The latest news in energy and environmental politics & policy — must-know stories and candid insights from POLITICO’s energy team and journalists across our newsroom. All in just five minutes each morning.

Business News
A solar showdown could lead to a renewable slow...
The Commerce Department's probe into Southeast Asian solar imports could be offering a respite to fossil fuel power plants, undermining President Joe Biden's climate goals. POLITICO’s Catherine Morehouse explains.
7 min
How renewables can grow in fossil fuel-dependen...
As President Joe Biden looks to transition the country toward clean energy, it’s still unclear how much renewables can actually grow in fossil fuel dependent states like West Virginia. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel chats about that and more with Craig Cornelius, the chief executive officer of Clearway Energy Group, which operates renewable projects across the country.
9 min
Inside the fight to keep California’s last nucl...
For more than four years, California has been planning for the shutdown of its last nuclear power plant, citing safety threats, environmental concerns and changing energy priorities. But now, Gov. Gavin Newsom is stoking hopes of keeping the Diablo Canyon Power Plant alive. POLITICO’s Colby Bermel explains.
8 min
The Russian-EU energy war enters a new phase
On Wednesday, the European Commission presented plans to ban Russian oil imports in the next six months and all refined oil products by the end of the year although two European countries dependent on Russian oil are still resisting such a swift transition. POLITICO’s Barbara Moens breaks down the ban and how it could impact both Russia and the European Union.
7 min
What to make of Manchin’s meet-n-greets
A bipartisan group of lawmakers is brainstorming climate and energy policies during ongoing meetings led by Sen. Joe Manchin. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel and Kelsey Tamborrino, who talked to lawmakers after Monday’s meeting, look at whether there is a legislative path forward for this bipartisan group and what those meetings mean for Democrats.
7 min
DeSantis delights Dems with solar veto
Democrats got a new ally in the war over distributed solar power and it’s not someone you’d expect: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The rumored Republican presidential candidate vetoed a GOP bill last week that would have cut payments to owners of rooftop solar systems. POLITICO’s Debra Kahn explains why DeSantis made that decision, how solar advocates are reacting, and what this move could mean for solar panel battles in other states.
7 min
Big Oil’s profits keep increasing. How about th...
Last week, Chevron and Exxon Mobil reported their quarterly earnings skyrocketed because of soaring oil prices. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre discusses whether those Big Oil companies will pour that money into new drilling while fuel prices remain high and as Democrats’ criticism ramps up.
6 min
Democrats take gas price solutions for a spin
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are expected to introduce new legislation aimed at fighting high gasoline prices. POLITICO’s Anthony Adragna breaks down the legislation and why vulnerable Democrats want their party to do more to tackle high costs.
8 min
Solar industry to Commerce: stop your probe ASAP
Solar industry executives opposed to the Biden administration’s inquiry into module imports from four Southeast Asian countries were on the Hill this week to make their case that the Commerce Department should quickly issue a negative determination. POLITICO’s Kelsey Tamborrino breaks down the latest with the investigation and its impact on the solar sector.
7 min
A climate crossroads for greens
As Congress returns this week, there’s renewed pressure on Democrats and environmental advocates to pass party-line legislation that addresses climate change. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel breaks down the latest climate talks and what’s at stake, especially as the midterm elections loom.
7 min
Why natural gas is for carbon pricing
Natural gas power plant owners are hoping states and regional markets will do what that federal government won’t: put a price on carbon emissions. It’s a policy choice the companies hope will improve their market position compared to coal and less efficient plants, although they still face big challenges winning over regional markets and environmental advocates. POLITICO’s Catherine Morehouse explains how carbon pricing gained momentum with the gas industry.
7 min
Ukraine’s green post-war vision
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine rages on, Ukraine should have a plan to repair or rebuild with the most energy-efficient materials and technologies, according to one of the country's government officials. POLITICO Europe’s Karl Mathiesen explains the details of that plan and how it could reshape Ukraine’s climate legacy.
7 min
What the French election means for climate
he French presidential election ends this Sunday. Centrist and current President Emmanuel Macron is squaring off against far-right opponent Marine Le Pen. POLITICO Europe’s Louise Guillot explains each candidate’s climate views and how they could impact France’s future green policies.
8 min
The social cost of carbon gets politicized
Republican lawmakers and red states alike are politically and legally attacking President Joe Biden’s social cost of carbon. POLITICO’s Alex Guillén explains how the estimate became a political flashpoint and what that means for the Biden administration’s climate agenda.
8 min
Biden’s NEPA revival
The White House has finalized a rule that will once again require federal agencies to consider indirect and cumulative environmental impacts of their actions, including those related to climate change. POLITICO’s Alex Guillén explains the implications of this rule, how it fits into the Biden administration’s climate agenda and what’s next.
8 min
Can Biden learn from New Mexico’s energy playbook?
New Mexico is one of the top fossil fuel producing states. It's also home to some of the most pro-green energy lawmakers in Congress. Can the White House learn a lesson from how the two interests coexist in the state? POLITICO’S Ben Lefebvre reports.
8 min
California’s ambitious gas car phase out plan
California’s air regulators have unveiled a plan that would simultaneously ramp up the sales of electric and zero-emission vehicles while phasing out the sales of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035. But, automakers say that timeline is “extremely challenging” while environmentalists argue it’s too slow. POLITICO’s Colby Bermel reports.
7 min
Why Ukraine needs US cash to pay for natural gas
Amid Russia’s invasion, the executives for Ukrainian energy companies are asking Congress and the Biden administration to help the country secure natural gas before this coming winter. They’re warning that disruptions to the country’s fuel supply will lead to a humanitarian crisis. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre explains what Ukranian energy executives are asking for and what lawmakers can actually do about it.
8 min
Why Biden’s energy moves have unsettled his gre...
President Joe Biden’s latest actions to reduce high fuel prices and inflation have left his green supporters discouraged, divided and wondering if the moment has passed to get major climate legislation passed during this Congress. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel reports.
7 min
Biden’s ethanol Hail Mary
On Tuesday, President Joe Biden announced that he will be lifting the ban on summertime sales of gasoline that contain 15 percent ethanol. The move is part of the administration’s effort to tame high gas prices ahead of the midterm elections. POLITICO’s Kelsey Tamborrino explains the actual impact of this move at the pump and how greens and the ethanol industry are reacting.
7 min
A climate compromise at FERC?
FERC’s Democratic members may compromise with one of their Republican counterparts on two controversial pipeline policy statements. But, that compromise could remove FERC's ability to reject a pipeline project if its level of greenhouse gas emissions — and its impact on climate change — is considered too high. POLITICO’s Catherine Morehouse explains.
7 min
Lawmakers sick of gas price gaslighting
Democrats and Republicans are growing frustrated with the political spin in Congress around high gasoline prices, and lawmakers are hoping to advance energy policies to manage the problem. But these policies are not easy to implement, especially as the midterm elections loom. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel explains why gas prices are actually high and the policies lawmakers are pursuing to lower them.
8 min
What a Russian oil, gas ban actually means
Congress voted Thursday to suspend normal trade relations with Russia and ban the import of Russian oil and gas to the United States. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel breaks down what a ban actually means and if Congress can enact any other policies to punish Russia.
7 min
The political strategy behind Wednesday’s Big O...
On Wednesday, Democrats and Republicans played the blame game as oil company executives testified about high gasoline prices at a House committee hearing. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel spoke to Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.), chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, to understand the political strategy behind Wednesday’s hearing and whether anything can be done about gas prices.
7 min
The oil industry’s defender
The House Energy and Commerce is meeting today with the leadership of BP America, Chevron, Devon Energy, Exxon Mobil, Pioneer Natural Resources and Shell USA. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel previews the hearing with Mike Sommers, the president and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute.
8 min