Tell No Tale

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True Crime
Abused Girlfriend Watch Boyfriend Suffocate To ...
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2 min
Little Daughter Stabbed To Death By Mother
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16 min
Teen Daughter Stabbed To Death By Mother Trailer
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crime from the Nezpod Studio! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free! See you again soon on the next episode of Murder!
5 min
Murder Confession Frees Identical Twin brother
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crime from the Nezpod Studio! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free! See you again soon on the next episode of Murder!
20 min
Murder Confession Frees Identical Twin brother ...
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4 min
The Electrifying Execution of Ruth Snyder
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crime from the Nezpod Studio! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free! See you again soon on the next episode of Murder!
63 min
The Electrifying Execution of Ruth Snyder trailer
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crime from the Nezpod Studio! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free! See you again soon on the next episode of Murder!
4 min
The Colegrove Family Murders
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crime from the Nezpod Studio! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free! See you again soon on the next episode of Murder!
33 min
The Colegrove Family Murders Trailer
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crime from the Nezpod Studio! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free! See you again soon on the next episode of Murder!
4 min
Missing Person Cindy Valle
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crime from the Nezpod Studio! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free! See you again soon on the next episode of Murder!
24 min
Missing Person Cindy Valle_Trailer
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4 min
Tragedy Inside The Staudte Family
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22 min
Girl mysteriously gone since 2019 just reported...
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crimes! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free!
14 min
The abduction & Murder of Cherish Perrywinkle
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38 min
Little Mary Murder Two Kids
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crimes! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free!
31 min
The Cruel Sadistic Abductor Of Melbourne
Thank you for listening to this episode of True Crime from the Nezpod Studio! Enjoy your night or the start of your day, spiced by our top-notch true crime stories made only for your enjoyment… Click on subscribe to get more spicy episodes for free! See you again soon on the next episode of Murder!
29 min
The Unsolved Murders of Barbara and Patricia Gr...
"...the sisters loved their McKinley Park home to travel the short distance to the movie theater at around 7:30 p.m. and since they were planning on staying for the double feature they promised their mother Loretta that they'd return home by midnight a classmate of Patricia's and named Dorothy Weinert was actually attending the first showing of the film with her younger sister that same night she led to reports noticing Barbara and Patricia sitting in front of her for the film and then again at around 9:30 as she was leaving she noticed the two standing in line to purchase snacks for the second showing all seemed well I'm going to make an assumption here and say that Patricia and Barbara were very responsible and trustworthy because they're young girls and they were being allowed to go out on their own to see a late movie their parents must have trusted them enough to agree to let them go out without having to worry about them breaking their curfew so when 12 am came around and the girls still haven't showed up at home Loretta knew something was amiss she had two of her other children go to the bus stop to wait and see if they'd showed up there however there were no signs of Barbara or Patricia and at 2 a.m. Loretta called the initial investigation Into The Disappearance of the grime sisters interesting, to say the least at the beginning of sorties was sure the girls would turn out somewhere as they were theorized to be Runaways they were thought to have just run off with boyfriends or something so their case wasn't being looked at as a top priority it wasn't until one week had passed did this start to become a missing persons case and by December 31st The Disappearance of Barbara and Patricia Grimes was Front Page News once word got out about The Disappearance the police were flooded with tips from all over the Nation about alleged sightings two weeks after their disappearance a classmate of just started receiving strange phone calls in the middle of the night the first time she answered the phone there was no answer on the other line the second time they called a voice that sounded exactly like Patricia's said is that you Sandra is Sandra there and then they hung up The Disappearance of Barbara and Patricia Grimes became one of the largest missing persons cases in Cook County history fifteen thousand Flyers were distributed locally and hundreds of volunteers offered their assistance in searching the surrounding suburbs the Church of the girls and their family frequented offered up a one thousand dollar reward for any information regarding the girl's whereabouts where their disappearance 300,000 people would be questioned and 2000 suspects would be interrogated police had gone through several leads but no new information had come out of It ultimately please decided that Barbara and Patricia must have just run off on their own volition to tend and Ovis concert..."
11 min
The Unsolved Murders of Barbara and Patricia Gr...
"...something that you'd like to listen to I would go ahead and fast forward about two minutes autopsies were done the following day in order to give the girl's bodies enough time to thaw out and what they would find nobody could have ever imagined each body underwent a five-hour autopsy when there's some exclusion tents were examined Pathologists were able to conclude that the sisters most likely died within about five hours from the last time they were seen at the theater so that would make their time of death somewhere between the late evening of December 28th and the early morning of the 29th no conclusion was actually ever made to their actual time of death toxicology reports were able to conclude that neither Barbara or Patricia consumed any alcohol drugs or poison prior to their death Barbara was discovered to have engaged in sexual intercourse however no marks or wounds were found on her body to suggest that it was forced semen was also found in Patricia's vaginal fluid no fatal wounds were found however both of the girls faces were inflicted with wounds that were thought to have come from rodents after death the official cause of death for both Barbara and Patricia is Murder By secondary shock as a result to being exposed to the elements which caused their body temperature to go below the critical level compatible with Life Walter made Caron was one of the coroner's to perform the autopsies on Barbara and Patricia and he had determined that the girl's body is had been laying there near Devils creaks four weeks before they were discovered on January 22nd apparently it had gotten extremely cold and there was tons of snowfall during the weeks leading up to the discovery of the bodies and that was the reason that they were not found sooner however Chief investigator Henry gloss believe that Barbara and Patricia had been alive until at least January 7th and that they were dumped just after the snowfall since only after then with the snow be able to melt around their bodies due to them still being warm enough to create the ice that was found to have formed around them he also believe that the wounds on the sisters faces were consistent with that of some kind of brutal assault leading him to conclude that they were indeed molested like I said there were many alleged sightings of Barbara and Patricia and these sightings went along with glosses timeline a security guard named Jack Franklin reported giving the girls directions on the morning of December 29th that afternoon at around 2:30 p.m. a friend of the girls named Judy Barrow reported seeing both of the sisters walking Westward and in the early evening another classmate of Patricia has stated that she saw her walking past a restaurant and the company of two other girls none of which were Barbara on the early morning of December 30th at around 5:40 a.m. the restaurant owners of D and L Restaurant on West Madison which was only about five and a half miles from Brighton theater sees Barbara and Patricia who seemed drunk as she was unable to walk on her own they were in the company of one of their dishwashers Edward Benny Bedwell that well was a young Drifter from Tennessee and it was said that he bore quite the resemblance to Elvis Presley he quickly became a suspect and actually later confessed to the murder of the grime sisters however he later recanted his confession after stating that it was coerced by police after they did an intense three-day interrogation on him and even after the owners of the restaurant said they had missed identified the girls he was with that morning that well would be charged with Barbara and Patricia's murder however no evidence against him would be found and on February 6 he'd be freed on a 20 thousand dollar Bond another Prime Suspect it's 17 year old Max flag and even though in the state of Illinois it is illegal for a minor to be..."
4 min
Get Out Now - Catfishing
"As he snore lightly next to me in the bed I ran through a list of events that had caused me alarm over the past few days the emotional and physical stress was starting to wear me out I was more nervous and anxious than I'd ever been it was difficult to think rationally the drinking the jet lag in the confusion I felt had messed with my mind I kept wondering if I was overreacting or being overly sensitive all the kind and loving things that he said to me swirled around in my head and I was searching for a glimmers of hope that my fears could be wrong and that maybe he was a great man after all maybe he was still someone I wanted to build a future with he was keeping me hopeful yet confused and I was drowning in uncertainty I got up the courage to confront trim and calmly about his rude and volatile Behavior the previous night to both me and the taxi driver straightaway he accused me of being abusive and manipulative I was taken aback and caught off guard I was manipulative I could only manage to keep gently suggesting that his tone was too aggressive and that he should treat people with more respect the discussion heated up and I suspect that he sensed I was on the verge of leaving and he changed tactics he sat down in a non-threatening posed and apologized he made excuses for his behavior and assured me that things would be different once he could sort out his stress from his illness and his new business he made promises about our future together saying he would come to Hong Kong as soon as he possibly could and he felt that it would only be a few months until we'd been together once again he was Charming funny and seemed to hear what I was saying and to acknowledge my feelings you're all that looking for in a woman he said I wanted so badly to believe him perhaps I've misjudged him maybe he was being an ass because he'd been drinking could I have exaggerated everything in my mind which started when was the real person could I be to blame for upsetting him I'm not perfect got you make me want to be a better person you said without you I'm nothing it's pretty normal for me to put others before me but in this instance not only did I consider his feelings before my own but I could feel myself trying to please trim and win him over his tactics worked and he had me right back where he wanted me in a matter of hours Instinct confusion second-guessing and desire it was all becoming too much my mother could no longer extract truth from fiction Truman had yet and managed to spin his version of events in a way that put him back in my mother's good books we packed up to leave the hotel and move to a cheaper one it's too expensive on New Year's Eve we picked up his friend Trevon and we drove around looking for a hotel to stay in I mentioned that I was hungry and they also said that they could eat we arrived at a little hotel outside the city centre and Truman suggested I go in and book a room and get some food and he'd see me shortly as he had to drop Trevon off and come back when Ian and I booked a cheap room and dropped off her bags I went to the restaurant across the road and I ate alone the feeling of loneliness and being far away from home was almost too much I felt like I wanted to cry but I pushed the feelings aside and I ate my lunch..."
32 min
Trailer Get out now - Catfishing
"As he snore lightly next to me in the bed I ran through a list of events that had caused me alarm over the past few days the emotional and physical stress was starting to wear me out I was more nervous and anxious than I'd ever been it was difficult to think rationally the drinking the jet lag in the confusion I felt had messed with my mind I kept wondering if I was overreacting or being overly sensitive all the kind and loving things that he said to me swirled around in my head and I was searching for a glimmers of hope that my fears could be wrong and that maybe he was a great man after all maybe he was still someone I wanted to build a future with he was keeping me hopeful yet confused and I was drowning in uncertainty I got up the courage to confront trim and calmly about his rude and volatile Behavior the previous night to both me and the taxi driver straightaway he accused me of being abusive and manipulative I was taken aback and caught off guard I was manipulative I could only manage to keep gently suggesting that his tone was too aggressive and that he should treat people with more respect the discussion heated up and I suspect that he sensed I was on the verge of leaving and he changed tactics he sat down in a non-threatening posed and apologized he made excuses for his behavior and assured me that things would be different once he could sort out his stress from his illness and his new business he made promises about our future together saying he would come to Hong Kong as soon as he possibly could and he felt that it would only be a few months until we'd been together once again he was Charming funny and seemed to hear what I was saying and to acknowledge my feelings you're all that looking for in a woman he said I wanted so badly to believe him..."
3 min
Match the dots - Catfishing brother and sister and I would be enlisted to go out into the paddock and whole thistles it was hot dry horrible work and I'd protest by lying in the front seat of the you with my legs sticking out of the window singing along with the Bay City Rollers I love watching American Imports like Bewitched and mash and I'd fight to stay up past my bedtime so I could absorb their accents and the wholesome story by far my favorite was The Brady Bunch I resonated so strongly with Marcia and Jan's boy troubles and since I was tall and lanky and forced to have my hair cut into a boyish crop I even felt a resemblance to Greg and he's gangly awkwardness it seemed like such an idyllic life and lovely lady who is busy with three lovely girls managed to meet a man named Brady who had three boys of his own the sweetness and he's of the Brady's family life was mirrored in my own my parents rarely fought we were middle class and surrounded only by people in our town that were the same I never saw any hardship poverty or loss I was never exposed to any other and we never traveled far from home I remember when I was eight or nine I heard about an uncle of mine who was getting divorced it was a totally New Concept to me since nobody in our town have been divorced I was fascinated by the idea especially since it was discussed in such secretive and scandalized homes just like the sheltered world's I saw on TV my imagination could only extend as far as what I was able to see The Brady Bunch gave me my earliest inkling that divorce did not have to mean the end of happiness she divorced my father when I was less year old filed for custody and was granted at by default when he didn't turn up to the custody hearing their marriage was short and he'd appeared to get a new mean and violent personality as soon as they were husband and wife I was born very soon after they married and it was clear that my mom was much happier about it than he was the final straw came when she left him alone with me as a baby because she had to go to work and when I had been crying for longer than he could handle he swung my best in it so hard that I fill out before punching a hole in the wall I'd married him so young and was a mother by the age of 23 so I was in for a rude awakening when all of a sudden I had to take care of myself and my daughter I decided that I needed a stable job so I went back to University to become a school teacher I worked in bars to make ends meet and I remember taking my daughter with me to lectures breastfeeding her in the back row and getting so grateful that I was able to get an education with such a young child before she left him my dad used to tell her that she was living in a Brady Bunch he meant it as an insult as he'd often find ways to make her question her intelligence he was telling her that she was to starry-eyed and too naive to be in the real world on the second day of her trip to Manchester I spoke to Truman briefly on the phone I don't remember what we spoke about but I remember thinking is accent was odd he joked about being my new stepfather which made me feel really weird perhaps it should have raised concern but instead it warmed my heart because I love to see what I imagine was our Two Worlds coming together true to my ex-husband's words I was letting this imaginary Brady Bunch perfect world skew my perception...
30 min
Trailer Match the dots - Catfishing
...after letting her down with the flight her scam has sweet-talked her into forgiving him and they continue to communicate Renee was starting to question things in more depth he kept making excuses for not being able to video chat with her and he continued with the love-bombing he manipulated her at every turn but she started to realize that she may not be talking to the person in the photo Renee began to research scammers but continued to give him the benefit of the doubt they're still in contact and she's still coming to terms with the fact that the man she fell in love with has been lying to her in the next episode the cracks start to get too big to ignore Truman is manipulating her and gaslighting her so intensely that she even does it to herself make sure you listen to the next episode of drown valley crimes...
1 min
Jetplane mood - Catfishing
...Leaving on a Jet Plane here's the last email my mom wrote before getting on the flight to Manchester hey Truman I'm on my way I'm going to dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend then off to the airport the flight is leaving on time all systems go I'm a bit nervous really excited to see you I assume you'll be meeting me at the airport if not let me know and I will get a cab to the hotel either way is fine I will forward you my ticket just in case I'll text you from Heathrow to let you know if the connecting flight is on time or if I have to hitchhike to you kidding I'll see if you're on Skype later when I get to the airport see you tomorrow how freaky that will meet tomorrow cheers Ruth what do you think now reading this email I'll just can't help but cringe I noticed that I was using a sweet new nickname for him true man I boarded the plane without receiving response from him he'd mentioned that he was feeling unwell in a few of our conversations leading up to this point and I was giving him an easy out for meeting me at the airport was this because I didn't want to seem demanding I was in for a shock when I arrived chapter 2 the police report the following is taken from the initial statement that my mum provided to the UK police she has changed some names and added some details but the events are retold from a record put down only days after it actually happened I was headed to Manchester flying in from Hong Kong when I arrived there was a text saying Truman was really sick and asking if I could get a cab to the hotel in the city center and he would meet me there I waited in the hotel until midday I'd arrived at 7:30 a.m. on Monday the 27th of December and then finally I called him to see where he was he said he'd been asleep after throwing up all night Truman called a cab down to the hotel and asked me to meet him in the lobby when I first laid eyes on him he was leaning nonchalantly up against a countertop in the foyer and was smiling warmly as I approach I was pleased to see that he matched his photos and was well dressed and very handsome we hugged and he seemed enthusiastic friendly and very happy to see me I was nervous but excited to finally meet him he said he needed to run some errands so he got back in the cab which is waiting outside and went to pick up a sign for his phone shop it turned out that we could not pick up the sign because it was a public holiday so we came back to the hotel when we arrived back in the hotel he said he'd forgotten his wallet and asked if I could pay for the cab I was irritated and suspicious but I paid the cab I later realized that getting me to go in the cab to get the sign was a ploy to get me to go with him as he didn't have any money to pay for it he would have known damn well that it was a public holiday and that the store would have been closed trim and later commented on how I reacted when he asked for this money and linked my response to my...
25 min
Trailer Jetplane mood - Catfishing
losing everything was devastating petrol was able to get his real details and images with the help of an advocate against romance scams and discovered he was living in South Africa but the South African police wouldn't help her Petra hopes that she can find a way to repair the relationships with her children in the next episode The Situation gets a whole lot worse and she starts to finally see what she's gotten herself into there's a moment of Terror and a rude awakening in a hotel room when the penny drops and she can momentarily see through the fog what isn't clear though is whether the fog will stay lifted by this point she's wound tightly around Truman's finger he has a strong grip on her and he's been carefully honing his manipulation tactics to try to scam her even further make sure you listen to the next episode of Drown Valley Crimes
1 min
Happily never After - Catfishing
...him telling her that he would be treating them to beautiful expensive accommodations she was deep in the process of investing in their imaginary future and this meant that she was becoming less able or think clearly by the day Little Red Riding Hood was told by her mother to bring a basket of food to her sick grandmother her mother warns her that the woods are dangerous and tells her to make sure she stays on the path she knows along the way Little Red Riding Hood comes across a wolf having never seen a wolf before she doesn't know to be careful since wolves are known to be untrustworthy the charms her into trusting him and she tells her about her Mission the wolf suggest that her grandmother might love some flowers and tells her about some beautiful ones just off the trail when Red Riding Hood goes off to find the flowers the wolf hurries off to eat her grandmother she puts on her clothes and gets into bed when she arrives the Girl Again proves gullible in that she doesn't through the wolf's disguise even though she senses that something's wrong her grandmother now has ears eyes Hands and Teeth that are too big although she can remark on her disbelief she's completely fooled and gets eaten as a result in the years since these events my mother has been on a journey to learn more about herself forgive her poor choices and try to understand why she participated in these toxic Dynamics for so long when we talk about it one of the words that keeps coming up is why didn't she see the wolf who was so clearly manipulating her and what's wrong with her ability to notice the red flags and act on them ability and Trust I usually defined next to each other because they're so related you can't have gullibility without trust but it's not the case the other way around some researchers in the field Define gullibility as trusting someone without having a or in spite of active evidence that they're not to be trusted humans are fallible it's normal for us to misjudge situations from time to time but gullibility refers to a pattern of being even in the presence of strong evidence that all isn't as it seems researcher Stephen Greenspan draws the distinction between gullibility and the related agility or the tendency to believe false information he says a key difference between gullibility and credulity is that gullibility typically involves some concrete action such as handing over a check to a con artist or marrying the same person for the third time despite a history of...
38 min