VOC Nation Wrestling Network

VOC Nation takes you behind the scenes for the greatest moments in wrestling history. Join us for exclusive weekly access to wrestling personalities such as Brady Hicks (Pro Wrestling Illustrated, ECWA), The Stro (WCW's Maestro), Kathie Fitzpatrick and more! Plus alums such as Philly radio personality "Voice of Choice" Bruce Wirt, Bill Apter, Ken Resnick, Shelly Martinez, Wes Brisco, Manny Fernandez, Bobby Fish, Steve Corino, Chaz Warrington and more! Subscribe for free on your favorite app and visit us on Twitter!

IN THE ROOM - WrestleMania Preview
With Brady Hicks out, Stro Maestro leads the charge as the crew runs down WrestleMania this weekend, plus looks back on ECWA Super 8, and takes your calls.
96 min
Bumps and Thumps - Cuban Assassin (Fidel Sierra)
Brian Ferguson chats with The Cuban Assassin (Fidel Sierra)
56 min
WCW Retro with The Stro - Family Feuds
In honor of WrestleMania, Maestro takes a look back on great wrestling family feuds
111 min
IN THE ROOM - Bloodline 2.0? + ECWA's Ryan Kava...
Brady Hicks, Stro, and crew talk a Bloodline without Roman, God resting, and WrestleMania (and post-WM) booking ideas, plus talk ECWA Super 8 with Ryan Kavanaugh and take your calls
126 min
Bumps and Thumps - Erik Watts
Brian Ferguson interviews second-gen star Erik Watts
75 min
WCW Retro with The Stro - Greatest World Champions
Stro Maestroa discussion of the greatest world champions, and takes your calls
76 min
IN THE ROOM - Jam-Packed Episode
WrestleMania looms as Brady Hicks, Maestro, and the crew discuss WWE's big angles, Flair vs. Dutch, Scott Hall's anniversary, and the Bellas to AEW, and take lots of calls
123 min
Bumps and Thumps - Jonard Solie
Brian Ferguson chats with Gordon Solie's son Jonard
65 min
IN THE ROOM with "The Alternative" Anthony Greene
Brady Hicks catches up with former WWE and AEW performer, and Pro Wrestling NOAH wrestler, "The Alternative" Anthony Greene. Plus, the Bloodline, MJF's emergence and AEW's investment in him, fantasy booking the next few weeks, and your calls.
131 min
Bumps and Thumps - Jacques Rougeau
Brian Ferguson sits down with "The Mountie" Jacques Rougeau
55 min
IN THE ROOM - Maestromania
Brady Hicks is out but Stro Maestro leads a discussion about the upcoming WrestleMania, and takes calls
78 min
Bumps and Thumps - Ricky Santana
Brian Ferguson catches up with 80s and 90s NWA and WWC star Ricky Santana
58 min
IN THE ROOM - Team Sami or Team Cody
Brady Hicks asks, "Are you Team Sami or Team Cody?" Plus WrestleMania talk, Elimination Chamber, AEW, and your calls.
120 min
Bumps and Thumps - Joe Ciupik
Brian Ferguson sits down with wrestler and promoter Joe Ciupik
64 min
WCW Retro with The Stro - Favorite Main Events
Maestro leads a discussion of your favorite wrestling main events, and your calls
81 min
IN THE ROOM - St. Valentine's Special
Brady Hicks is off for his birthday and an early morning flight, but Stro Maestro leads the charge of a spirited discussion on Elimination Chamber, Wrestlemania, Jerry Jarrett, and more ... and takes your calls
87 min
Bumps and Thumps - Pamela Morrison
Brian Ferguson catches up with James J. Dillon's Daughter, Pam Morrison
56 min
WCW Retro with The Stro - Greatest Feuds, Part III
Stro hosts a continued discussion on wrestling's greatest feuds, and takes your calls
56 min
Bumps and Thumps - Greg Anthony
Brian Ferguson chats with "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony
48 min
IN THE ROOM with Keith Elliot Greenberg
Wrestling writer Keith Eliot Greenberg checks in for a special interview, plus Brady Hicks (PWI) and Maestro (WCW) take calls and talk Team Cody vs. Team Sami, Jerry Lawler, Lanny Poffo, and more
111 min
WCW Retro with The Stro - Wrestling Families
Wrestling has more than one royal family, and Stro Maestro will take your calls and talk about them
114 min
IN THE ROOM - Cody Rhodes is Smarter than You
Brady Hicks (PWI magazine), Maestro (WCW), and crew talk about Royal Rumble fallout, including Cody challenging for the title, bumping Sami Zayn up the card, and longterm booking. Plus open phone lines and The American Roughneck.
123 min
Bumps and Thumps Welcomes Back George Schire
Brian Ferguson catches up with wrestling historian George Schire to talk about the "Big Three" promotions - AWA, NWA, and WWF (1960s - 1980s)
87 min
WCW Retro with The Stro - Greatest Feuds, Part II
Stro hosts a continued discussion on wrestling's greatest feuds, and takes your calls
53 min
IN THE ROOM - Rumblings and Bumblings
As the WWE Royal Rumble approaches, Brady, Maestro, and crew take calls and talk about the subtle shift back to VKM-style shows, including the recent 30th Anniversary of Raw
113 min