Today in PA | A PennLive daily news b...

It's what you need to know about what's happening in Pennsylvania, delivered to you in around 5 minutes every weekday morning by reporter Claudia Dimuro. "Today in Pa." brings you the biggest stories in the state, whether they're hard news, entertainment, sports or business.

Daily News
April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: April 14, 2020
More than 80% of global workforce hurt by the coronavirus pandemic. Federal stimulus checks are arriving. More than 25,000 COVID-19 cases in Pa. The Tour de France is canceled. Companies offering insulin either for free or reduced prices.
3 min
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: April 13, 2020
Pennsylvania joins forces with 5 other states to come up with a plan for reopening. More than 24,000 coronavirus cases in Pa. Walmart reveals the next hard-to-get item. Bill Gates spends billions to help get a COVID-19 vaccine.
4 min
April 13, 2020
April 13, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: April 10, 2020
Pa.'s COVID-19 death toll surpasses 400. Local hospitals to receive $450 million in loans. Up to 1,800 inmates could be released from prison. Apple and Google work on coronavirus contact-tracing apps. There's a list of pandemic rights.
4 min
April 10, 2020
April 10, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: April 9, 2020
Pennsylvania schools close for the rest of the academic year. Pa. reports nearly 2,000 new COVID-19 cases. 6.6 million more Americans file for unemployment. Two good news stories of people helping each other out during the coronavirus pandemic.
3 min
April 9, 2020
April 9, 2020
4 min
Coronavirus Update: April 8, 2020
Pennsylvania is slated to lose billions in tax revenue over the coronavirus as the number of cases surpasses 16,000. Scientists warn that warm weather may not hurt COVID-19. In the UK an “army of volunteers” has formed to help those in need.
3 min
April 8, 2020
April 8, 2020
4 min
Coronavirus Update: April 7, 2020
New York reports the largest single-day COVID-19 death toll in the world. China reopens Wuhan after an 11 week quarantine. President Trump shakes up a federal watchdog panel. Lady Gaga plans a mega concert to benefit healthcare workers.
3 min
April 7, 2020
April 7, 2020
4 min
Coronavirus Update: April 6, 2020
COVID-19 deaths beginning to plateau in certain parts of the world. California, Oregon and Washington loan ventilators to New York. Some police are pulling over out-of-state drivers. Companies offer to disinfect vehicles of first responders.
3 min
April 6, 2020
April 6, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: April 3, 2020
NY's gov. to seize unused ventilators. Pa.'s gov. tells everyone to wear masks; freezes paychecks of nearly 9,000 state workers. Independence Blue Cross won't charge for coronavirus treatment. There's a new toll-free mental health s...
3 min
April 3, 2020
April 3, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: April 2, 2020
Unemployment records are shattered again. Number of coronavirus cases continues to rise. FDA eases its restrictions on gay blood donors. FDA approves a coronavirus antibody test. UPMC researchers may have developed a vaccine for COVID-19.
3 min
April 2, 2020
April 2, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: April 1, 2020
Government's supply of respirators, ventilators running dangerously low as the number of cases of the coronavirus continues to grow. Gov. Wolf expands stay-at-home orders. Wimbledon is canceled. What you need to know about the stimulus checks.
4 min
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: March 31, 2020
America surpasses China in the number of coronavirus deaths. A U.S. Navy aircraft carrier hard hit by COVID-19. Judge orders Pa. prisons to release about a dozen ICE detainees. Goats invade a Welsh town.
3 min
March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020
3 min
Coronavirus Update: March 30, 2020
FDA lets hospitals try anti-malaria drugs to fight the coronavirus. Number of COVID-19 cases grows as more states go under stay-at-home orders. Macy’s to furlough the majority of its 125,000 employees. And should you wear a face mask?
3 min
March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020
4 min