A (Mostly) 80s Music Podcast: What Di...

Dave and Holly, your 80s music aficionados, talk to the artists and music industry insiders that made it the greatest decade for music. We are a proud member of The Pantheon Network - Podcasts for Music Lovers

Music History
Music Interviews
Music Commentary
1983 Pop Culture Part 2
The "olds" try not to be poseurs and stay woke in this Part 2 special looking back at Pop Culture of 1983. We are primed and ready as continue to talk about fashion and television and for some reason we talk about promise rings and Peanut Butter & Chocolate Pebbles. Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It MakeListen to our What Difference Does It make Spotify playlist to hear the songs discussed.
26 min
1983 Pop Culture Part 1
We kick off a new season of What Difference Does It Make by diving into the year 1983. Before we do our deep dive into the music we go down the rabbit hole (as we mention that phrase too many time to mention) and talk movies and fashion. Actually, Dave talks movies and Holly talks fashion. It was a good year for pop culture but I'm betting Holly will not like this 1983 movie soundtrack playlist featuring Frank Stallone, Barbra Streisand and Tangerine Dream. The one song she would like "Spring Break" by Cheap Trick is unfortunately not on Spotify however you can hear it on YouTube.Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
32 min
Dan McGrath Interview Part 2
Holly and Dave continue their lively talk with Dan McGrath, composer of The Strictly Come Dancing series in the UK and self-proclaimed 80s music nerd. Dan talks about how he was fortunate enough to witness an early performance of Depeche Mode at his school, we learn when it's the best time to interview Trevor Horn, we allow Dan to nerd up a little bit about his love of Roland and Moog Source Keyboards and we also learn a few new British phrases. Dan was not only kind enough to share his time with us but he created his own What Difference Does It Make Spotify playlist.Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
38 min
Dan "The Sound Man" McGrath Interview
The week we talk to Dan McGrath, composer of The Strictly Come Dancing series in the UK and self-proclaimed 80s music nerd. Dan talks about his love of Depeche Mode, Gary Numan and Yazoo and shares a few encounters he's had with Annie Lennox and his ultimate favorite, David Bowie. You can listen to a few of Dan's favorite songs on our What Difference Does It Make Podcast playlist. Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
31 min
Nick Bedding: Record Promotions Guy Part Two In...
In part two of our interview with Record Promotions Guy, Nick Bedding, we talk about how Nick learned his chops from some of the best promo people around like Phil Costello, Jeffrey Naumann and Claire Parr.  It's a fun listen as Nick takes us through his career arc and offers up his take on the future of record promotion. We also get to hear the story of how Nick eats edamame. Give a listen to the Nick Bedding Spotify playlist Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
50 min
Nick Bedding: Record Promotions Guy. Part One I...
In the first part of our interview, Nick Bedding talks about his first exposure to music in his hometown of Croydon which is South of London to his move to Valencia, California which is north of nowhere. We'll hear about first music. first shows, first fashion mistakes and first jobs. It's quite a journey and and all began with The Specials "Gangsters". Give a listen to the Nick Bedding Spotify Playlist and hear the music Nick loves.Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
32 min
Eddie Money and Ric Ocasek Tribute
Holly and Dave celebrate the music of Eddie Money and Ric Ocasek. Two artists that knew how to exhibit their own brand of cool and were able to create some of the most memorable mainstream pop hits that somehow still rocked. Both men had a keen sense of humor and seemed to be devoted family men. We talk about their music and what it meant to us. Give a listen to some of our favorite songs on our What Difference Does It Make podcast playlist.Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
36 min
Trevor Steel of The Escape Club Interview
We are very happy to welcome Trevor Steel of The Escape Club into our studios. Trevor was happy to share band stories including where he was when he found out "Wild, Wild West" had hit number one, the terror he faced trying to make the underwater video for "I'll Be There" and to talk about some new music from The Escape Club "We Can't Go Wrong". Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
39 min
Pasadena Daydream Wrap Up Show
Dave and Holly venture outside the studio to experience an actual concert going experience. The Pasadena Daydream Festival curated by Robert Smith of The Cure. Here all about our strategy to experience as much of the the music as possible while still being able to consume tacos and donuts and beer. Don't forget to enhance your experience by listening to the What Difference Does It Make podcast Spotify playlist. We feature two songs from each artist. The first track is the first song they played at the Festival. The second song is our personal pick. Enjoy!Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
18 min
Pasadena Daydream Preshow Podcast Part 2
For part 2 of our Pasadena Daydream Festival Preshow tailgate party, Dave lays down his rules for preparing for a concert. Holly provides the opposing viewpoint. Based on the Part 1 lottery picks, Holly takes the lead in discussing most of the larger font bands. Dave gets Mogwai while Holly provides some insight into Throwing Muses, Deftones, Pixies and The Cure. And we both wonder how much dancing there will be at the show. Listen to a selected song from each band on our What Difference Does It Make Spotfiy playlist.Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
25 min
Pasadena Daydream Preshow Podcast Part 1
Dave and Holly have a drawing to determine which 5 of the 10 bands that each will discuss for the Pasadena Daydream Festival curated by Robert Smith of The Cure. Dave picks 4 of the 5 smaller font bands for part 1 and drops some knowledge about KælanMikla, Emma Ruth Rundle, The Twilight Sad and The Joy Formidable. Holly shares her insights on Chelsea Wolfe. Hear the music discussed on our Spotify What Difference Does It Make Podcast playlistGet three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
30 min
Nick Longo interview on Artist Logos Part 2
It's the final part of our  "What Difference Does It Make Podcast" interview with Nick Longo of Longo Designs. Nick lets us know that sometimes fonts work for bands like NWA and Pink Floyd, most hair metal fonts had a similar look and never, ever. ever use Hobo, Papyrus or Comic Sans fonts!  We also can't like Nick leave without taking our 80s trivia quiz. Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
19 min
Nick Longo Interview on Artist Logos Part 1
What makes an iconic Artist Logo? It's a lot to consider but sometimes simplicity is best. Branding Specialist Nick Longo of Longo Designs breaks it down for us and lets us know why KISS, AC/DC and Aerosmith, among many others were able to tap into something iconic and help define the band. Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
24 min
Nick Longo Interview Album Covers Part 2
In part 2 of our interview with Nick Longo of Longo Designs, we dissect the two iconic Rush album covers, Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures and discuss why the Pretenders debut and The Talking Heads Remain In Light album covers were so effective. Nick brings great insight into our talk. So give a listen!Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
31 min
Nick Longo Interview Album Covers Part 1
In part 1 of our extensive interview with Brand Builder Nick Longo, we discuss why the What Difference Does It Podcast logo works so well, after all he is the person that created it. We also talk about what defines 80s artwork. why Van Halen's 1984 cover perfectly defined the band and why The Police's 1983 album Synchronicity is a perfect example of how do do it right with just colors and font. Learn more about Nick through his Deeply Graphic podcast and on his Longo Designs website.Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
22 min
KROQ 1982 Countdown Song Numbers 10 to 1
In our season 3 finale, we wrap up the year that was 1982 on the KROQ charts. The Go-Gos take a vacation, Sparks make some predictions and Foster Farms gives a unique twist to Human League's "Don't You Want Me". Plus Dave goes on Urban Dictionary and learns all about a Sex Dwarf. It's  a great send off to the year that was 1982. Our theme music is provided by Joel Graves of New Monkey Studio. Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It MakeYou can also hear the entire 106.7 songs on our What Difference Does It Make Spotify playlist.  Subscribe to our monthly newsletter on our website
45 min
KROQ 1982 Countdown Song Numbers 20 to 11
Dave and Holly discuss going to a Go-Go with The Rolling Stones, Aidan Quinn and Darryl Hannah dancing to Romeo Void and Toni Basil strutting her stuff with the Monkees Davey Jones. Plus Adam Ant pays tribute to Monty Python. All this and more as we make our way down the KROQ, Roq of the 80s 1982 countdown. This episode features songs number 20 to 11. Hear all the music discussed on the What Difference Does It Make Spotify playlist. Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It MakeSubscribe to our monthly newsletter
42 min
KROQ 1982 Countdown Songs Numbers 30 to 21
Summer is here so Holly and Dave start imagining going on a Duran Duran type tour and heading to Sri Lanka or hanging out to the beach and listening to Haircut 100. However you may enjoy the change in season, come back with us to 1982 and give the What Difference Does It Make podcast a listen.Hear the music on the What Difference Does It Make Spotify playlist.Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
41 min
1982 KROQ Countdown Song Numbers 40 to 31
In our "bits and chunks" episode of What Difference Does It Make, we discuss a couple Levis commercials, Principal Vernon from The Breakfast Club and the love affair between Gloria Jones and Marc Bolan. In between the discussions, we manage to talk about songs 40 to 31 that KROQ listed on their year end chart from 1982. Listen to the music on the What Difference Does It Make Spotify playlist.Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
45 min
1982 KROQ Countdown Song Numbers 50 to 41
A lot to unravel in this episode. Tattoos on Jews, John Cusack or Adam Levine, Stan Ridgway singing inside a pot full of beans and we learn about King Cotton and Roscoe's Rap. It's all inside our KROQ countdown from 1982 as we discuss song 50 to 41.  Follow along on our What Difference Does It Make Spotify playlist https://bit.ly/2IXJFdl  Follow us at https://www.wddimpodcast.com
47 min
1982 KROQ Countdown Song Numbers 60 to 51
Holly and Dave try to get water? milk? blood? from a turnip in this episode and discuss Inglorious Bastards, Area Codes, prank phone calls and Simon, Holly's WAZE guy. We also manage to discuss songs 60 to 51 from KROQ's original 1982 year end list.  You can hear the music on the "What Difference Does It Make podcast" Spotify playlist Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
29 min
1982 KROQ Countdown Song Numbers 70 to 61
Dave and Holly have an "interesting" episode. They begin by wondering if the word "interesting" is an effective word to describe something of interest. Holly gives a shout out to her most interesting high school teacher, Holly quizzes Dave on interesting Australian colloquialisms and we also manage to talk about music and the interesting songs that came out of KROQ in 1982.  Follow along with us on our Spotify "What Difference Does It Make Podcast" playlist.  Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
32 min
1982 KROQ Countdown Song Numbers 79 to 71
In this episode Holly and Dave discuss how nice it would be to be Nick Lowe and unexpectedly receive a million dollar check for a song you wrote 20 years ago. Dave worries about parking on the dance floor while hanging out at the record machine. He also annoys Holly by putting "The" in front of every band name like "The Adam and The Ants".  Give a listen to all songs discussed on the What Difference Does It Make Spotify playlist. Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
16 min
1982 KROQ Countdown Song Numbers 90 to 80
Holly and Dave are back at it going back to 1982 and talking about the songs we heard back in 1982 on KROQ Roq of The 80s in Los Angeles. In this episode we go through songs 90 to 80. We realize that the Translator's "Everywhere That I'm Not" would not be as effective in the social media era, Dave learns that Mink Deville, much like Pink Floyd and Jethro Tull is a band name and not an actual person in the band, Holly does her Joey Tribbiani impersonation and Dave destroys the studio.  You can follow along to the songs on our What Difference Does It Make Spotify playlist  Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
30 min
Rock Hall Inductees 2019 Part 2
In anticipation of the 2019 Inductees, Dave and Holly spend most of their time talking about wanting to see Janet and Def Leppard in Vegas and The Cure in Australia. Dave struggles with the spelling of Leppard and Holly struggles with trying to guess the individual's that will induct each artist into the Rock Hall. Dave also gets to fanboy on Radiohead and Holly gets to fangirl on The Cure.  Hear the music on the "What Difference Does It Make" Spotify playlist. Get three FREE months of Amazon Music courtesy of your 80s music aficionados at What Difference Does It Make
42 min