X Is For Show -- A Comic Reading Expe...

Do you wanna know all about ongoing comics from Marvel and more? Join Nico, TK, Kevo, & the rest of the Action Pack as they discuss the big moments, fill in the missing pieces, examine the characters, and more. Each week on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and more, the team breakdown the many books on multiple platforms. Whether it’s X-Men, Daredevil, Avengers, Miracleman, Darkwing Duck, Sandman, or anyone else from the Marvel U and beyond — the Action Pack has you covered with insight, in-depth analysis, keen perspectives, and lot’s of loud fun.

We Are Krakoa: Giant-Sized Nightcrawler and Ref...
Or should it have been called Giant-Sized Illyana?
42 min
We Are Krakoa: News, Debate, Excalibur, X-Force...
Diamond Distributors may not distribute?
38 min
'80s Mutant Mania: Rogue’s New, Wolverine’s Hea...
Nothing ever lasts for long.
31 min
'80s Mutant Mania: The Underwhelming Angel, Ice...
Filled with an unbelievable number of X-Characters!
36 min
We Are Krakoa: X-Babies, Broods, and Big Guns
Nico and Regina's best day!
37 min
'80s Mutant Mania: Wolverine: The Honor of the ...
Logan's drive for honor.
38 min
We Are Krakoa: New Mutants, Excalibur, X-Force,...
Sunday was International's Women's Day, so X is for Podcast celebrates!
54 min
'80s Mutant Mania: Wolverine: The Rage of the A...
Logan succumbs to the numb in his life.
29 min
Giant-Size We Are Krakoa
A giant-size celebration!
60 min
We Are Krakoa: Leap Forward in Evolution: An X-...
A leap day special!
32 min
'80s Mutant Mania: Wolverine: The Fall of Logan...
A deep dive into the first issue of this critically hailed series.
26 min
We Are Krakoa: News: Toys! Giant-Sized! British...
Wolverine's back.
52 min
'80s Mutant Mania: The Wrath of Storm and the F...
Kitty has to babysit?
38 min
We Are Krakoa: Lovers, Haters, and Fakers: X-Me...
Queen of mean and top traitor Mystique moves her plan forward.
40 min
'80s Mutant Mania: Captain Britain Special: The...
There's childbirth everywhere!
29 min
We Are Krakoa: Giant-Sized News! New Mini-Games...
Featuring the newest newses to hail from Krakoa's social circles.
44 min
'80s Mutant Mania: The Downbeat, Daddy-issue'd ...
Nico, Dylan, and Jonah feel the churn.
33 min
We Are Krakoa: X-Force #6, Fallen Angels #6, Ne...
Long-time X-Men major villain The Goblyn Queen returns to the X-Men.
51 min
'80s Mutant Mania: Angry Kitty and the X-Babies...
The X-Men and New Mutants finally find some quiet moments.
41 min
We Are Krakoa: Marauders #6, Excalibur #6 (+ X-...
X-Factor and Children of the Atom are coming!
37 min
'80s Mutant Mania: The Reborn Marvelman in A Dr...
Alan Moore takes Micky Moran to new heights and even crueler lows.
28 min
We Are Krakoa: New Mutants #5, X-Force #5, Exca...
Space! Stumps! Secrets! Pacing trouble!
43 min
'80s Mutant Mania: The Hated X-Men in God Loves...
We dig deep into the plot and characters of this well-loved tale while acknowledging its failings and problematic elements.
34 min
We Are Krakoa: FMK, X-Style: Do Me, I Do, You'r...
Nico, Jonah, Dylan, and Regina dangerously unhinge.
35 min
'80s Mutant Mania: The Hated X-Men in God Loves...
It wasn't an easy read or episode.
25 min