Wonder of Parenting - A Brain-Science...

Wouldn’t it be great if your child came with an owner’s manual? A how-to book on how to raise your child? And if your child came with such a manual, wouldn’t it be helpful to have someone walk you through it, making that owner’s manual come alive? Michael Gurian and Tim Wright serve as your guides through what they believe is the owner’s manual for your child: Your child’s brain. While the brain doesn’t tell the whole story, it does offer a treasure trove of insights into your son or daughter. Michael and Tim each have over 30 years of experience using brain science research, best-practices, and their own experiences as dads in helping parents read, understand, and implement the gift of your child’s brain, the built-in how-to manual that will help you enjoy the wonder of parenting.

Kids & Family
Sibling nudity and boundaries.
Sibling nudity and boundaries.  A mom writes in about her son and daughter who share a bedroom together.
28 min
Power Struggles
Power Struggles.  A mom and dad find themselves struggling to create boundaries for their defiant 7 year old son.
30 min
Raising an Adopted Child
Raising an Adopted Child.  A mom asks if her adopted son's behavior might be rooted in his brain.
31 min
Porn, Kids, and Screens
Porn, Kids, and Screens.  A mom writes in about her concern over her 12 year old daughter's viewing of porn 
34 min
Screen Time And What Kids Really Need
Screen Time And What Kids Really Need.  Michael and Tim are joined by Professor, Mom, and Author Meghan Owenz to discuss her book on screen time.
34 min
Combating Negative Peer Pressure
Combating Negative Peer Pressure.  A parent writes in concerned about the negative influence of older boys on his son.
27 min
Helping Our Kids Find Their Islands of Competence.
Helping Our Kids Find Their Islands of Competence. Michael and Tim answer a mom's question on how to help her son find his island of competence
32 min
Moms and Dads parent differently
Moms and Dads parent differently.  Michael and Tim look at five differences between the parenting styles of moms and dads.
36 min
Guns, school, and our kids
Guns, school, and our kids.  A mom writes in wondering how we can protect our kids from gun violence 
29 min
How to be a Dad to a Teenage Daughter
How to be a Dad to a Teenage Daughter
27 min
Thumb sucking
Thumb sucking.  A mom is concerned about her son's thumb sucking
38 min
How to Be A Mom to a Teenage Son.
How to Be A Mom to a Teenage Son.  A mom is struggling with relating to her teenage son.
25 min
Sports Parents
Sports Parents. Michael and Tim offer practical advice for being sports parents while nurturing the nature of your child
26 min
Sports and Aggression.
Sports and Aggression.  A mom writes in for an opinion on aggression in sports.
28 min
What’s on Gurian’s Mind Lately?
What’s on Gurian’s Mind Lately? Michael talks about some of the issues that have his attention right now.
33 min
School, Discipline, and Behavior.
School, Discipline, and Behavior. A teacher writes in concerned about the loss of discipline in students due to lockdowns.
30 min
The Needy Son
The Needy Son. A dad writes in concerned about the excessive neediness of his three year old son.
27 min
No One Loves Me!
No One Loves Me! A mom is wrestling with her first-born who seems to over respond to slights.
26 min
The Boy Who Lacks Empathy.
The Boy Who Lacks Empathy. A teacher is concerned about one of the boy’s in her class who shows no empathy for his other classmates.
26 min
The Trouble with Chores
The Trouble with Chores. A dad writes in asking for help in motivating his kids to do their chores.
30 min
The Gifts Every Boy Needs to Grow into a Good Man.
The Gifts Every Boy Needs to Grow into a Good Man. Michael and Tim talk about some of the important gifts we want to instill in our boys as they grow into manhood.
31 min
Other Kids’ Parents
Other Kids’ Parents. A mom wants to know how to set boundaries when other kids play at her house.
24 min
Pronouns, Breast-Binding, Science, and Politics.
Pronouns, Breast-Binding, Science, and Politics. Michael and Tim look at some of the challenges our kids face when it comes to their sexual identity.
40 min
The Son with the Annoying Behavior.
The Son with the Annoying Behavior. A mom is concerned about her son’s behavior, which seems to annoy other kids and gets him in trouble in school.
24 min
What to do When Kids Feel Three is a Crowd.
What to do When Kids Feel Three is a Crowd. A mom asks about how to handle playdate situations where one of the kids feels excluded.
27 min