Gleek of the Week - A Glee Podcast

We're rewatching every performance from Glee to crown the ultimate performance from the series. Each episode, Andrew is joined by different Gleeks to discuss the show and move a few lucky songs forward on the Glacket - the Glee Bracket. Listen along to find out where your favorite performances end up!

TV & Film
TV Reviews
Comedy Interviews
"Gleeks at our Teets" (w/ Mia)
Hello there, Gleeks! This week, Andrew and Allison start the episode by discussing Chord Overstreet and Lindsay Lohan in Falling For Christmas! Get in the spirit, y'all. Our guest this week is friend of the pod, Mia! Mia helps us answer some pretty hard glivia (trademark pending). Songs this episode include a musical Allison walked out of, realistic snow, and an absolutely out of pocket mash up.
107 min
"Karofsky Historian" (w/ Drew)
Hi beautiful gleeks reading this: welcome to another episode of Gleek of the Week! This episode, Andrew and Allison reopen the Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah discourse with a couple of gloicemails. Our Gleek this week is podcast art artist and all around great glistener: Drew! Songs this episode include the Loser Like Me of season 6, multiple Quolos, and everyone crying during The Break Up.
153 min
"Klaine: The Hits" (w/ The Time Mousechine Podc...
This week's Gleeks are the wonderful hosts of the Time Mousechine podcast, Bekah and Hunter! They share some of their gloughts and discuss which Glee characters would like which Disney Channel Original Movies. Rachel TOTALLY DVRed HSM2 and the Phineas and Ferb premiere right after, right? Songs this episode include Jagged Little Tapestry, Rachel Berry's tongue, and another competition that's going to the Gleeks!
113 min
"Folo Representation" (w/ Mystery Guest)
All y'all Gleeks! To celebrate our 500th song being pulled on the Glacket, Andrew and Allison select one song to bring back and you'll never guess what they chose. Go to our glinstagram NOW to vote on which you want to save in the next round! Songs this episode include Meghan Trainor, the most uncomfortable dinner scene, and yellow paint.
88 min
"Kevin McHale Needs a Break" (w/ Ava)
Gleeeeeeeks!! Andrew and Allison begin this episode with a bit of their Funny Girl recap (full recap on our Patreon!) and discussing how Allison always comes into the Zoom with wet hair. Our guest is another great Glistener, Ava, of ten-minute-long-gloicemail fame! Songs this episode include the final Kurt and Mercedes solos of the series, a weird prom song, and Betty Rubble.
102 min
"LaTina" (w/ Julien)
106 min
"BBL Face" (w/ Sara & Will)
Album October continues this episode with Ariana Grande's album Thank U, Next. Marley gets involved in petty crime? That checks out. Our guests this week are sibling gleeks Sara and Will! They've got so many hot takes they have a shared Google Doc. Incredible. Songs this episode include Blolo vs. Blolo, a throuple moment, and maybe one of the best Christmas songs ever?
114 min
"Quinndependence" (w/ Brantly)
Gleeks! Allison starts off the episode with another round of Album October: Fine Line by Harry Styles edition (and it's arguably her best work). Glistener Brantly is our gleek and we LOVE his hot takes (where were you when Allison said the best thing Adam Lambert ever did was Glee?). Songs this episode include not a bad Wolo, Artie's STI, and Klaine Feet.
127 min
"Blolo Biased" (w/ Brinn)
110 min
"Samantha's DROMP" (w/ Sydney & Matt)
Gleeks 😌 This week, we have some friends of the pod live and in person: Baby Gleeks Sydney and Matt! We forced them to watch Katy Gaga completely out of context and they have some thoughts. Songs this episode include Allison’s favorite holiday song (maybe?), Sam hitting a homeless child, and a real contender for the best song on Glee!
72 min
"Heels Stay On in Bed!" (w/ Emilee)
Gleeeeeeeeeeks! This week, Allison starts off the podcast by tearing I Am The Greatest Star to absolute shreds and doubling down on how it’s the worst song on Glee. Disagree? Feel free to slide into our DMs. Our guest is GOTW devotee and creator of Emilee’s rule: Emilee herself! Emilee gives us her views on the show and some hot takes on the podcast’s competitions. Songs this week include not one but TWO Power of Madonna numbers, old people, and Marley getting suspended.
88 min
"Tina Cohen-Magician" (w/ Max Balegde)
77 min
"Misfit Card REVOKED" (w/ Ned Parker)
Hi Gleeks 😏 This episode, Andrew and Allison start us off by responding to a few more of your gloicemails (call us at 732-955-4098), reopening the wounds of So Emotional-gate, and discussing who would play Finn in the modern day Gleeboot. Our gluest this episode is friend of the pod and glolar (Glee scholar), Ned!! Ned gives their perspective on being a Gleek and presents a TED talk on the three shows that are within this hit FOX show, Glee. Songs this episode include Allison’s feminist anthem, Kolo versus Kolo (a competition that will live in infamy), and ting…. ticka tiiiing tingtingting tating ting.
98 min
"Glocomelon" (w/ Trin Lovell)
Greetings, Gleeks! Andrew and Allison start with probably one of our favorite gloicemails we've ever received (mothers touching MY ASS!). Our guest this week is YouTuber and modern Gleek, Trin Lovell! Trin gives us the scoop on what it means to her to be an unashamed Gleek in 2022 and where her YouTube videos came from. Songs this episode include the shortest song on Glee, Rydique, and Santana in the best pantsuit ever.
72 min
"Ryder Die" (w/ Amelia Otto)
Oh, What An Episode! To start us off, Allison has another pitch for FOX CEO Andrew - a Frankie Valli episode of Glee! How did they never sing these songs?! Our Gleek this week is friend of the pod, Amelia! Amelia's been in our DMs, our gloicemail, and our livestreams and now she's here to defend her hot takes. Songs this episode include a HARD competition for Allison, finally some Elton John, and sex oozing out of the choir room.
82 min
"Mandela Effected Myself" (w/ Zach Faust)
Greetings, Gleeks! This week, Andrew and Allison react to some more of your gloicemails (leave us a message at 732-955-4098!!) and talk about Lea's cancelled tour (not again!). Our guest this week is Sue Sylvester stan and impersonator, Zach Faust (@SueSylvestertiktok)! Zach explains why Sue is the best character on the show and how his TikTok fame began. Songs this week include a Quarterback Polo, the best Christmas Klaine duet, and the best original song on Glee.
98 min
"Bulletproof Hospitality" (w/ Sayani)
91 min
"Vocal Adrenaline Stan Twitter" (w/ Glisteners)
Gleeks, join us for another great Glistener episode! Friends of the pod Ben, Natalie, and Joe dish some Glee hot takes, argue with Allison and Andrew about some of the decisions that have been made thus far on the Glacket, and help decide between some crazy good performances. If you want to be on our next Glistener episode, submit our guest application form on our Glinstagram! Songs this episode include a Mercedes original, a polarizing Ryder solo, and the longest song on the Glacket.
123 min
"Gleeks Don't Forget" (w/ Cameron Mitchell)
80 min
"Into the Gluniverse" (w/ Charlie Moon)
Happy Gluesday! This week, Andrew and Allison answer their very first gloicemails (call us at (732) 955-4098!!!) and continue the debate on So Emotional versus Fighter. Our guest this week is another Glee Project Star: Charlie Moon! Charlie reflects on the reality show experience ten years later and reveals why he really left the show. Songs this episode include a song Allison TOTALLY thinks they should sing on Glee, Lea Michele as Fanny Brice, and a Charlie Moon original!
66 min
"Dalton is Burning" (w/ Myko Olivier)
Gleeks :) It’s that time again, time to celebrate another HUNDRETH song! Go to our Instagram right now!!! To vote whether you’d rather keep Allison’s pick, Jessie’s Girl, or Andrew’s, Hate On Me. Our Gleek this week is season six lead Warbler, Myko Olivier! Myko shares all things Skylar and why he really thinks Dalton Academy burned down. Songs this episode include the worst song on glee (but maybe the best song on glee?), Mercedes killing it in a corset, and Allison dancing around a Macy’s.
78 min
"#Justice4Tina" (w/ Aaliyah Raffell)
Hi hi hi Gleeks! Andrew and Allison wrap up their Musical May/June with the Glee Club’s version of Mean Girls. Who is YOUR Cady and why is it Marley? Our Gleek this week is YouTuber Aaliyah Raffell! Aaliyah tells us about her experience at Liverpool Comic Con and what it was like to meet Brittany S. Pierce in the flesh. Songs this episode include jumping on mattresses, the Multiverse of Madness (Glee Cast version), and arguably the best Artolo.
94 min
"Gay *and* European" (w/ Ronnie & Sam)
Surprise! Musical May has turned into Musical June with the hosts and Gleek guests talking all things Legally Blonge (Ohmigod you guys!!). Allison is in California for this episode and our live and in person guests are friends of the pod, Ronnie and Sam! Songs this episode include Kurt’s keys to McKinley High, a Rachelby duet, and an extremely uncomfortable Puck solo.
87 min
"Slouchy Beanie/ Beanie Feldstein" (w/ Gleep)
This episode of GOTW is your Glee podcast cross over DREAM!! Andrew and Allison start by talking about Dear Evan Hansen and how it would be portrayed by the Glee Club. Our guests this episode are Megan and Eddie, the hosts of Glee Project rewatch podcast: GLEEP! Megan and Eddie give us their perspective the Glee Project and we all watch and dissect the infamous Today Show performance. Songs this episode include Lindsay Pearce!!!, the opening of Season 5, and glee clubs rumbling in a parking garage
92 min
"Cheating Era" (w/ Brooke Averick)
Gleeks! Andrew and Allison continue Musical May with their review of the Spring Awakening HBO doc. Jonathan and Lea with the mirror? Wowza! Our guest is TikTok comedian and lifelong Gleek: Brooke Averick! Brooke shares how Glee has been with her since childhood and defends not watching seasons 4-6. Songs this episode include some season one BANGERS, Bad Reputation, and the worst Klaine duet.
64 min