Slate News

Daily news updates from across the Slate Podcast network.

News Commentary
What Next: The Russian Media Crackdown
It’s getting harder for Russians to cut through the noise of state propaganda and censorship.
25 min
What Next: What Banning Russian Oil Really Means
The U.S. ban of Russian oil wasn’t supposed to happen. So what led us here?
24 min
What Next: The Persistence of Anti-Asian Violence
Faced with government inaction, community organizations are stepping up. But they say they shouldn’t have to.
23 min
A Word: Lynching’s Legacy - Emmett Till to Geor...
Lynching is now a federal crime. It only took a hundred years.
23 min
What Next TBD: How Minnesota Spied On Protesters
Operation Safety Net was supposed to keep the peace during the Chauvin trial. Did it abuse its power?
17 min
The Waves: What I Wish I Knew Before I Started IVF
Wave’s producer Cheyna Roth seeks counsel from other women who have dealt with infertility.
42 min
What Next TBD: Putin's Internet Crackdown
The Kremlin is resorting to extreme measures to control the information landscape in Russia.
27 min
What Next: On the Ground With a Ukrainian Journ...
“At the moment, I think I still can play an important role here… if I get drafted, I get drafted.”
21 min
What Next: The January 6th Case Against Trump
Will the former president be held accountable for efforts to overturn the 2020 election?
23 min
What Next: How Zelensky Met the Moment
Before the war, Ukraine’s president was regarded with tentative hope. Now, he’s a symbol of civic nationalism.
23 min
What Next: The *New* New Phase of the Pandemic
With fresh guidelines from the CDC, the majority of Americans can now go mask free. Is it ok to stop worrying?
22 min
A Word: Supreme Court Showdown
Could Ketanji Brown Jackson turn the Court around?
22 min
What Next TBD: When Your Retina Needs a Softwar...
What do you do when your bionic eye becomes obsolete?
19 min
The Waves: The GOP’s All-Out Assault on Trans P...
Why are so many people silent about the open, far-right movement targeting children?
42 min
What Next TBD: Ukraine’s Information War
How the embattled country took control of the social media narrative.
18 min
What Next: Europe’s Refugee Hypocrisy
It’s hard not to notice the stark difference between the treatment of Ukrainian refugees and non-European refugees.
26 min
What Next: Putin Alone
A look at Putin’s shrinking inner circle.
23 min
What Next: Texas’s Attack on Trans Kids
Goveror Greg Abbott has ordered Child Protective Services to begin investigating gender-affirming care as child abuse.
29 min
What Next: President Biden’s First Supreme Cour...
Why Judge Kentaji Brown Jackson was a strategic nomination.
23 min
What Next: The Long View on Russia’s Invasion
When it comes to answering Putin’s aggression, looking back might show the way forward.
24 min
A Word: “Black City. White Paper.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer is taking on the city’s racism, starting with its own.
23 min
What Next TBD: Peter Thiel, Patron of the Popul...
Why the enigmatic founder and investor is turning his attention to politics full-time.
20 min
The Waves: Why You Need to Downsize Your Skin-C...
All the lotions and potions really aren’t necessary. In fact, they can be harmful.
31 min
Amicus: And the Nominee Is … Judge Ketanji Brow...
President Biden’s Supreme Court pick is unprecedented.
52 min
Gabfest Special: Justice Jackson
Nate Persily dishes about KBJ’s jurisprudence and high-school acting career.
18 min