Strictly Anonymous Confessions

Welcome to the Strictly Anonymous Podcast where you get to listen in to the secret lives of total strangers. I talk to real people about their interesting, secret, naughty lives as well as give them my unprofessional advice. For advertising opportunities please email

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Everything else

Health & Fitness
203 - Hank has a Pantyhose Fetish
Hank calls in to discuss his lifelong pantyhose fetish. When did he realize he was into panythose? How does his fetish play out in his real life? What specific kinds of pantyhose "stuff" is he into? Tune in to find out plus hear a whole lot more includin
65 min
202 - Tilly and her Husband Have Threesomes and...
Tilly calls in to talk all about what her and husband are into sexually. They into threesomes and orgies and double penetration and her husband has even tried being with guys and that's just the beginning. When did they start having sex with other people?
77 min
201 - TJ the Swinger Can't Get it Up
TJ calls in to talk all about his swinging lifestyle. He talks about swinging alone, swinging with his second wife as well as behind his last girlfriend's back and he talks about the major getting it up problem he's been dealing with his whole life.  Why
65 min
200 - Hannah Gave Happy Endings and a Whole Lot...
Hannah calls in because she thinks she might have a problem with alcohol and winds up talking all about how she worked at a "happy ending" business behind her boyfriends back for many years. How did she get involved in that kind of work? What exactly was
81 min
199 - Gym Douche and his Girlfriend had a Reall...
Gym Douche calls in to talk all about the threesome him and his girl had with a really hot hooker in Vegas. How did they hook up with the hooker? How much did she charge? What exactly did they all do? Tune in for all the juicy details plus here a whole lo
48 min
198 - Married Marco Just Realized he's Gay
Marco is a hardcore Christian who's married with kids, who recently came out as bisexual to his wife and then realized he's actually gay.  How did he break all this news to his Christian wife? How did she react? How long did he know he was bisexual? How
65 min
197 - Bisexual Buzz Wants to Stop Cheating on h...
Buzz has an open relationship with his wife but he secretly cheats on her with guys and he recently cheated on her with the guy she cheated on him with! How did that happen? What's their open relationship all about? Why does he want to stop cheating on he
86 min
196 - Jay's Wife has Multiple Lovers and he Dig...
Jay's wife has multiple lovers and he's not only knows about it, he likes it. When did his wife start looking up with other guys? Does Jay join in or just watch? Is he what they call a cuckold? Does he hook up with other people too? Tune in to find out
57 min
194 - Jay is a Total Sex Addict
Jay calls in to discuss all the crazy things he does behind his wife's back and they all point to the fact that he is a total sex addict. He talks about how he screws prostitutes, his hardcore porn addiction, his expertise with catfishing, his recent unre
71 min
193 - Rob Cheats on his Wife with Men, Women AN...
Rob calls in to talk all about all the cheating he does behind his wife's back. He cheats with both men and women AND his half sister who he met in his late forties. When did he start hooking up with men and what does he actually do with them? When did he
95 min
192 - Lynda Gayle Opened a Masturbation Swing Club
Lynda Gayle and her husband opened Club Relate (, the very first and only heterosexual, masturbation swing club in the US. When did Gayle and her husband start swinging? Why did they open a swingers club of their own? What actually goes dow
81 min
191 - Trey is Promoting his Five Day Blow Job E...
Trey (episodes 131 & 136) loves giving blow jobs so much that he holds these underground blow job events where he continuously blows guys and he calls in again to promote the newest one, which is going to last for five full days. That's five days of him b
77 min
190 - Molly is Still Hooking Up with Random Men...
Molly (episode 092) calls in to give an update on who she's been sleeping with since the last time she called in and she doesn't disappoint. From threesomes and foursomes with former NBA players, to hooking up for 5 different guys in one day, to multiple
77 min
189 - Bisexual James has an Open Relationship a...
James calls in to talk all his bisexuality, his open cuckold relationship with his wife, which includes other guys, and his secret life that his wife knows nothing about. When did he have his first bisexual experience? What exactly went down? How did him
80 min
188 - Jim is a Professional Swinger
Jim has been swinging since he was eighteen years old and now that he's in his forties, he's ready to help others learn how to swing. How did he get into swinging at such a young age? What kind of people did he swing with? How is he now helping others? Tu
80 min
187 - Simon's Wife Cheated on him and Now They'...
Simon's wife cheated on him and wound up pregnant with the other guy's baby and not only did they stay together, they actually have a much better relationship now and are currently swingers. Who was she cheating on him with? How did he find out? How did t
82 min
186 - Gabe's Wife Cheated on him and Now he's B...
Gabe found out his wife was cheating on him and when he confronted her she confessed that she had cheated on him more than once. How many times did she cheat on him? Who did she cheat on him with? How did he find out she was cheating in the first place? T
80 min
185 - Mark and his Wife Have Been Fooling Aroun...
Mark calls in and to get advice as to whether or not he should tell his wife he fucked his stepmom and winds up talking all about how him and his wife fooled around with other couples. How, where and why did they start hooking up with other couples and f
57 min
184 - Dave's Future Brother in law Fooled Aroun...
Dave's sister is getting married in three weeks to a guy who fooled around with the stripper at his bachelor party. Everyone in the family knows and everyone, except Dave, wants to snitch on him. What really goes down at a bachelor party? What actually we
46 min
183 - Noah is an Exhibitionist
Noah (ep 182) calls in again to talk about being an exhibitionist, nude beaches, anal play and prostate orgasms and a whole lot more. What is he into that makes him an exhibitionist? What exactly goes down at a nude beach? What is a prostate orgasm and ho
75 min
182 - Noah Cheated on his Wife with a Stranger ...
Noah is the last guy you'd think would cheat on his wife, but that's exactly what he did with a complete stranger he met online. How did she talk a totally faithful guy into cheating on his wife? What exactly went down when they had sex? Did things end ok
75 min
181 - Gay Gary Sleeps with Girls
Gay Gary calls in to discuss how he recently started sleeping with girls. How did he suddenly find himself attracted to women? Did he actually enjoy himself? Does he consider himself bi? Is he a closeted heterosexual? Tune in to find out,plus hear all abo
77 min
180 - Joe is In and On and Off Again Tumultuous...
Joe, an artist, had a 5 year on and off again, relationship full of drugs, sex, depression and tons of fighting with a woman he calls his "muse." Why are they constantly breaking up and then making up? Why do they stay together in the first place? What ca
63 min
179 - Alex is into Pegging and Pantyhose
Alex calls in to talk all about his pantyhose fetish and then gets into his interest and experience with pegging. What is pegging? How did he first get into it? Who has he let "peg" him? Tune in to find out plus hear all about the pantyhose sex he's had,
68 min
178 - Marie Got Dumped from her Polyamorous Rel...
Marie calls in and talks all about her recent break up with her polyamorous boyfriend Rob (episode 166) and how it led to her hitting rock bottom. Tune in to hear the juicy details of the break - up, plus hear hear her talk about her troubled childhood, h
78 min