
Conversations exploring China, technology, and US-China relations. Guests include a wide range of analysts, policymakers, and academics. Hosted by Jordan Schneider.

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Biden's Foreign Policy
What Will US-China Look Like Come 2021?
42 min
Is a Chinese Financial Crisis Looming?
How ready is the PBOC?
55 min
If you're looking for a break from politics...
40 min
Swing State Appreciation Hip Hop Minimix
(all music, explicit language)
16 min
What To Do About Xinjiang
How should the US respond to the human rights crisis in Xinjiang? I was a guest on the Lawfare podcast this week, discussing my recent outlining how the U.S. can respond and push back on the Chinese government's abuses in the region. For the first...
43 min
Why Xi Is All In On Climate Change
ChinaTalk Phonebanking Sat + Sun
27 min
CCP Influence Ops in Japan: Everywhere Yet Nowh...
'' is the title of latest report. We discuss China's tactics in trying to influence Japanese politics and society as well as what makes Japan uniquely resistant to the CCP's charms. I made a 20-minute megamix of Japanese city pop and trap for you...
50 min
What Does US-China Corruption Really Look Like?...
If you get 10 people to sign up using your referral link, you'll get a free ChinaTalk mug! is a staff writer at The Intercept. In this bitesize edition of ChinaTalk, we discuss pieces of hers on the (The Intercept) and (Wired). Intro and outtro...
19 min
China and the NBA
Why, aside from Yao, have Chinese players had no success in the NBA? Post-NBA, what has Yao done to reform and professionalize the Chinese Basketball Association? One year on, how does the NBA's response to Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey's tweet look...
47 min
China's True Tech Ambitions
What the West Gets Wrong About S&T and the CCP
55 min
Liberalism: The Light That Failed
How Liberalism Lost Its Appeal in the Post-Soviet Era
74 min
TikTok, WeChat and Trump
It's been a wild few weeks with President Trump threatening to shut WeChat and TikTok out of the U.S. market and rip them out of the app stores. There have been lawsuits, a preliminary injunction—and a sudden deal to purchase TikTok and moot the...
44 min
War in Taiwan
Is Taiwan Prepared?
36 min
Adam Tooze on World Order, Then and Now
is my favorite economic historian. After writing a handful of books on and , he's now turned his eye to the present day, taking on and . In this conversation, we get into What we can learn from the diplomatic and economic modes of 1920s and 30s Why...
76 min
The Mulan Debacle
Turning a beloved movie of female empowerment into a dull endorsement of the patriarchy, autocracy and mass forced labor is no easy feat, but Disney Magic is one hell of a drug. Think tanker and novelist/meme goddess join to discuss. Intro...
32 min
Rise and Fall of a Suzhou Soft Serve Baron
(fan favorite repeat broadcast from back in the 'ChinaEconTalk' era) Mister Softee, the famed northeastern American ice cream brand, in Suzhou, China? Yes, that was a thing. , rising from humble beginnings as just another English teacher making his...
66 min
Land Wars: China's Agrarian Revolution
In 1927, Mao wrote that "In a very short time...several hundred million peasants will rise like a mighty storm, like a hurricane, a force so swift and violent that no power, however great, will be able to hold it back." During the 40s and 50s, he was...
65 min
Scholarstage on Xi, War in Taiwan, the CCP Tool...
100th episode!
73 min
What China Wants
How do you even go about answering that question? Is there a consensus in Washington on how to confront China and does that consensus make any sense? and come on to discuss.  Currently, I make $4/hr from donations adding up all the time it...
42 min
Superpower Showdown: Tale of a Trade War
Lingling Wei and Bob Davis of the WSJ discuss their new book Superpower Showdown. We dive deep into the personal dynamics within the Xi and Trump administrations as well as what the twists and turns over the past few years reveal about the US-China...
59 min
TikTok, Tesla, Kanye and Open Source
Should the US ban TikTok? What role does open source play in the tech ecosystem and the Chinese government's plans for self-reliance? Why does tech occupy such a unique role in the US-China tech cold war? And what can Kanye teach us about foreign...
10 min
How Sanctions Fail US Policymakers
And What To Do About It
34 min
How Corruption Works in China
China's Gilded Age
63 min
The H1B Ban and National Security
This week Trump banned valid H1B holders from entering the country. What are the broader implications for America's technological ecosystem and national security? To discuss, Tina Huang and Remco Zwetsloot from talk about their recent research on...
43 min
China-India Clashes: What Happens Next?
On June 15th, dozens of soldiers died in clashes on the China-India border. What exactly happened up in the Himalayas? What's the historical background? What does this mean for the trajectory of China-India and US-India relations?  We also...
42 min