Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

From UFOs to psychic powers and government conspiracies, history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn the Stuff They Don't Want You To Know ... an audio podcast from iHeartRadio.

Society & Culture
False Flag Attacks
Imagine if a government disguised its operatives as members of some other organization -- and then attacked itself. While this might sound crazy, several historians have argued that false flag attacks are more than just conspiracy theories.
30 min
Big Data and You
We hear about "big data" more and more these days - but how much of it is sensationalism, and how much is true? The answers may surprise you.
45 min
The Mysterious Symbols of Easter
Easter is one of the most important celebrations in Christianity. So why does it involves a rabbit and painted eggs?
44 min
Operation Gladio: Invisible Armies and The Secr...
At the close of WWII, US allies created secret, "stay-behind" armies, designed to protect the population in the event of a Communist invasion. So why are they linked with terrorist groups? What were these secret armies actually doing, and - perhaps more i
44 min
Did a UFO crash in Kecksburg, PA?
On December 9th, 1965, multiple witnesses saw a bright object shoot through the sky and - allegedly - land in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. So what actually happened? Tune in to learn more.
35 min
Are the police targeting minorities?
Did you know that there's no systematic, comprehensive study of police shootings across the United States? Some blame a distaste for paperwork, while others think there's something sinister afoot.
37 min
Who runs the internet?
The FCC's 2015 Open Internet ruling is either a victory or a disaster, depending on whom you ask. But what is it, exactly? Join Matt and Ben as they explore the facts and fiction surrounding the Open Internet and Net Neutrality.
45 min
North Korea: Fact and Fiction
In an age of global connectivity, North Korea remains one of the most isolated -- and enigmatic -- countries on Earth. How much do we really know about it?
55 min
Listener Mail Extravaganza II
Have you written to the guys on Facebook or Twitter? Sent an email? Then tune in as they answer your questions and more on air in the latest listener mail edition of Stuff They Don't Want You To Know.
50 min
Diamonds: The Conspiracy
Diamonds: according to the ads, they're a girl's best friend, and the only thing worth picking for an engagement ring. But how did diamonds become so important -- and why?
48 min
Will Yellowstone erupt?
A large part of North America is sitting on a geothermal timebomb. Could it explode in your lifetime?
36 min
Legal Drugs in America
Each year, millions of US residents consume pharmaceutical products designed to somehow improve their lives. These drugs could tackle anything from ADHD to allergies and diseases.
38 min
The Prohibition Conspiracy
Why did the US practice prohibition? Do current prohibition policies really protect the public, or are they meant to do something else entirely?
40 min
Does Being Wealthy Make You A Bad Person?
It's often said money can't buy happiness -- but what exactly can it do? Could it change the way you think? ...could it make you a bad person? Listen in to learn more.
27 min
Who hacked Sony? (Pt. II)
Did North Korea really wage cyberwar to stop The Interview from airing? How did this happen -- and is there a conspiracy afoot? Join Ben and Matt as they welcome HowStuffWorks tech expert Jonathan Strickland for the second part of their series on the Sony
45 min
Who hacked Sony? (Pt. I)
Did North Korea really wage cyberwar to stop The Interview from airing? How did this happen -- and is there a conspiracy afoot? Join Ben and Matt as they welcome HowStuffWorks tech expert Jonathan Strickland onto the show for a discussion of the recent So
27 min
Is clairvoyance real?
Are psychic powers actually possible? Join Ben and Matt as they investigate the truth about clairvoyance.
49 min
Big Oil: Conspiracies and You
We always hear stories about Big Oil and other conspiracies, but are any of these true?
38 min
What is the TPP?
Sure, the Trans-Pacific Partnership sounds like a snoozefest... but why does it matter? Why should you care about this secretive international agreement?
41 min
What the heck is Stonehenge?
It's ancient, it's huge, and it's cited in all sorts of fringe theories, from stories of lost civilizations to ley lines and more. But what is Stonehenge, really?
35 min
Listener Mail Extravaganza
Have you written to the guys on Facebook or Twitter? Sent an email? Then tune in as they answer your questions and more on air in this special listener mail edition of Stuff They Don't Want You To Know.
32 min
Who's winning the War on Drugs?
From the Opium Wars to prohibition and the modern drug trade, human civilization has been irreversibly influenced by wars over drugs. Has it worked? Could it ever?
46 min
Are there real devil worshippers?
Could there really be groups of people conducting Satanic rites -- not philosophical stances, but actual devil worship via ritual or even sacrifice? Where are these groups, if they exist?
51 min
Join Ben and Matt for a very special episode of Stuff They Don't Want You To Know, from conspiracy theories to spooky stories, listener mail and more.
18 min
Do intelligence agencies run cults?
Sure, cults are weird. The doomsday prophecies, claims of superpowers and tendency toward brainwashing are all strange, but what if the situation got even weirder? What if intelligence agencies were secretly involved with everything from the Manson family
32 min