Sunday Book Review

The Sunday Book Review began life as the Sunday edition of the Daily Compliance News but with its popularity now has its now hosting site and iTunes feed. Join Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist and the Voice of Compliance each Sunday where he discusses books, issues and interests which have caught his eye. He also interviews authors of books for the compliance, legal and business professional.

November 29, 2020, the Basketball Books edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review for November 29, 2020, the Basketball Books edition
4 min
November 22, 2020, the Business Books edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review for November 22, 2020, the Business Books edition
4 min
November 15, 2020, the Books About Biden edition
In this episode of the Sunday Book Review, I consider four books about Joe Biden.
4 min
November 1, 2020, the Agatha Christie edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: Nov. 1, 2020, the Agatha Christie edition
4 min
October 25, 2020, the Let them Eat Cake edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: October 25, 2020, the Let Them Eat Cake edition
4 min
October 18, 2020, the Cary Grant edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: October 18, 2020, the Cary Grant edition
4 min
October 11, 2020, the Tax Cheat edition
What are some of the book's which caught my eye over the past week? Check out the Sunday Book Review, Tax Cheat edition to find out
4 min
October 4, 2020, the Marilyn Stasio edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: October 4, 2020, the Marilyn Stasio edition
4 min
September 27, 2020, the University of Chicago e...
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: September 27, 2020, the University of Chicago edition
4 min
September 20, 2020, the Roger Angell edition
Today I pay tribute to one of the greatest writers about baseball ever. It is Roger Angell who turned 100 this past week.
4 min
September 13, 2020, the Miscellaneous edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: September 13, 2020, the Great Thinkers edition
4 min
September 6, 2020, the Great Sci-Fi edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: September 6, 2020, the Great Sci-Fi edition
4 min
August 30, 2020, the Great Essayists edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: August 30, 2020, the Great Essayist edition
4 min
August 23, 2020, the Great Thinkers edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: August 23, 2020, the Great Thinkers edition
4 min
August 16, 2020, the European Noir edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: August 16, 2020, the European Noir edition
4 min
August 9, 2020, the Sunday Book Review, Old is ...
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: August 9, 2020, the Old is New edition
4 min
August 2, 2020, the Untouchables edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: August 2, 2020, the Untouchables edition
4 min
July 26, 2020, the White House edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: July 26, 2020, the Coronavirus edition.
4 min
July 19, 2020, the Coronavirus edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: July 19, 2020, the Coronavirus edition.
4 min
July 12, 2020, the Crime Novels into Movies edi...
What are some of the great crime novels turned into great movies? Find out on today's Sunday Book Review.
4 min
June 28, 2020, the Psychological Thriller edition
Need a good summer read? Check out these offerings on the the Psychological Thriller edition of the Sunday Book Review.
4 min
June 21, 2020, the Financial Crisis edition
In this episode of the Sunday Book Review, we consider books on financial crisis and what they mean for today. June 21, 2020
4 min
June 14, 2020, the Houston edition
In this episode I consider some book which trace the evolution of and struggles in race relations in the city of Houston, TX
4 min
June 7, 2020, the Existentialism edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: June 7, 2020, the Existentialsim edition.
4 min
May 31, 2020, the Texas (fiction) edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review: May 31 2020, the Texas (fiction) edition.
4 min