Gleek of the Week - A Glee Podcast

We're rewatching every performance from Glee to crown the ultimate performance from the series. Each episode, Andrew is joined by different Gleeks to discuss the show and move a few lucky songs forward on the Glacket - the Glee Bracket. Listen along to find out where your favorite performances end up!

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TV Reviews
Comedy Interviews
"You Will Shit, and I Will Cry" (w/ Olivia Chry...
This week’s episode is chock-full of Olivias. First, Andrew and Allison discuss Olivia Rodrigo’s new album, Sour, and which songs would be sung by which Glee characters. For example, who sings Driver’s License? Is it a Marley solo or a pinnacle ballad in a long-awaited Artie story arc? We’ll never know. Certified Gleek, Olivia Chrysler is this week’s guest with some hot takes on Glee’s costuming choices. Songs this ep include some Olivia Newton-John, the second longest song on Glee, and way too much flannel.
62 min
"The List is Up" (w/ Lindsay Pearce)
This week’s Gleek is the beautiful, the talented, the one and only, Lindsay Pearce! She appeared on Glee as the iconic Harmony in season 3, portrays Elphaba in Wicked on Broadway, and is now here to help with six more songs on the Glacket. Lindsay details her experience on the Glee Project and provides some much needed insight into the character of Harmony in our very first podcast game. Songs in this episode include our first Will Schuester solo, Jake Puckerman’s audition song, and an incredible Aretha Franklin cover from Mercedes.
65 min
"Belting on the Train" (w/ Noah Guthrie)
It’s episode 11! Only 100 more to go in the first round of the Glacket, y’all! Noah Guthrie (Roderick from Glee) is this episode’s Gleek of the Week and the very first Glee cast member on the pod! Noah fills us in on what it was like being a part of the show and working with so many senior cast members. Songs include the only Fergie cover, a kind of Glee original, and the first Madonna episode song on the Glacket.
54 min
"Well Paid Hot Losers" (w/ The Choir Room)
This week's gleeks are the incredible Matt and Aman from The Choir Room podcast! In this episode, Allison and Andrew discuss their favorite Rolos (Rachel Solos) and whether or not Papa Can You Hear Me makes the cut. We have our very first tie which stresses Andrew out to the max. Songs include a who-ish milk drinking season two Christmas song, yet another Tolo, and the song that started it all: Don't Stop Believing. We love to see it!
61 min
"She is the Mop Now" (w/ Adriana Avendano)
In quite possibly the BEST episode of Gleek of the Week yet, Andrew and Allison delve into the tale of how they first met with the help of their friend, Adriana Avendano. What does Darren Criss have to do with this? What did Jaime say? And why is Kate Hudson so comfortable with being used as a cleaning device? Truly heinous. Songs include the only JLo tribute, the only Spice Girls jam, Rachel’s final solo, and Jayma Mays singing extremely fast. And we finally get to a song on one of the hosts’ top five!
56 min
"Gleek of the Month" (w/ Nathan Pearson)
In this episode, Allison exposes herself AGAIN with her DIY Glee merch and Andrew hates it. Thankfully, the hosts are joined by the perfect Nathan Pearson, host of the queer comedy podcast, Secure the Gag. Nathan goes into detail on his first experience with the show before getting into a truly chaotic group of songs. They include the first Will Schuester song on the podcast, an unpredictable Skylar Astin mashup, and sadly no Grant Gustin just yet. If Glee was still on today, who would sing Drivers License? Leave a review and let us know!
53 min
"Meat Dress" (w/ Harper Grae)
From The Glee Project Season Two, the incredible Harper Grae is this episode’s Gleek of the Week! She shares what her experience was like on the reality show, her current music career and upcoming tour. Songs this week include a Kelly Clarkson hit (thankfully not Stronger), a very non-Rachel Rachel tribute, and our favorite dance number done in wheelchairs.
48 min
"Gay Hallway Singing" (w/ Conor Burke)
In this week’s episode, Allison reveals a deep dark secret that involves Klaine and the United States Army, and Andrew rewrites the series finale. Glee Expert and host of the Gleecap Podcast, Conor Burke is this week’s Gleek of the Week! Conor gives his opinion on the Irish representation on the show and tells us how Kurt almost moved to Russia. Song battles entail a Little Shop of Horrors, raw Darren Criss, and Will Schuester banging on a bus ceiling! This episode is perfect for the scenic drive from Lima, Ohio to Chicago!
55 min
"Darren Criss is Straight, You Idiot!" (w/ Gian...
Comedian and fellow podcaster, Gianmarco Soresi, is this week’s Gleek of the Week guest on a truly hilarious episode. Allison and Andrew decode Tumblr terms like OTP, ship, and endgame and Grilled Cheesus makes an appearance. Songs include another one of the seven Tina solos on the Glacket, the iconic "What If God Was One of Us," and the big break-up tune that made Allison sob.
58 min
"Imagine All the Gleeple" (w/ McKynleigh Abraham)
This week’s Gleek of the Week is none other than the beautiful and talented McKynleigh Abraham from season one of The Glee Project! McKynleigh discusses with Andrew and Allison her experience on the show and details what she’s been doing since then. There’s some big hard-hitting season one songs in this ep, including the first Beatles song, Salt-N-Pepa, and one of the show’s very first mash-ups.
60 min
"I Hate Your Heart" (w/ Reid Pope)
In this episode of the Gleek of the Week podcast, Allison explains her obsession with Starkid and Darren Criss to Andrew and how important A Very Potter Musical truly is. And Gleek guest Reid Pope agrees. Everyone shares their first Tumblr URL before getting into the next six songs on the Glacket. This week they include Jesse St. James, the lovely Carol Burnett, and a possible Gleek of the Week bracket winner!
48 min
"Men Over Babies" (w/ One More Thing)
Puppets? Conspiracies? Becky as baby Jesus? It’s all in this episode of the Gleek of the Week podcast. Andrew and Allison discuss the infamous puppet episode before being joined by this week’s Gleeks: Robert and Jaye from the One More Thing podcast and Lea Michele conspiracy fame. This episode includes a Kee dollar sign Ha prom song, ANOTHER Christmas song, and Blaine’s brother who we never hear from again. Glee!
47 min
"Mike that Chang" (w/ Jenny Gorelick)
Oh my Glod! Welcome to the very first episode of Gleek of the Week! On this episode, Andrew and Allison introduce the pod and how the Glacket, the Glee bracket works. Jenny Gorelick, host of the Receipts podcast, is the very first Gleek of the Week guest! We love her! The first six songs of the bracket are chosen, including an Artie solo, a Klaine duet, and the campiest of songs, the stripped down rendition of Baby Got Back.
51 min
Gleek of the Week Trailer
0 min