Slate News

Daily news updates from across the Slate Podcast network.

News Commentary
The Enabler
Jacob Weisberg talks to Margaret Sullivan of The Washington Post about the man who just can't help but squeeze all of the juice out of Donald Trump's rise to political prominence – Jeff Zucker.
20 min
The Queen Has Rabies
Jacob Weisberg talks to Professor Timothy Garton Ash about what free speech looks like in the electorate and in the media in the age of Trump.
27 min
A Historical Perspective
Jacob Weisberg talks to Professor Nell Irvin Painter, a historian at Princeton University, about how she views the rise of Trump through the prism of American history.
22 min
Trumpcast Extra: The “I'm So Relieved” Edition
Jacob Weisberg and the hosts of the Political Gabfest (David Plotz, Emily Bazelon and John Dickerson) team up for some post-Presidential-debate review.
28 min
A Debate for the Ages
Jacob Weisberg talks to Clare Malone, FiveThirtyEight's senior political writer, about the upcoming debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
22 min
Thinking The Unthinkable
Jacob Weisberg talks to Evan Osnos of The New Yorker about his latest story in this week's magazine about the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency.
21 min
Jacob Weisberg talks to Michael Barbaro about his story in this past weekend's New York Times where he called Donald Trump a liar on page one.
15 min
Passing Off Charity As Your Own
Jacob Weisberg talks to David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post about The Trump Foundation and his investigation into Donald Trump's charitable givings (or rather non-givings).
24 min
Cycles of Panic
Jacob Weisberg talks to McKay Coppins of BuzzFeed News about Mr. Trump's upcoming check up on Dr. Oz, Colin Powell's leaked emails, and why we need to constantly remind ourselves how difficult it will be for Trump to win.
20 min
No Pay For Policy
Jacob Weisberg talks to Josh Rogin of the Washington Post about the collapse of Trump's poor excuse for a Washington DC policy shop.
19 min
Milf Hunting with Roger (A Second City Special)
Enjoy this special bonus sketch from our friends at The Second City.
5 min
Trump's Razor
Jacob Weisberg talks to Josh Marshall, editor and publisher of Talking Points Memo, about his version of Occam's Razor when it comes to Donald Trump.
16 min
The Roger Ailes in the Room
Jacob Weisberg talks to Michelle Goldberg about why nobody is asking Donald Trump about the sadistic pervert advising his campaign – Roger Ailes.
20 min
Both Sides of the Border
Jacob Weisberg talks to Suzanne Gamboa, a Senior Writer at NBC News Latino, about Donald Trump's trip to Mexico and where his immigration speech landed on the political spectrum.
13 min
Opening the Trump Archive
Jacob Weisberg talks to Marc Fisher and Michael Kranish, reporters at the Washington Post, about their new vigorously reported biography – Trump Revealed.
26 min
Lifeboats for Republicans
Jacob Weisberg talks to Slate's Will Saletan about how Hillary's speech in Reno last week was both an attack on the soul of the Trump campaign and an offer to Republicans to get off Trump's sinking ship.
21 min
Time Off For Good Behavior
Jacob Weisberg talks to Ana Marie Cox, the senior political correspondent for MTV News, about the Kellyanne Conway version of Donald Trump and whether or not it will last.
16 min
He Probably Doesn't Pay Any Taxes
Jacob Weisberg talks to the investigative journalist, David Cay Johnston, about the likely reason Donald Trump has yet to release his tax returns. Plus, who is Joey No Socks?
18 min
Mr. Brexit & Corey – A Love Story (A Second Cit...
Enjoy this special bonus sketch from our friends at The Second City.
5 min
The Apprentice – Trump's Campaign Edition
Jacob Weisberg talks to Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine about Breitbart's Steve Bannon – Trump's latest campaign hire.
19 min
Creating The Monster That Is @RealDonaldTrump
Jacob Weisberg talks to Peter Costanzo, the man who got Donald Trump on Twitter.
15 min
The Lost World of White Christian America
Jacob Weisberg talks to Robert P. Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute about the decline White Christian America.
18 min
"Second Amendment People..."
Jacob Weisberg talks to Alex Wagner of The Atlantic about Trump's know.
17 min
The Intervention (A Second City Special)
Enjoy this special bonus sketch from our friends at The Second City.
5 min
A Bunch of White Guys Named Steve
Jacob Weisberg talks to Annie Lowrey of New York Magazine about the word salad otherwise known as the Trump economic policy speech.
21 min