Sunday Book Review

The Sunday Book Review began life as the Sunday edition of the Daily Compliance News but with its popularity now has its now hosting site and iTunes feed. Join Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist and the Voice of Compliance each Sunday where he discusses books, issues and interests which have caught his eye. He also interviews authors of books for the compliance, legal and business professional.

Sunday Book Review: February 2, 2020, to Mary H...
I dedicate this episode of the Sunday Book Review to Mary Higgins Clark, the Queen of Suspense, who died this weekend at age 92.
4 min
January 26, 2020, the Old is New edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review, for January 26, 2020
4 min
January 19, 2020, the NY Review of Books edition
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review, for January 19, 2020
4 min
Sunday Book Review: January 12, 2020
What are some of the books which caught my eye over the past week? Find out on the Sunday Book Review, for January 12, 2020
4 min
Sunday Book Review: January 5, 2020, Releases i...
In this edition of the Sunday Book Review, I consider four books coming out in 2020 which bear a look.
4 min
Sunday Book Review: December 22, 2019, the Desi...
This edition focuses on books about Design Thinking.
4 min
Sunday Book Review: December 15, 2019, the UT P...
In this episode I look at books published by the University of Texas Press.
4 min
Sunday Book Review: December 8, 2019, Library o...
4 min
Sunday Book Review: December 1, 2019, Hong Kong...
Join Tom Fox on the Sunday Book Review.
4 min