The Box of Oddities

The Webby Award-winning “Box of Oddities" is a podcast that delves into the strange and mysterious aspects of our world, exploring topics ranging from bizarre medical conditions to unsolved mysteries, and from paranormal phenomena to strange cultural practices from around the world. With a focus on oddities, curiosities, and the macabre, each episode is a journey into the unknown, where hosts Kat and Jethro Gilligan Toth share their love for unusual stories and inject their humor and commentary. From the strange history of medical practices to chilling true crime stories, to natural (and unnatural) events, "The Box of Oddities" satisfies your thirst for the weird and the unusual, offering an informative and entertaining look into the dark and mysterious corners of our world.

JIMMY KIMMEL, ABC-TV says, "Should you be the type who has an interest in weird stuff, this is a fun thing to allow in your head!" 

“Truth is stranger than fiction, and the Box of Oddities is the strangest of all!” -SLUGGO, SIRIUS XM LITHIUM

“Kat & Jethro wring humor from bizarre, macabre and perplexing places.” -BOSTON MAGAZINE

True Crime
Society & Culture
BOX293: Sorcery Of The Vagina
How cool would it be to find a mummy on your farm? And should you allow the vapor of boiling liquids into your most delicates?  A fatal case of constipation and vaginal steaming. It’s BOX293 and it’s like, all over the place. Also it features William Shatner, nbd.
34 min
BOX292: Prehistoric Big Screen TV
How a lost dog led to the discovery of 17,000 year old cave art and the crazy ride that was the career of a  hip hop group that bamboozled their way to success.  The Lascaux caves and Silibil N' Brains in BOX292. It’s like a hot supper after a romp with the wild ones.
32 min
BOX291: A Barley And Hops Codpiece
An accident that left a neighborhood destroyed by beer. And then, the world record holder for world records! The London beer flood and the amazing record breaking skills of Ashrita Furman. BOX291: it’s glamorous. It’s flossy flossy.
37 min
BOX290: A Wooden Ship Lady
The stories of a pilot sucked out of an airplane and the steamboat discovery of a lifetime. An incredible passenger jet emergency landing and the unearthing of the steamboat Arabia in BOX290. Store upright for best results.
34 min
BOX289: It's The Donkey's Dodge
Are your last wishes memorable? These people make a “lasting impression”, for sure. And an historic balloon release that led to disaster. Unusual will requests and Balloonfest ‘86. BOX289: It’s not the years, honey. It’s the mileage.
28 min
The Christmas Box
Merry Christmas from Kat and Jethro
3 min
BOX288: Professional Radish Whittler
Kat talks about a few interesting holiday traditions from around the world (it includes carving out the stomachs of children). Jethro shares stories from history when folks were not garbage people to each other. BOX288: it’s better than having your ears boxed. 
32 min
BOX287: The Patron Saint Of Sailors And Hookers
Details about the remains of one of the holiday season’s greatest legends and an epidemic of people who thought their genitals were disappearing. The corpse of St. Nick and Koro, or genital retraction syndrome in this, Box287. Your mileage may vary.
37 min
BOX286: A Festive Yuletide Crime Show
Kat tells the acutely distressing story of the kidnapping and assault of Mary Vincent and then, Jethro tells us about the potential reanimation of the woolly mammoth. BOX285: It starts tough and then gets a little more agreeable for you. 
40 min
BOX285: Cellulite Cream And Vodka
The inspiring tale of a man who, despite tragedy, became a beloved gentleman of show business and the horrifying kidnapping and torture of Colleen Stan. It’s Sam Alexander "the two faced man" and the story of “the girl in the box” in BOX285. Turn inside out before washing.
31 min
BOX284: Bra Shrubbery
The prophet who would explore the future, Atlantis, nutrition and more (in his sleep!) and the notorious case of Dr. Crippen. Edgar Cayce and the murder of Belle Elmore in BOX284. Is this more than you bargained for yet?
36 min
BOX283: Welcome! Here's Some Skin
The greatest prankster that ever lived? Possibly! And rats burrowing into your guts as a method of murder. Irish turn-of-the-century rascal, Horace de Vere Cole and a smattering of torture-deaths. It’s a real mixed bag kind of episode. BOX283 :Castigat ridendo mores! 
40 min
BOX282: Arguing With The Frigidaire
A dive into the narcissistic, abusive, garbage pile that was Jim Jones followed by a look at the disorder that has forced some into self amputation. The Jonestown Cult Massacre and Body Integrity Identity Disorder in BOX282. It’s a wicked bummer, bub.
46 min
BOX281: A Terrible Waste Of Overshoes
A newspaper review so scathing it led to a lawsuit which led to a dance off. Then, what animal oddity has venom and glows? JG and Kat explore the stage career of The Cherry Sisters and the magnificent platypus in BOX281. SNAP INTO IT!
44 min
BOX280: Fireman On A Razor Scooter
She crashed 25 stories down the side of a cliff and lived to talk about it. And are the pyramids on Orion’s Belt? Orion’s Belt pyramid theorists say “yes”! BAB Angela Hernandez and the Orion Correlation Theory on this episode of BoO! It’s BOX280: and it’s ribbed for your pleasure. 
46 min
BOX279: A Cozy, Beautifully Decorated Purgatory
She looks great for being 2500 years old! And don’t sniff those flowers - they’ll kill you. JG and Kat discuss the discovery of the Ice Maiden and the development of the Poison Garden. Beat the morbs with BOX279!
34 min
BOX278: Leeches And Blow
Remember when you didn’t need a license to make/prescribe medicine? Good times! Then some super sketchy stories to make you question reality with Jethro. Louis Dufilho Jr and “glitches in the matrix”. It’s BOX278: it’s more fun than Carter’s got little liver pills.
37 min
BOX277: All The Finest Toilet Brushes
The line between collector and hoarder is fine. Princess Caraboo chose to wine and dine on someone else’s dime. If it’s for stories you pine, listen to these, JG’s and mine. If you’re looking for a sign, here are nine (really it’s just one, but nine rhymes). It’s BOX277 and rhyming is hard.
36 min
BOX276: His Head Was Totally Missing
Should we fly a balloon over the North Pole? And where did the most people live throughout history? The mystery of the lost Andre Expedition and the evolution of human geography! It’s BOX276 : Always wear your seatbelt.
45 min
BOX275 Turnip Induced Internal Bleeding
Did we evolve because our ancestors got stoned a bunch? And why are the townies throwing tubers at that monster? JG and Kat discuss the Stoned Ape theory and the Jarramplas Festival. It’s Box275 : it does whatever a spider-pig does.
39 min
BOX274: The 3rd Annual BoO Halloween Special
The Freak Family shares their real life encounters with the unexplained. And then we are joined by legendary, spooky podcaster Jim Harold. He has listened to 15 years worth of ghost stories and shares with us his favorite! 
40 min
BOX273: Vampire Cramps
I vant to suck your blaud! For real though, JG tells us about clinical vampirism. Kat explores the unexplained phenomena that led to the death of Estefanía Gutierrez Lázaro in the Vallecas Case.
39 min
BOX272: Aquanet And Tab
Jethro tells us of the weird goings on in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Hauntings and werewolves and vampires, oh crap! Kat shares just a few of the many Australian Cryptids - it gets spooky down under! BOX272: like oatmeal, but louder.
35 min
BOX271:Demon Possesed Major Kitchen Appliances
JG tells us of what is said to be the first instance of a house haunting in the US. Then, Kat does a 180 and talks about the house said to be the MOST HAUNTED in the US. I’m really sorry if you’re not into house hauntings, but, these are good, spooky fun. It’s BOX271 - remove wax before consuming.
44 min
BOX270: Cadaver Cabernet
A corpse island is bound to have ghosts, right? And then, the capture of the Russian Granny Ripper. Kat & JG cover the Island of Poveglia and Tamara Samsonova in BOX270... it brings all the boys to the yard. 
37 min