The Box of Oddities

The Webby Award-winning “Box of Oddities" is a podcast that delves into the strange and mysterious aspects of our world, exploring topics ranging from bizarre medical conditions to unsolved mysteries, and from paranormal phenomena to strange cultural practices from around the world. With a focus on oddities, curiosities, and the macabre, each episode is a journey into the unknown, where hosts Kat and Jethro Gilligan Toth share their love for unusual stories and inject their humor and commentary. From the strange history of medical practices to chilling true crime stories, to natural (and unnatural) events, "The Box of Oddities" satisfies your thirst for the weird and the unusual, offering an informative and entertaining look into the dark and mysterious corners of our world.

JIMMY KIMMEL, ABC-TV says, "Should you be the type who has an interest in weird stuff, this is a fun thing to allow in your head!" 

“Truth is stranger than fiction, and the Box of Oddities is the strangest of all!” -SLUGGO, SIRIUS XM LITHIUM

“Kat & Jethro wring humor from bizarre, macabre and perplexing places.” -BOSTON MAGAZINE

True Crime
Society & Culture
BOX269: Pants Butter
When a country runs out of toilet paper, it’s bad. When a country runs out of butter, it’s downright dangerous. Then, past future predictors and their predictions about the past and/or future. It’s BOX269 and it’s weird, but a good weird. 
34 min
BOX268: Pouring Vinegar In The Mouth Of A Corpse
Jethro culls real life ghost stories from the darkest corners of the internet. Then, Kat tells us about the remarkable after-death journey of The lady In The Clock. BOX268 is made from 100% genuine Arabica beans for a smoother, full bodied taste.
28 min
BOX267: Distributing Poison All Willy-Nilly
Kat tells the sordid tale of 17th century Parisian fortune teller to the stars, La Voisin. Then the many twists and turn in the story of Cheeseman park. Hint: there are corpses.  BOX267: You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll hurl.
40 min
BOX266: Hank Williams And Hitler
Amazing facts about our universe and inventions that will change everything! Alternate titles for Box266 were ‘I Don’t Call People’, ‘We’re All Wearing Edgar Suits’ and ‘We Need a New Fridge’.
34 min
BOX265: Greasing Up The Armadillo
Treasuredillos. Sweetadillos. Armacuties. Whatever you call them, Kat calls them the focus of this episode.  Then, subjected to torture and “scientific experiments” Jethro talks about the victims and horrifying deeds of Madame LaLaurie. Box265 : Apply only to affected area.
35 min
BOX264: Don't Drink Things That You "Find"
Here’s what’s on the docket for today: vending machines and murder then the story of a con you won’t believe. It’s Box264 and its scent is reminiscent of raspberries warmed by the sun. Also tires. 
34 min
BOX263: Cayenne Pepper Enemas For Everyone!
The lovely, helpful skeuomorph takes center stage! And then, some things you may not have known about the Heaven’s Gate cult. It’s Box263 : contents under pressure, but working on delegating responsibilities.
35 min
BOX262: Kicking A Werewolf In The Nuts
Jethro tells us the story of a not-so-typical Ed and Lorraine Warren investigation. Kat tells the terrible tale of "the soap-maker of Correggio." And I think it's fly when girls stop by for Box262, for Box262.
34 min
BOX261: Ugly Alien Fish Invaders
Kat celebrates the woman solved her own decades old kidnapping case. Then, how does a Malian tribe explain having knowledge of the Sirius system long before the rest of us? The fish aliens, obviously. Warning: do not let this podcast talk you into taking unlabeled pickle juice from that civil war reenactor. 
40 min
BOX260: We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers
Who has been tootling all over England leaving little hoof-prints? Could it be Satan? Jethro tells us all about it. And then the art of the dicker with Kat. It’s Box 260 : do not feed after midnight.
32 min
BOX:259 Bananas, Coconuts And Stolen Cows
The legend of a mountain tavern that was the last stop for many travelers. Then, he was so competitive he continued fighting in a war that had ended over 20 years before. Schaumboch's Tavern and Hiroo Onoda in this, the 259th Box. Contains zero wire hangers.
35 min
BOX258: Domesticated Yeti
Jethro discusses claims that a towering woman who lived in 19th Century Russia - and appeared to be 'half human, half ape' - could have been yeti. And Kat shares some of the many child-centric traditions in Kazakhstan. It’s Box258: Where the kisses are hers and hers and his. 
34 min
BOX257: Lunar Beavers And Humping Batman
Batmen and moon beavers and Edgar Allan Poe, oh my! Then some of the strangest museum exhibits worldwide. It’s Box257 : A lively wing-ding.
37 min
BOX256: Sheets Of Mouth Skin
Jethro examines the mysterious disappearance of a sausage maker’s wife. Kat talks about a medical oddity so rare, only one woman has been reported as afflicted. Both stories are pretty upsetting. Enjoy! It’s Box256 : discontinue use if oily stool increases.
35 min
BOX255: Treasure Chest and / or Porta Potty
Kat shares the details of a museum bound to make a big splash and JG blows Kat’s mind with the story of Frank Lloyd Wright’s family tragedy. Join us for Box255 : An adventure 65 million years in the making.
31 min
BOX254: Sinkhole Buffet
JG regales Kat with tales of animals saving humans. Join us for all the warm fuzzies! Then, Kat talks about malicious sinkholes. Are there any other kind? No. Box254. Do not bend, fold, mutilate or spindle.
30 min
BOX253: Teeth, Elastics and Anuses
First: Jack of all trades, master of ...corpse bride? Then: We’re being carried out feet first as we explore Victorian death practices! It’s Box253, warranty does not cover sonic boom vibrations.
41 min
BOX252: Never Have A Hootenanny In A Cemetery
Why did so many people know that JFK was going to be assassinated? Why wasn’t anything done about it? Then, we go back to the Philippines and explore the hanging coffins of Echo Valley. Box252 is not meant to be used as a squirrel deterrent. 
37 min
BOX251: Taunting Geneticists From The Distant F...
Kat terrorizes Jethro with a story that he refused to do. Jethro retaliates by informing Kat that our early human ancestors had spikes on the penises. Robert the haunted doll and weird stuff we've discovered about our ancestors through DNA research. Never leave BOX251 unattended while in use.
42 min
BOX250: Orange Blossoms and Slaughter House Run...
Jethro talks about how you can smell like shipwrecked booty and Kat tells the tale of a civil war soldier who lived to talk about being shot between the eyes. The perfume of the Mary Celestia and Jacob Miller in Box250! Call before you dig.
38 min
BOX249: Palm Trees And Superman's House
A family makes a godawful discovery in the baby’s nursery. Then, Jethro explores the mysterious goings-on at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery. Join us for the burble in Box249! Applicable taxes will be remitted.
35 min
BOX248: Sunburned Eyeballs
First, JG talks about Lisa McVey and the fact that she is a beast. There is also a serial killer involved in that story. Then, it’s an episode of Horrendous Injuries : The Celebrity Edition! It’s Box248 - Listen, if you think you can stomach it!
31 min
BOX247: Time Travel And Delicious Pie
Arrested for wearing the wrong feather in your cap? It was a thing! And the mysterious disappearance of an early 20th century physicist. Sumptuary Laws and Ettore Majorana in Box247 - now you’re on the trolley!
36 min
BOX246: Babylonian Abalone
It’s wellness week at the Kat + Jethro compound. First, JG investigates the odd phenomenon of Folie à deux or shared psychosis. Then, Kat makes all her mom’s wishes come true by exploring rabies. It’s Box246: Alternate toy available for children under 3. 
34 min
BOX245: My Attorney Is a Vampire
Jethro tells us about the tragedy that caused July 6, 1944 to be known as The Day The Clowns Cried. It’s upsetting. Kat revisits body modifications and decides to go back to therapy. It’s Box245 - Safe for use around pets.
41 min