far a mass has grown.
8 min
What you need to know about a new Omicron subva...
Infectious disease specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch discusses a new Omicron subvariant and how it could evade current COVID-19 treatments.
8 min
New dress code policy in the works at TVDSB aim...
Laura Gonzalez, trustee with the TVDSB discusses a motion for a board-wide dress code policy
6 min
A Century Of Serving You: A look back at 980 CF...
Local historian Dan Brock talks about the history of 980 CFPL and some of the stories the station would have covered during London Ont.'s history
18 min
London, Ont. police recap Western's Homecoming ...
London Police Chief Steve Williams says daytime revellers were cooperative, but some unacceptable behaviour happened during the evening and night
8 min
London Health Science Centre first in region to...
Dr. John Landau discuss the new procedure and aneurysm patient Thomas Baker describes his experience
8 min
New research focusing on London, Ont.'s Safer O...
Dr. Andrea Sereda, founder of the Safer Opioid Supply Program in London, Ont. discusses how the program has helped drug users
7 min
"Celebrating her life": The feeling in London, ...
Ben O'Hara-Byrne, host of A Little More Conversation on 980 CFPL is in London, England for the Queen's funeral.
7 min
Pillar Nonprofit Network launches initiative to...
Project lead, Paul Seale, discusses the goal of the initiative and their plan to get to more than 50 per cent voter turnout in London's municipal elections
9 min
Rising demand, labour shortages, and inflation ...
Paul Seale from the Pillar Nonprofit Network discuss how inflation, increased demand, and employment issues are leading to less services available at local non-profits
9 min
What is Evusheld and how can it help immunocomp...
Infectious disease expert Dr. Isaac Bogoch chats about Health Canada's approval of Evusheld and how it can help those who are immunocompromised
8 min
Having trouble finding a family doctor? You're ...
Dr. Vineet Nair talks about the struggle to find a family doctor and what can be done to address the problem
7 min
The 14th annual Walk of Champions in support of...
Lisa Bowden, Multiple Myeloma survivor shares her experience with myleoma and chats about the 14th annual Walk of Champions
6 min
Back-to-school 2022: Road safety
A London Police Traffic Management Sgt. talks about roads safety around buses, in school zones, and in general as students return to school
6 min
Back-to-school 2022: Packing lunches for picky ...
A London, Ont. dietician shares tips on how to best pack food for your picky eater this school year
6 min
Proposed redistribution of London, Ont. ridings...
The proposed changes would significantly alter the local riding map
8 min