Super Great Kids' Stories

Supergreat Kids' Stories is a collection of fun tales to make you laugh and cry, told by some of the best storytellers from around the world. Recommended for ages 5 to 105…

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Stories for Kids
Education for Kids
Kids & Family
The Woodsman and the Forest Spirit
Have you ever been walking in the woods and heard strange voices? Well, this magical fairytale told by Tuup is about the things that live within the woods. If you'd like to support the show you can find us...
11 min
Ngwenya and the Crocodile
This fairy tale from Zimbabwe, in Southern Africa, is a bit like Cinderella – except that the fairy godmother is a crocodile. And instead of a Prince's ball it’s a birthday party. Is a crocodile at a birthday party a good idea? Have a listen, and ...
8 min
Halloween Special: Baba Yaga's Breakfast
This next tale is from Russia. Russia has a lot of great fairy tales. You have to be brave to listen to this story because it's about a witch - Baba Yaga, who eats children... but she's only a "story witch" not a r...
16 min
The Old Woman and The Fat Pumpkin
In the next set of Supergreat Kids’ stories, we’re going to hear fairy tales from around the world. We have a witch from Russia who eats children, a giantfrom the Philippines who crushes creatures under his feet, and we bring you a rather unusual vers...
7 min
How The Stars Became
Have you ever been out at night an looked up at the stars and wondered how they got there? Well in this episode we hear a story which people tell in Southern Africa about ‘how the stars became’.If you'd like to support the show you can find us ...
7 min
How The Lion Dance Became
Have you ever seen a lion dance during Chinese new year? Well in this episode, the story which I’m going to tell you is ‘how the lion dance became.If you'd like to support the show you can find us on our Ko-fi page - HERE
7 min
Why the Rattle Snake Rattles and How Snakes Got...
If you like snakes – you’ll like this story, so listen closely, because in this episode we’re going to hear from Tuup about a story from South America about why the rattle snake rattles and how snakes got their poison.If you'd like to support t...
11 min
Why The Sky Is Far Away
Would you eat the sky if you could? In this episode we’re going to hear a story told by Pamela Marre about a time when people did eat the sky. Pamela has always been surrounded by her Jewish family stories and she tells tells traditional stories from m...
5 min
How The Mosquito Became/The Whistling Giants
In this episode Kim tells us a story about how the mosquito became. Do you know, what a mosquito is? That’s right! It’s a little fly which buzzes and bites.. There are giants in this story. But don’t be scared, they’re only story giants. Are you ready?...
11 min
How The Whale Got Its Sad Song
In this episode we’re going to hear an Innuit story from Tuup. Tuup is an wonderful storyteller from London with Guyanese parents. He’s going to tell us a story from Northern Canada about ‘How the Whale got Its Sad Song.’ So sit back, relax, and let th...
10 min
Supergreat Kids' Stories - Trailer
Welcome to Supergreat Kids' Stories, fun tales to make you laugh and cry with some of the best storytellers from around the world, recommended for ages 5 to 105…
1 min