Story Pirates

The award-winning Story Pirates Podcast takes stories written by kids and turns them into sketch comedy and songs. Made up of talented comedians, songwriters, and frequent celebrity guests, the Story Pirates inspire kids to create, bringing laughter to kids and grownups of all ages with hilarious sketches, catchy original songs from all genres, and interviews with the creative geniuses behind the stories… kids! 

Kids & Family
The Goose Prank/Santa Claus and His Life
The Story Pirates partake in the age old tradition of Story Love, shouting out authors and stories that have inspired them throughout the year!
21 min
Star/The World Wide Race of the Worst Cars
The Story Pirates receive a visit from an old friend who has gone through a magical transformation due to an interspecies cultural exchange.
22 min
Olympic Masters/How Penguin Office Became a Thing
The crew gets frazzled when they realize they are almost out of kids’ stories to perform, and Story Pirate Meghan reveals one of her awesome superpowers.
18 min
Barry and The Big Climbing Tree/The Girls and t...
Lee and Peter struggle to find healthy food aboard the ship, and Lee remembers some hidden treasure he had stowed away. Plus two new stories!
20 min
All 8 Unicorns/Riding a Seagull Was Good
Peter and Rolo's messy habits on board the ship create tension with the rest of the crew.
17 min
Annoy Your Sister School/The Girl Who Never Too...
Lee and Peter adjust to life on their new pirate ship while fellow Story Pirate Rachel acts very suspiciously.
15 min
I Love a Ghost/Fred the Carrot
Lee and Peter relaunch the Story Pirates Podcast by setting sail on the high seas in an old pirate ship.
21 min
Coming Soon! New Season of Story Pirates!
New Season
1 min
The Early Years: I Love You The Best
It’s the season finale of the Story Pirates Podcast featuring Kristen Schaal in a story written by a 1st grader named Madeline called “I Love You The Best.”
4 min
The Early Years: Greatest Hits #4
Featuring classic stories: Eat a Spider Day, The Princess Lifeguard Camp, Monster Broke, PB & K Please!, The Dazzling Situation
29 min
The Early Years: Best Horse Show Dogs & Mr. Mis...
Featuring "Best Horse Show Dogs" & "Mr. Mishes Swedish Fishes"
14 min
The Early Years: Greatest Hits #3
Featuring: Volleyball In the Future and Past!, Zach's Story, The Really Cool Dress, William Woods and This Is National Whoopie Cushion Day
25 min
The Early Years: Gooney Pantoyes & The Face in ...
Gooney Pantoyes by 4th grader Grace & The Face in Bulgaria by 5th grader Alex
13 min
Kidcast Sampler (Bonus Episode)
Check out these other great podcasts for kids!
19 min
The Early Years: The Busy Dizzy Dishwashers & T...
The Busy Dizzy Dishwashers by 3rd grader Cameryn and The Thanksgiving Mess by 5th grader Kyle
10 min
The Early Years: Greatest Hits #2
Featuring: "Dolly Magic Machine," "Football Tornado," "Ukulele Island," "The Chris Allergic to Garbage Cans" & "Fieldtrip to Oppositeland"
23 min
The Early Years: Aqua Bus & My Mom is an Annoyi...
"Aqua Bus" by 4th grader Adreanna & "My Mom is an Annoying Hockey Coach" by 2nd grader Sam
9 min
The Early Years: The Dog Who Fell in Love with ...
Two classic stories written by Kindergartener Kaci and 4th grader Savannah
11 min
The Early Years: Greatest Hits #1
Featuring musical hits "There is a Monster," "I Love," "Angry," "Big Girl Bed," "Water Falls On My Mom's Head" and "Dog Day."
20 min
The Early Years: Little Stop-It Holiday & Switc...
From Kindergartener Zoey and 5th grader Ellie it's "Little Stop-It Holiday" & "Switcheroo Day"
10 min
The Early Years: The Rundown & I Like Lisa
From 5th grader Chuck and 1st grader William, "The Rundown & I Like Lisa"
8 min
The Early Years: Where's Your Diaper & Funny Bu...
Where's Your Diaper by Ashlyn & Funny Bunny Holiday by Macey
9 min
The Early Years: Steve Francis, Six-Month-Old C...
Steve Francis, Six-Month-Old Crime-Fighting Freak by Andrew & Abbey is Silly by Sophie
8 min
The Early Years: I Love Babies & Trip to Happy ...
I Love Babies by Hannah and Trip to Happy Burg by Sienna
10 min
The Early Years: The Alien & My Pet Peeve
The Alien by Faith and My Pet Peeve by William
7 min