What Next: Is Bill Gates to Blame for Lagging V...
The billionaire’s love of intellectual property could be limiting vaccine supply.
22 min
What Next: The Afghans Who Got Out
They had to be lucky to flee their country. Once in the U.S., they face a wall of bureaucracy and new customs.
21 min
What Next: A Brazen Kidnapping in Haiti
Abductions aren’t new to Haiti, where armed gangs now have more power than national police.
27 min
A Word: Uneven Playing Field
Why does Black activism look so different in the NBA and the NFL?
25 min
The Waves: Why Being the Chef on a Yacht Could ...
Below Deck’s Chef Rachel Hargrove joins The Waves to dish on the last season, the yachting industry, and the pressures of being a chef.
32 min
What Next TBD: Honey, I Sold the House to Zillow
Why are tech companies flipping houses?
16 min
What Next: How Immunity for Cops Ends
Not with a bang but with a whimper.
27 min
What Next: Is Trump Still On Virginia’s Ballot?
Both candidates for governor can’t escape his shadow.
27 min
What Next: How Should We Remember Colin Powell?
Untangling the former general’s complicated legacy.
28 min
What Next: No One's Got Mail
Is the post office’s demise a foregone conclusion?
23 min
A Word: Black to the Land
Will the reversal of the racist land grab at Bruce’s Beach spark a trend?
26 min
The Waves: Finding Hope for Women in the Climat...
The world is on fire. Is it disproportionately impacting women?
34 min
What Next TBD: The Return of Hacktivism
Massive data dumps from inside Twitch and Epik may signal a new era in the world of moralistic hacking.
19 min
What Next: The Strike That Could Paralyze Holly...
Workers are fed up with the long hours and low pay.
19 min
What Next: Is Someone Brain-Zapping American Op...
19 min
What Next: When Airbnb Takes Over Your Neighbor...
Short-term rentals are hollowing out places like Galveston, Texas.
21 min
A Word: Supreme Injustice
The conservative Supreme Court majority could super-charge gun rights and wreck Roe v. Wade.
19 min
The Waves: Can You Really Have a Feminist Wedding?
Two women—one recently married and one recently engaged—contemplate whether it’s possible to redeem the old institution filled with white dresses and garter tosses.
37 min
What Next TBD: Will the Facebook Whistleblower ...
Frances Haugen thinks we’re talking about Facebook all wrong.
21 min
What Next: Congress Plays Chicken
Democrats and Republicans agree on the debt ceiling. Why won’t they do anything?
25 min
What Next: Are We Ready for the Next Pandemic?
With bold social welfare programs, our chances are better.
24 min
What Next: Democrats’ Gerrymandering Dilemma
Do you forfeit the game just when you’re taking the lead?
21 min
What Next: The Supreme Court Confronts Its Critics
As the justices watch their public polling numbers drop, they insist that they’re not political hacks. Do you believe them?
28 min
A Word: Las Vidas Negras Importan
From the streets to the big screen, Afro-Latinos are fighting for visibility and respect.
23 min
The Waves: Does the New Clinton Impeachment Sho...
The new Ryan Murphy show American Crime Story: Impeachment attempts to give Monica Lewinsky a voice.