Tablet Studios

From weekly series examining unique angles on Jews’ place in the world, to inquiries into the details of Jewish text and tradition, Tablet Studios podcasts bring you insight and inspiration for the modern-day Jew. Our shows include How to Be a Jew, Unorthodox, Rootless, Re-Form, and more to come.

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
Song of Songs: Ep. 119
West Virginia Rabbi Joseph Hample and the Afro-Semitic Experience band
73 min
Dear Unorthodox: Ep. 118
Advice on everything from tin foil to conversion homework
32 min
The Nose Job Episode: Ep. 117
Looking at rhinoplasty from every angle: Jewish, feminist, historical, and more!
73 min
Is It OK to Call Someone a 'Jew'?
Bonus interview: Mark chats with 'On The Media' about Kayla Moore's remark about her Jewish lawyer
23 min
Gelt Trip: Ep. 116
Ringing in Hanukkah with Jordana Horn Gordon and Reza Aslan
75 min
Hanger Management: Ep. 115
Food writer Mark Bittman and 'By the Book' host Kristen Meinzer
56 min
Movers and Shakers: Ep. 114
New York Magazine's Noreen Malone and feminist author Phyllis Chesler
52 min
Like a Roman Stone: Ep. 113
Footsteps Executive Director Lani Santo and 'Why Bob Dylan Matters' author Richard F. Thomas
62 min
Bad to the Bone: Episode 112
'Bad Rabbi' author Eddy Portnoy and Washington Post religion reporter Sarah Pulliam Bailey
51 min
Food for Thought: Ep. 111
Emma's Torch founder Kerry Brodie on empowering refugees in the kitchen, and Kale and Caramel blogger Lily Diamond on her new cookbook
56 min
Eye of Newt: Ep. 110
Halloween with Alice Hoffman's 'Practical Magic' prequel
54 min
Relatively Speaking: Ep. 109
A.J. Jacobs on his new genealogy book; 'Transparent' actor Kobi Libii
59 min
Chag Sameach, Obama: Ep. 108
Presidential speechwriter David Litt and expertise expert Thomas Nichols
43 min
New Year, New You? Ep. 107
Rabbi Shai Held's realistic advice for 5778
46 min
I'm Sorry: Ep. 106
The Yom Kippur apology episode
45 min
We Are Family: Ep. 105
Writer Annabelle Gurwitch on being her elderly mother’s drug mule; plus the creative duo behind the one-man film ‘Wrestling Jerusalem’
55 min
You Got to Have Friends: Ep. 104
The German-Danish historian teaching ethics at Auschwitz, plus the men behind women’s suffrage
53 min
My Big Fat Jewish Wedding: Ep. 103
Breaking the glass with Anita Diamant, Amichai Lau-Lavie, ‘Bridesmaid for Hire’ Jen Glantz, Bat Sheva Marcus, and more
91 min
Birthright for WASPs?: Ep. 102
Jewish linguist Sarah Bunim Benor; architect Duo Dickinson on trips to Vermont
58 min
The Dating Option: Ep. 101
A web series about dating while Orthodox; Rod Dreher's Benedict Option
55 min
The Big 100
To celebrate our centennial episode, we turn the microphones around and interview hosts Mark, Stephanie, and Liel
50 min
Betting the House: Ep. 99
Live in NYC with FiveThirtyEight's Harry Enten and ‘How to Be a Muslim’ author Haroon Moghul
64 min
Cinema Verite: Ep. 98
Film critic Jordan Hoffman and trainer-turned-shaman Stacy Berman
69 min
The Cat’s Meow: Ep. 97
Historian Jenna Weissman Joselit and cat therapist Carole Wilbourn
62 min
Notes on Camp: Ep. 96
A special summer camp episode
63 min