Virginia Heffernan talks to Slate's Mark Joseph Stern about the open arguments at the Supreme Court today surrounding Trump's travel ban and then is joined by Ian Bremmer to chat through his new book Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism.
30 min
The Book and Memos of James Comey
Jacob Weisberg and Virginia Heffernan discuss James Comey's new book A Higher Loyalty and the recent batch of Comey memos that leaked on Thursday evening.
33 min
How the Southern District of NY Flips Made Men
Virginia Heffernan talks to a former Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York (SDNY), Mimi Rocah, about what her prosecutions of organized crime units for the SDNY can tell us about the Michael Cohen case.
38 min
A Measured View of the Cohen Probe
Jacob Weisberg talks to Tim O'Brien, Executive Editor of Bloomberg View, to catch up about the latest surrounding the Michael Cohen story and why it may not be all the media is cooking it up to be.
26 min
A Pruitt and a Pardon
Jamelle Bouie talks to Mother Jones' Rebecca Leber about the "liberties" Scott Pruitt is taking as a public official and how it's effecting the EPA as a whole.
18 min
Raiding Trump's Fixer, Dealmaker, and Lawyer
Jacob Weisberg talks to former FBI special agent Asha Rangappa and The New Yorker's Adam Davidson about the raid on Michael Cohen's office.
29 min
Trump’s Nativist Delusions and Peña Nieto’s Res...
Virginia Heffernan is joined by host of Slate's El Gabfest, Leon Krauze, to discuss Trump's renewed nativist delusions.
28 min
The MBS-JK Connection Takes on the Middle East
Jacob Weisberg talks to Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker about the young 30-somethings trying to reform the Middle East – Jared Kushner and Mohammed bin Salman.
29 min
Sinclair's Local News Propaganda Bomb
Jacob Weisberg talks to Erik Wemple of The Washington Post about Sinclair Broadcasting, Trump's recent attacks on the press, and the decline of local news.
24 min
All That Kushner Money
Virginia Heffernan talks to Jesse Drucker of The New York Times about the money coming into Kushner Co's hands (which Jared continues to have a significant stake in) from both foreign and domestic partners.
23 min
Liberal Democracy’s Misplaced Faith in the Future
Jacob Weisberg talks to Timothy Snyder, the author of The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America.
32 min
Michael Cohen Must Be Kicking Himself
Virginia Heffernan talks to Vanity Fair's Emily Jane Fox about the Stormy Daniels' 60 Minutes interview and just how Michael Cohen's role in the scandal could factor into the Mueller investigation.
25 min
Trump Is Finally Getting the Team He Wants
Jacob Weisberg chats with Fred Kaplan about the departure of H.R. McMaster and the arrival of John Bolton.
38 min
Who Trashed the Party?
Virginia Heffernan talks to The New Yorker's Andrew Marantz about Cambridge Analytica and Facebook.
39 min
John Kelly's Power and Failure
Jacob Weisberg talks to Chris Whipple, author of The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency, about what it takes to be a successful Chief of Staff.
30 min
The PutinCon Files
Virginia Heffernan is joined by The Guardian's Luke Harding and the Head of the Global Magnitsky Justice campaign, Bill Browder, to discuss Vladamir Putin and his actions in the UK.
25 min
Rating the Trump-Russia Angles
Jacob Weisberg chats with Michael Isikoff and David Corn, authors of Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump.
42 min
The Ghost of the Mueller Investigation
Virginia Heffernan talks to the journalist Hannah Seligson about Ivanka Trump.
33 min
Rex Tillerson's Long Goodbye
Jacob Weisberg talks to Politico's Susan Glasser about the firing of Rex Tillerson and what (if anything) we can expect from the incoming Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.
19 min
Stormy Sues, Sanders Slips, and Cohen Tries Ano...
Jacob Weisberg talks to the Washington Post's Beth Reinhard about the Stormy Daniels lawsuit and Michael Cohen's restraining order.
19 min
Democracy Gets a Checkup
Jacob Weisberg is joined by Yascha Mounk, author of The People vs. Democracy, to talk about his new book and how democracies are holding up around the globe.
31 min
Getting Whole
Virginia Heffernan talks to BuzzFeed's Anthony Cormier about the FBI investigation that nearly had Paul Manafort before the Trump campaign, the result of that, and why Anthony doesn't think Paul Manafort will flip.
31 min
Overleveraged and Under Scrutiny
Jacob Weisberg is joined by The Washington Post's Shane Harris to discuss the fallout of Jared Kushner's security clearance downgrade and just how his role in the West Wing could be changing.
25 min
A System of Silencing
Jacob Weisberg talks to Ronan Farrow of The New Yorker about Trump's way of silencing the women he has had affairs with. Plus, why did Jared get a down graded security clearance?
24 min
The Big Facebook Talk
Virginia Heffernan talks to WIRED's Editor-in-Chief, Nick Thompson, and the Director of the Center for Media & Citizenship at the University of Virginia, Siva Vaidhyanathan, about all the issues that have plagued Facebook.