The journalist reporting on a gang who plottted...
Vancouver Sun Crime Reporter Kim Bolan was covering a murder trial when her name came up- and she heard about how the UN gang plotted her death.
Her piece here:
11 min
CBE trustee election- a sort of political party...
Lisa Davis, co-founder of the advocacy group Kids Come First and former President of the Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils- is one of 4 candidates cying for CBE trustee positions in the next municipal election.
They have created a coalition called Students Count
11 min
Nigel Wright violated ethics rules
Mike Le Couteur, Global News, joins Rob to chat about a report from the Ethics Commissioner saying that Nigel Wright violated federal ethics rules by trying to pay off Duffy's expenses.
8 min
How Albertans find news and the effect of socia...
Janet Brown, pollster and commentator joins Rob to chat about some research she has done to find where Albertans get their news and how it is digested on social media.
10 min
Bif Naked
Bif Naked will be in Calgary this Saturday as a keynote speaker at the Inaugural Deborah Zimmel Triple Negative Breast Cancer Fund.
She joins Rob to chat about her experience as a breast cancer survivor, artist, human, and more.
You can view details on the event here:
13 min
Net Neutrality
How does unlimited data sound to you? You can get it in the states but not here- why not? And what IS net neutrality? Why does it matter?
With Kenneth Engelhart, Privacy, communications, and policy law practicioner at Engelhart Law.
Read his piece here:
14 min
Mary's thoughts on changes to social studies, c...
Regular caller Mary weighs in on changes to the social studies curriculum, the carbon tax, and the NDP . You can call in or text to the Rob Breakenridge show at 403-974-8255 to have your voice heard!
2 min
Social Studies curriculum review
The plan for Social Studies class is being reviewed and altered in Alberta, but columnist David Staples warns that irreparable damage could come from what is left out.
Read his piece here:
10 min
Greg Clark on the NDP electricity cap
Alberta Party Leader Greg Clark joins Rob and shares his thoughts on the NDP move to cap electricity rates in Alberta.
He says the NDP has been fumbling the electricity file since the beginning...
10 min
Callers on vaccinations
People's varying opinions on the necessity and efficacy of vaccines always bring in passionate calls, here are some Rob fielded today.
17 min
Anti-vaxxers face social stigmas
Dr Richard Carpiano joins Rob to chat about his survey showing the stigma faced by anti-vaxxers.
Dr Richard Carpiano, PhD, MA, MPH
Professor of Sociology
Associate Member, School of Population and Public Health
Co-editor, Journal of Health and Social Behavior
University of British Columbia
You can see his work here:
16 min
Red Deer Protest
A protest has popped up outside of a Red Deer High School after a physical altercation between Canadian and Syrian students last week.
Rob is joined by Principal Dan Lower from Lindsay Thurber High School
9 min
Manchester changes things
Rob is joined by Andrew Apostolou, commentator and analyst.
14 min
President Trump- a week in review
We haven't really touched on the saga that is Donald Trump's presidency all week- so let's review.
With Senior White House Reporter for Politico Darren Samuelsohn
15 min
David Akin update- The Immigration Processing C...
Global News Chief Political Correspondent David Akin joins Rob on air to review a few things.
12 min
Alberta Labour Laws
Are the NDP about to make drastic changes to the Labour Laws after only 36 days of consultation? Rob is joined by Mike Blanchard with Keep Alberta Working- who says the government should take longer to review things before making changes.
8 min
Jason Kenney on the new "United Conservative Pa...
Jason Kenney answers some logistics questions regarding the merger of the Wildrose and Progressive Conservatives into one party.
Rob is joined by Nathan Whitling, Criminal Defense Lawyer at Liberty Law.
"Alberta’s highest court has struck down the province’s impaired driving legislation. The law allowed the province to suspend the licence of suspected drunk drivers as soon as charges are laid and until their case was resolved in court.
It was upheld in a lower court." More Here:
13 min
Reactions to the PC Wildrose merger announcement
Rob takes calls on the now iminent merger of conservatives in Alberta.
6 min
Carbon rebates clawbacks to desist for deceased
Finance Minister Joe Ceci joins the show to chat about how the NDP is working to combat notices being sent to the family members of people who have died, and asking for their carbon rebates back.
5 min
Spruce Grove Fight Club
Rob is joined by Global Reporter Kendra Slugoski who has the story about a "fight club" in Spruce Grove that has left a young man with severe injuries.
7 min
Rejected plates
The list of rejected custom plates in Alberta has come out- Rob reviews.
9 min
Should we pay surrogates in Canada?
The Canadian Fertility and Sndrology Society has taken the position that Canada should allow for paid sperm and egg donors and allow surrogate mothers to be compensated.
Dr. Jeff Roberts, President of the CFAS joins Rob.
You can read their statement here:
10 min
Quebec loves oil
Montreal Economic Institute Senior Researcher Germain Belzile says it is a misconception that all Quebecers hate Alberta oil.
10 min
Changes to Bells and Bussing
Many changes to bus and bell schedules announced by the CBE this week, Rob is first joined by CBE Spokesperson Carrie Edwards, and then by Kids Come First Founder Lisa Davis on the impact of families.