Slate News

Daily news updates from across the Slate Podcast network.

News Commentary
"It's All Too Much, and We Still Have to Care."
Slate's Dahlia Lithwick reads her cover story from earlier this week, "It's All Too Much, and We Still Have to Care."
10 min
Manafort Goes to Jail
Jayson De Leon jumps into the host seat for the day to chat about Paul Manafort's arraignment with Tierney Sneed of Talking Points Memo who was at the courthouse to watch the day's events unravel.
18 min
Clown Yalta
Virginia Heffernan talks to Alexandra Bell, Senior Policy Director at the Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation, about Trump's meeting with Kim Jong-Un and what, if anything, substantive came out of it.
24 min
The Sewage of Trump's Trade War
Jacob Weisberg is joined by Slate's Jordan Weissmann to talk about Trump's showdown with Trudeau on tariffs and the future of NAFTA.
27 min
Our Pardon Giving President Perverts the Pardon
Virginia Heffernan is joined by Slate's Dahlia Lithwick to talk about Trump's performative pardons and how he continues to destabilize trust in our institutions.
27 min
The Black Widow, The Giant, and the Tallest Tow...
Virginia Heffernan talks to BuzzFeed's Anthony Cormier about his story that broke today on Ivanka Trump's Olympic weightlifter connection to Vladimir Putin and what that has to do with Trump Tower Moscow.
19 min
Gearing Up For a Subpoena Showdown
Jacob Weisberg is joined by Jed Shugerman, a professor at Fordham law school, to talk about the letter that leaked this past weekend wherein the president's lawyers all but admitted that he obstructed justice.
27 min
Trumpcast Live From Brooklyn
Jacob Weisberg, Virginia Heffernan, and Jamelle Bouie are joined by Michael Avenatti to talk about his day in court and his strategy heading forward in the case Stormy Daniels case.
67 min
An Encyclopedia of Trump’s Dishonesty
Jacob Weisberg talks to Daniel Dale of the Toronto Star about his running tally of Trump's false claims and what the difference is between that and his lies.
22 min
Three Sketches on Two Stories (Bonus!)
For a Memorial Day weekend bonus episode, we've compiled three brand new sketches to share with you – from Don Jr's Trump Tower transcript to the reaction from Trump's base on the ZTE deal.
9 min
Can You Indict the President?
Jacob Weisberg talks to Noah Feldman of Harvard Law School about what it would take to prosecute a sitting president.
32 min
Trump's Challenge to Prosecutorial Independence
Jacob Weisberg talks to Rebecca Roiphe of New York Law School about the stress test Trump is putting on prosecutorial independence and how the DoJ is responding to it.
26 min
Draconian and Cruel Immigration Policies
Jamelle Bouie talks to Vox's Dara Lind about the latest moves the Trump administration has made on immigration and on the southern border.
18 min
Upon Further Review: What If Nixon Had Been Goo...
Football really mattered to Richard Nixon. Only one problem — he sucked at it.
26 min
A Very Stormy Disclosure
Jacob Weisberg is joined by The Washington Post's David Fahrenthold to discuss Trump's repayment to Michael Cohen, what else we learned from the President's financial disclosure , and just what the hell is the Chicago Unit Acquisition LLC?
28 min
A Torture Victim Speaks To Gina Haspel
Virginia Heffernan talks to the journalist, Theo Padnos, about his open letter to Trump's CIA nominee, Gina Haspel.
23 min
The Psychic Tyranny of Shakespeare's Tyrants
What the work of Shakespeare can tell us about Trump and the Trump era.
26 min
Lend Me Your Ears: Julius Caesar
Hey Trumpcast listeners we wanted to introduce you to "Lend Me Your Ears," a six-part podcast miniseries exploring how Shakespeare’s works have shaped our modern views on politics.
41 min
A Slush Fund for Playmates, an Oligarch, and th...
Jacob Weisberg is joined by Virginia Heffernan and ProPublica's Jesse Eisinger to discuss the latest Michael Cohen story surrounding his Delaware LLC.
31 min
Trump Withdraws From Iran Deal In Spiteful Fashion
Jacob Weisberg talks to Slate's War Stories correspondent, Fred Kaplan, about President Trump pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal.
24 min
Michael Avenatti is Beating Trump at His Own Game
Virginia Heffernan is joined by her co-host, Jacob Weisberg, to chat about pornstars, hush money, sex, and lies as enhanced by Rudy Giuliani this week.
20 min
The Real Answer to Russian Disinformation
Jacob Weisberg is joined by Anne Applebaum and Peter Pomerantsev to talk about the "Arena" project which analyzes disinformation, polarization, and tries to create a counter-response to all the noise.
36 min
Reading into the Leak of the Mueller Questions
Virginia Heffernan talks to Eric Columbus, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice, about the leak of the Mueller questions and the questions themselves. What can we read into them? What do we make of the leak?
28 min
Dreaming of Hillary on the Campaign Trail
Virginia Heffernan talks to the author of Chasing Hillary, Amy Chozick, about "New York Times worship," being what she calls an "unwitting Russian agent," and why she kept having dreams of Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail.
30 min
Is Trump's Chaos Beating the Press?
Jacob Weisberg is joined by the media critic, Jay Rosen, to talk about why he thinks Trump is winning and the press is losing.
22 min