Explain It to Me

Is my dentist scamming me? Why do political campaigns cost so much? Should Gen Z bother to save for retirement?

Explain It To Me is the hotline for all your unanswered questions. Sometimes explanations are hard to find, misinformation is rampant, and those internet searches and AI asks can come up empty. Call 1-800-618-8545 with what’s on your mind, and host Jonquilyn Hill will be your friendly guide to the answers you're looking for — and maybe even the ones you don’t expect. New episodes every Wednesday starting September 18. 

Part of Vox and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

Society & Culture
Introducing Reset
Host Arielle Duhaime-Ross explores why–and how–tech is changing everything.
46 min
The billionaire backlash
Jane, Dara, and Matt on Michael Bloomberg’s presidential aspirations and the case against billionaires
51 min
The internet we lost
Function's Anil Dash joins Matt to discuss how Big Tech broke the web and how we can get it back.
55 min
Paying for single-payer
Jane, Dara, and Matt on Elizabeth Warren's Medicare-for-all financing plan and its critics
51 min
Beyond the leaky bucket
Heather Boushey of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth makes the case that a rise in equality would stimulate the economy.
52 min
The fall of Katie Hill
Jane, Dara, and Matt on the California representative’s resignation, power imbalances, and the problem of “revenge porn.”
42 min
The scary truth about air pollution
Gretchen Goldman of the Union of Concerned Scientists on the science and politics of clean air.
57 min
The electability debate
Jane, Dara, and Matt debate the idea of pundits trying to guess what the public thinks.
48 min
The four words that will decide impeachment
Ezra Klein and Gene Healy discuss the meaning of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors"
51 min
Debating the robot takeover
Ezra and Matt break down the fourth Democratic primary debate.
56 min
Understanding the student debt crisis
The Aspen Institute's Katherine Lucas McKay joins Matt to discuss the origins and consequences of America's ballooning student debt loan.
54 min
Progressives' Supreme Court problem
Vox's judiciary reporter Ian Millhiser joins Matt to analyze the Supreme Court's new term and what the left gets wrong about the courts.
59 min
Mayor Pete explains his prescription drug plan
Matt sits down with Mayor Pete Buttigieg to discuss the rollout of his new prescription drug plan.
27 min
What to expect when you’re impeaching
Dara, Jane, and Matt answer your questions on the impeachment inquiry
48 min
Homelessness and how to fix it
Part two of homelessness week
50 min
Trump's war on the homeless
Jane, Dara, and Matt discuss the strange revival of interest in punitive approaches to the housing crisis.
58 min
America's missing babies
Lyman Stone of the Institute for Family Studies joins Matt to discuss why Americans have fewer kids than they say they want.
58 min
The Kiev Caper
Jane, Dara, and Matt break down the scandal that seems to have set Trump on the road to impeachment.
56 min
Did economists break America?
Matt sits down with The New York Times' Binyamin Appelbaum to discuss the impact of economists on markets
49 min
Out of sight, out of mind
Dara, Jane, and Matt explore how Trump “fixed” the asylum crisis.
48 min
Matt joins Today, Explained to break down the third Democratic debate
28 min
50 shades of Green New Deal
David Roberts joins Jane and Matt for a special live episode from Seattle
83 min
A plan to revive American unions
Matt sits down with SEIU's Mary Kay Henry to discuss the future of unions in America
52 min
The left’s path to power
58 min
Trump's primary challengers
51 min