Slate News

Daily news updates from across the Slate Podcast network.

News Commentary
Political Gabfest: SBF FTX WTF?
Candidate Trump, election denying candidates lose, and a crypto firm’s implosion shakes the Effective Altruism movement.
46 min
What Next TBD: The Case Against Climate Reparat...
There’s a great moral argument. Practically, it falls apart.
29 min
What Next: The Shiny New Target for Political S...
Whether it's allowed or not, partisan politics—and all the money that entails—have come to judicial races.
18 min
What Next: Will SCOTUS Take Native Children Awa...
Brackeen v. Haaland could impact everything from child adoption to tribal land rights to native sovereignty.
25 min
What Next: How New York Democrats Blew It
The road to potentially losing the House of Representatives started with an overreaching redistricting map of the Empire State.
26 min
What Next: The Far Right’s Alarming Rise in Israel
Palestinians in Israel brace as Benjamin Netanyahu returns to lead a hard-right coalition government.
24 min
A Word: Black Panther’s Pride
While Wakanda Forever honors Chadwick Bosman, writers are inventing Wakanda’s future.
26 min
What Next TBD: Is This The Cryptocalypse?
How will the demise of the second-largest crypto exchange affect the industry?
28 min
Slate Money: WTF SBF
Slate Money talks about the colossal downfall of FTX
51 min
The Waves: Oprah Has The Best Voice (and Other ...
The actresses’s new audio book Inside Voice will make you rethink how you sound.
25 min
Political Gabfest: Extremely Surprising Midterms
Midterm surprises; what the midterm results might mean for governance in the U.S.; and the challenge to the Indian Child Welfare Act at the Supreme Court
48 min
What Next TBD: Senator Chris Murphy on Elon's A...
Why he asked the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. to review Saudi Arabia's considerable stake in Twitter.
17 min
What Next: Did Trump Crash the Red Wave?
Republicans made gains in the midterms but fell well short of expectations. Why?
24 min
What Next: What Texas' Attacks on Trans Healthc...
When Governor Abbott directed the state to investigate gender-affirming care as child abuse, trans kids and their families had to decide if Texas could still be home. Many left.
25 min
What Next: The Frightening Rise in Political Vi...
What’s put Congress and their families in the crosshairs, and what can be done?
24 min
What Next: How the Dems Win Back the Rust Belt
In a state Trump won handily, Democrat Tim Ryan may have found a base.
23 min
A Word: Gang Bangers with Badges
The podcast, A Tradition of Violence, probes charges of deputy gangs in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
25 min
ICYMI: How Are the Midterms Affecting Social Me...
Some politicians really understand how to be online, but most don’t.
33 min
Political Gabfest: Live From Atlanta!
Georgia & the midterms, the potential for more political violence, and affirmative action at the Supreme Court.
77 min
The Waves: Why Sarah Palin Won’t Go Away
The MAGA celebrity is back in politics and we all have questions.
29 min
What Next: The Stakes of Nevada’s Latino Vote
Brutal inflation, a transient population, and Vegas' powerful hospitality union may tilt the balance of power in Washington.
24 min
What Next: Can an Anti-Trump Republican Still Win?
Colorado may now be a deep blue state.
18 min
What Next: SCOTUS Reviews Affirmative Action…Again
With three Trump appointees on the court, the end might be near for race-conscious admissions.
25 min
What Next: Should You Panic Over America's Test...
What lower test scores are telling us—and what they can’t.
27 min
What Next TBD: Big Brother, Big Tech and China
COVID may be an inflection point in the relationship between the surveillance state and the surveilled.
38 min