The latest news in energy and environmental politics & policy — must-know stories and candid insights from POLITICO’s energy team and journalists across our newsroom. All in just five minutes each morning.

Business News
The rich country strategy to pay nations to dit...
Rich countries are establishing new agreements, known as Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs), in which they would spend billions of dollars to help emerging economies transition away from coal and natural gas. POLITICO’s Zack Colman breaks down how these agreements can help cut greenhouse gas emissions and why they face major challenges.
8 min
Gas prices are up, but so is driving
The average U.S. price of regular-grade gasoline topped $5 dollars a gallon this weekend. But Americans are still hitting the road in droves, complicating President Joe Biden’s efforts to bring down fuel prices and subdue inflation. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre explains why consumer demand for gas is high and what the Biden administration can do to reduce the price at the pump.
7 min
The SCOTUS climate ruling that could hamstring ...
The Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling this month reining in the Biden administration’s efforts to cut greenhouse gases. But, that case could also offer the conservative justices an opportunity to undermine federal regulations on a host of issues, from drug pricing and financial regulations to net neutrality.
8 min
How a Texas LNG facility explosion could cause ...
An explosion at a key liquefied natural gas export facility in Texas could have a significant impact on European energy, as the Biden administration seeks to send more LNG to Europe to offset its Russian energy dependence. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre reports.
7 min
Strengthening Puerto Rico’s power grid
Last week, Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico’s governor, was in Washington meeting with Biden administration officials to address some of the island’s pressing infrastructure needs. POLITICO’s Gloria Gonzalez breaks down some of his main asks and how Pierluisi hopes to strengthen Puerto Rico’s power grid.
10 min
Friendly fire strafes Biden’s climate office
The White House’s Climate Policy Office, which President Joe Biden established to help meet his clean energy and environmental justice goals, is facing criticisms from nine Democrats inside and outside the administration who spoke to POLITICO’S Zack Colman.
8 min
Will Biden’s solar moves silence critics?
President Joe Biden took action intended to increase domestic manufacturing of solar panels, including implementing a 24-month pause on new import tariffs on solar power equipment. POLITICO's Kelsey Tamborrino breaks down those moves and how Biden is balancing his manufacturing and clean energy goals.
8 min
Why GOP senators might bail on Manchin’s climat...
Senate Republicans are planning to abandon bipartisan talks with centrist Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on long-shot energy and climate legislation unless something dramatically changes. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel explains why GOP senators are frustrated and what that means for Democrats’ reconciliation hopes moving forward.
7 min
Breaking down the GOP’s energy plan
House Republicans released a policy framework on Thursday that would address energy, environment and climate issues if the party captures the House in the 2022 midterm elections. But the plan has come under fire for not setting a specific emissions reduction target or proposing policies that would reduce fossil fuel use. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel breaks down the details of the GOP plan and what it’s missing.
8 min
Inside the troubled federal rock mine safety co...
The Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, an independent agency, has been torn apart amid partisan battles and allegations of financial wrongdoing. POLITICO’s Matthew Choi breaks down some of the controversies and a new allegation that one of the commissioners may have violated ethics rules.
6 min
Blackouts on the path to a clean energy transit...
Ever-increasing extreme weather events and surging gas prices could jeopardize grid reliability in large portions of the country this summer, particularly in Texas, the West and the Midwest. POLITICO’s Catherine Morehouse breaks down how energy regulators are responding and what it means for President Joe Biden’s transition to clean energy.
8 min
Can offshore wind prosper in oil and gas territ...
The Gulf of Mexico, a prime base of the U.S. oil and gas industry, is preparing to dip its toe into wind power. POLITICO’s Kelsey Tamborrino explains why the Biden administration is reviewing 30 million acres of Gulf waters near Texas and Louisiana for potential wind turbines.
7 min
Why a gas price-fueled EV push won’t save Dems ...
Soaring gasoline prices are pushing consumers to consider swapping their gas guzzlers for a battery-powered car or truck. However, while that trend could help Democrats get to the electric future they’ve been pining for, it’s also likely to hurt them at the polls. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre explains.
7 min
A final blow to Pebble Mine?
The Biden administration took a major legal step this week to protect Bristol Bay in Alaska, dealing a huge blow to the company seeking to develop a massive copper and gold mine in the remote region. POLITICO’s Alex Guillén breaks down the move and how it will impact the future of Bristol Bay.
8 min
New York’s crypto energy dilemma
Cryptocurrency mining operations are popping up in New York, taking advantage of old industrial space and cheap energy access. But, environmentalists and some state government officials have grown concerned about the impact of the industry. POLITICO’s Marie French reports.
7 min
Checking in on Biden’s environmental justice goals
The Biden administration has announced it has put $29 billion to date into programs to alleviate environmental burdens that have disproportionately harmed disadvantaged communities. But, where is that money going? And is it enough to meet the White House’s environmental justice goals? POLITICO’s Zack Colman reports.
8 min
Why Interior’s offshore plan schedule is raisin...
Last week, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland pledged to propose a new five-year offshore leasing plan by the end of June. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre breaks down the details of that announcement and why it's being met with skepticism from lawmakers, industry and green groups.
7 min
How NEPA is making strange bedfellows
As the Biden administration looks to overhaul regulations under the National Environmental Policy Act, clean energy advocates are defending some of the moves made under former President Donald Trump that eased regulatory hurdles to speed the approval and construction of infrastructure projects under the bedrock environmental law. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel reports.
7 min
Promoting Canadian energy to America
POLITICO Energy host Josh Siegel chats with the premier of the Canadian province of Alberta, Jason Kenney, about how the two countries can expand their relationship in the energy sector, and why Washington should simply look north rather than asking OPEC for more oil.
10 min
How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is hurting the...
On Monday, COP26 President Alok Sharma said the war in Ukraine has pushed climate change from the global agenda, which is undermining the “fragile” climate deal reached in Glasgow last year. POLITICO Europe’s Karl Mathiesen breaks down how geopolitical dynamics have stymied progress on climate since COP26 and the expectations heading into COP27.
7 min
Inside California's latest climate budget
Last week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed an additional $9.5 billion in climate spending, bringing the state’s total climate investments to over $47 billion. POLITICO’s Colby Bermel breaks down what Newsom hopes to achieve and how it compares to the rest of the country.
6 min
Why FERC is handing power back to utilities
Faced with new urgency under President Joe Biden's goal to rid the electric grid of planet-warming carbon dioxide by 2035, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is putting transmission planning back in the hands of the nation’s large utilities, who have long controlled construction of the power network in their territories. POLITICO’s Catherine Morehouse explains.
8 min
Biden scraps Alaska, Gulf of Mexico offshore oi...
The Interior Department canceled its remaining offshore oil and gas lease sales for the year, escalating a fight with Republicans and the oil and gas industry. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre explains why the Biden administration made this move now and the political fallout.
6 min
Natural gas prices rise, putting Biden in a bind
The Biden administration has been trying for months to dodge the political shotgun blast of high oil prices. But now comes the other barrel: natural gas prices. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre explains.
7 min
Why Democrats are going big on mining
Democrats have embraced calls for more mining to help the country achieve the Biden administration’s clean energy agenda, but they want to overhaul the 150-year old law to strengthen environmental standards and impose royalites for the first time. POLITICO’s Jordan Wolman explains why Democrats are specifically pushing for mining reform and the pushback they may face.
7 min