ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show

Is your marriage everything that you want it to be? Are you ready to make a change? Join Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo to create a strong marriage so you can have mind blowing intimacy inside and outside the bedroom. Marriage is not always easy but it's so worth it. Come and make your marriage EXTRAORDINARY!

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
052 – The Christmas Story
Have you ever stopped to think about the couple behind the Christmas story?  Mary and Joseph faced incredible challenges in their young relationship, but they had God the Father and God the Son at the center of their marriage.
57 min
051 – True Friendship
Lessons I learned from watching my kids (Alisa)...This weekend as I watched my son make decisions about his birthday cake based on the fact that one of his best friends was coming.  He sacrificed what he may have wanted for what a friend would prefer.
60 min
050 – Shhh! I’ve Got a Secret
We had two "We Did IT!" this week! And an awesome number of listener emails that we talk through as they deal with family boundaries, make up sex, and your encouraging words. - Secrets can destroy your marriage.
60 min
049 – Tis the Season to Have SEX!
Are you taking the steps necessary to maintain the intimacy in your marriage during this crazy time of year?  This is a time when we can find ourselves so busy with all that “needs to be done” that we neglect the relationships that matter the most.
57 min
048 – Count Your Blessings
Thanksgiving is just a few days away and this is a fantastic time to reflect back on all of your blessings both large and small.  Sometimes in the midst of everyday life we lose sight of how much we have received.
57 min
047 – Getting On the Same Page
We are almost to 2011 and it’s a great time to be thinking about your goals for next year.  So often we focus on our individual goals but it’s time to sit down and work through the goals the two of you have for your marriage.
59 min
046 – Are You Keeping Score?
So often in our marriages we are playing this invisible game where we keep track of everything our spouse does, comparing it to what we are doing to see who is the winner and who is the loser.  You are in a marriage NOT a game.
54 min
045 – Can You Face the Music?
So often in our marriages we fail to take responsibility for our actions.  Have you ever not apologized?  Just swept the issue “under the rug”?  Waited for everything to blow over?  STOP IT! It’s does not matter if you get the words right,
56 min
044 – On the Road Again
Can the two of you maintain your intimacy while one is away and the other is at home?  You both want to make sure that intimacy stays a priority in your marriage, but how do you make that happen when there is so much to do! - Grab your drink of choice,
53 min
043 – I Don’t Want the World, I Want YOU!
Have you stopped to think about what your spouse and family really want from you? Do you know that most of them would be willing to have less “stuff” if it meant more of you?  Part of making your marriage extraordinary is investing in the relationsh
59 min
042 – Do I Really Want to Make a Change?
Are you just talking about change or are you ready to step up to the plate and make things happen in your marriage? It’s time to stop trying and start doing! Whether it’s getting in shape or trying a new position make things happen today.
55 min
041 – Is Your Marriage an Adventure or a Burden?
Have you taken the time to think about how you view your marriage? Every relationship has highs and lows but the difference is all in your mindset. Do you choose to look at the future wondering what is around the corner or do you dread every day.
57 min
040 – Screw the Kids…This is Our Marriage
Are you focusing more on your kids than on your spouse?  It’s time to teach yourselves and the kids that they are not the center of the universe. It is so easy to get wrapped up in what the kids need that we lose sight of what our marriage needs and ou
60 min
039 – Heaven Help Us!
Week 6 –  Stripped Down 13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Your Marriage Small Group Podcast - This week we wrap up our small group podcast on Stripped Down: 13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Your Marriage. Over the past 6 weeks we dove into the other 11.
61 min
038 – Is Your Bedroom a Sanctuary?
Week 5 –  Stripped Down 13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Your Marriage Small Group Podcast - It’s time to take some action this week, starting with your bedroom.  Your bedroom needs to be a sanctuary, a place where the two of you can get away from i
55 min
037 – Looking Good and Feeling Good
Week 4 –  Stripped Down 13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Your Marriage Small Group Podcast - Have you thought about how being physically active impacts your marriage? Yes, you know the kind that makes your heart rate beat fast in your chest while the .
62 min
036 – What If?
What if we had never done the 60 Days of Sex Challenge? Where would our own marriage be today? Where would the ONE Community be? We talk through the last two years and challenge you to stop asking the "what if" question and start doing something today ..
56 min
035 – Pencil Me In
This episode is sponsored by Blow Up My Marriage! - Week 3 –  Stripped Down 13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Your Marriage Small Group Podcast Challenge yourself this week to show your spouse just how much they matter by getting them on your cale...
57 min
034 – Can We Talk?
Week 2 -  Stripped Down 13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Your Marriage Small Group Podcast - Communication is vital to any marriage and it's importance cannot be overstated. You need to work past the surface conversation and learn about what is really...
53 min
033 – From the Top Down & More…
This is the first of our small group podcast on Stripped Down:  13 Keys to Unlocking Intimacy in Marriage.  Each week we will be coving the different Keys that you can use in your marriage today, tomorrow, and into the future to build passion, romance,
54 min
032 – Home Sweet Home
We spent last week in Morro Bay on our family vacation.  We had a lot of fun together and a few not so fun times.  Just goes to show that we are still a work in progress and that this thing called marriage takes on-going effort.
57 min
031 – Queen Size Bed
This week we are not in the studio aka the garage, but instead podcasting from a rock overlooking Morro Bay. We used our digital recorder and Tony's portion is a bit crackly. Sorry about this and we'll make sure to have this corrected the next time.
14 min
030 – Sex In The Bedroom
Are you able to share your sexual passions and desires to your spouse? What's keeping you from having meaningful conversation about this area of your life? There are so many distractions pulling us in so many directions that we forget that God has give...
57 min
029 – But Nothing
Do you put a period or a comma after "I'm sorry"?  If you are putting a comma, then think about this. When you qualify your apology you minimize the apology and put the blame for your actions/reactions on the other person.
51 min
028 – Life Insurance, Is It Worth It?
It's a tough conversation to have but one that is so worth it...what happens if one of us dies? Are we adequately prepared in terms of life insurance? After seeing a family member deal with the unexpected loss of her husband 4 years ago we both increas...
57 min