Slate News

Daily news updates from across the Slate Podcast network.

News Commentary
Yet Another Round of Attacks on the Press
Jacob Weisberg chats with The Washington Post's Erik Wemple about Trump's most recent round of attacks on the press and about the reporting errors over the last week on the Russia investigation.
21 min
Trump's Endorsement and Alabama's Senate Race
Jamelle Bouie talks to Geoffrey Skelley – associate editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia's Center for Politics. The two discuss the upcoming Alabama senate race.
18 min
The Russia Strand Trump Fears Most
Jacob Weisberg talks to The Guardian's Luke Harding about his new book Collusion: How Russia Helped Trump Win.
29 min
A Desperate Defense Knows No Bounds
Virginia Heffernan is joined by Jeffrey Toobin (Senior Legal Analyst for CNN & Staff Writer at The New Yorker) to talk about Trump's defense in light of the most recent Flynn news.
22 min
Flynn Breaks, What's Next? (UPDATED)
Trumpcast producer Jayson De Leon chats with Just Security's Deputy Managing Editor, Kate Brannen. about the latest surrounding Michael Flynn's plea deal and where this all may point to next.
35 min
Nixon's Slow Burn
Jacob Weisberg chats with Slate's Leon Neyfakh about his latest series Slow Burn | A Podcast About Watergate.
22 min
The Magnitsky Update with Bill Browder
Jacob Weisberg and Virginia Heffernan are joined by Bill Browder to chat about the latest surrounding the Magnitsky Act, corruption, and those seeking to discredit his efforts worldwide.
32 min
Slow Burn: A Podcast About Watergate | Martha
A preview of Slate's eight-episode miniseries about Watergate.
24 min
Night Rider
Jacob Weisberg is joined by Philip Gourevitch (The New Yorker) and Katie Roiphe (NYU) to discuss Robert Penn Warren's first novel "Night Rider."
35 min
A History of Bunk
Jacob Weisberg talks to Kevin Young, director of the Schomburg Center and poetry editor at The New Yorker, about his new book Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts, and Fake News.
21 min
Trumpcast Live From San Francisco
Jacob Weisberg, Virginia Heffernan, Jamelle Bouie, and John Di Domenico are live from the Nourse Theater in San Francisco!
85 min
The Fox News Survivor & Alec Baldwin
Jacob Weisberg chats with Slate's Justin Peters who spent 3 weeks watching Fox News.
27 min
Slate Live Event: The People vs. Trump
Conversations about Trump's first year in office
81 min
"The Last Republican President"
Josh King talks to Mark Updegrove, author of The Last Republicans, about why Bush 41 & Bush 43 may just be the last establishment Republicans to hold the presidency.
24 min
The People vs. Trump: Year One (Live with Tom P...
Jamelle Bouie is joined by former Virginia congressman, Tom Perriello to discuss Tuesday's election and the Democrats moving forward.
18 min
A Year Spent in Panic Inducing Bubbles
Virginia Heffernan chats with Slate's Laura Bennett & Allison Benedikt about the cover story they co-edited this week – The Year in Push Alerts,
22 min
The Giant Pool of Money Laundering
Jacob Weisberg gets an explainer from The New Yorker’s Adam Davidson about money laundering. Why do people do it? What does he see in the Manafort indictment?
33 min
Inching Closer to the Oval Office
Jacob Weisberg chats with the historian and author David Greenberg about how the latest revelations in the Trump-Russia scandal compare to those of Watergate.
23 min
Cut, Cut, Cut or Not So Much?
Jamelle Bouie talks to Slate's Jordan Weissmann about the GOP tax plan rollout and the nomination of new Fed Chair Jerome Powell.
16 min
A Long, Slow Revenge
Josh King jumps in for a weekday show to chat about the Frontline documentary, Putin's Revenge, with its producer-reporter, Jim Gilmore.
29 min
Bob Mueller's Opening Salvo [UPDATED]
Virginia Heffernan chats with Matthew Miller, about George Papadopoulos' guilty plea.
41 min
The Handmaid's Tale
Jacob Weisberg, Philip Gourevitch, and Katie Roiphe discuss what, if anything, Margaret Atwood's book can tell us about the Trump administration.
32 min
Ukrainian Politics in America
Jacob Weisberg talks to the writer and historian Anne Applebaum about the historical context of the Trump-Russian scandal.
24 min
The Sound of a Rebel Yell
Jamelle Bouie talks to Ted Johnson, a fellow at New America and a veteran of the US Navy, about what Trump and the rest of the White House really mean when they call their critics "unpatriotic."
18 min
The Generals, North Korea, and Myanmar
Jacob Weisberg talks to Fred Kaplan about General Kelly's response to Trump's phone call with the widow of a US soldier who died during an operation in Niger.
27 min