Tales from the Stinky Dragon

Tales from the Stinky Dragon is an actual-play D&D comedy podcast that features four foolish friends and their (very patient) dungeon master. Join along for an auditory adventure with a fully-voiced cast of characters, immersive sound design, a catchy soundtrack, and gripping stories of exotic lands and strange creatures. Tales From The Stinky Dragon is a fun and easy award-winning podcast for all ages, and is the perfect experience for both seasoned D&D players and those just getting into the genre.

Comedy Fiction
[One Shot] Tomb of the Staremaster - LIVE @ RTX...
In this mini-adventure filmed LIVE at RTX 2022, our heroes dive into the Infinight Tale - Tomb of the Staremaster.
80 min
C01 - Ep. 71.5 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Be...
The cast and crew recap the adventure so far through the Betwixt the Bramblecrack Arc, level up, and answer questions from the Audience!
75 min
C01 - Ep. 71 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - His ...
The Infinights have a lot of questions for the rulers of the Buh-Bayou before learning about the next stop on their adventure in the thrilling conclusion to this Arc!
63 min
C01 - Ep. 70 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Sluj...
Our heroes’ only naked ambition is to defeat the great Slujj and escape the trap he’s closed around them all. When good butts up against such monstrous evil, can there be any victory?
79 min
C01 - Ep. 69 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Grea...
The party returns to heal Lord Loamish, but something is rotten in the state of Witherveins, and in the glowering stillness of Bramblecastle.
81 min
C01 - Ep. 68 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Igno...
The New Infinights inadvertently stumble onto key items and are pushed to get the next ingredient to help Mudd's comatose father.
75 min
C01 - Ep. 67 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Alge...
The Infinights explore a strange sanctum in search of the next diagem- complete with self reflection, overbearing acquaintances, AND GREEN FLAME!
62 min
C01 - Ep. 66 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Moor...
The interns get their next quest from Shaman Suess to help Lord Loamish with his mysterious memory malady.
83 min
C01 - Ep. 65 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Slim...
The party comes into contact with creatures of another nature... the wiggly jiggly kind. Will the adventurers survive this slippery saboteur and rescue Mudd’s Brother?
79 min
C01 - Ep. 64 - Betwixt The Bramblecracks - Own ...
Mudd has some devastating news dropped on him, sending the Infinights on a journey to his homeland- The Witherveins.
75 min
C01 - Ep. 63.5 - Armageddon - Between The Tales
The cast and crew recap the adventure so far through the Armageddon Arc, level up, and answer questions from the audience!
77 min
C01 - Ep. 63 - Armageddon - Flats Lady Sings
The Interns start their harrowing escape from the Tabulian Lair with the help of an old friend. Will they make it out with all their limbs intact? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to the Armageddon arc!
67 min
C01 - Ep. 62 - Armageddon - Quadron vs. Kyborg
Infiltrating Quadron’s ceremony in an attempt to save the Pyes, the Infinights realize they may have more allies in their fight than they thought, causing pandemonium that comes to a crashing conclusion.
68 min
C01 - Ep. 61 - Armageddon - No Arm, No Foul
The party enters the Tabulian lair as they hurry to save the Pye prisoners from a terrible fate, but every step brings them closer to danger, and the fearsome M’ra.
74 min
C01 - Ep. 60 - Armageddon - Cards On The Tabul
The Infinights witness a transformative experience and forge a new alliance helping them navigate the Flats of Tabul. But will that be enough to survive the dangers waiting in this desert dominion?
73 min
C01 - Ep. 59 - Armageddon - Load Off One’s Chest
Now with captives to question in the Pyous Pass Jailhouse, the party splits up and resorts to unusual tactics to extract information. Can they get the information they seek, or will they make a terrible mistake?
76 min
C01 - Ep. 58 - Armageddon - You Shall Not Pyous...
The party returns to Pyous Pass to learn what’s transpired since their departure, and finds that aiding a beleaguered town from an untraceable menace may be the key to reaching their final destination.
68 min
C01 - Ep. 57 - Armageddon - May the Source Be W...
The new Infinights enter the mystifying Source Monolith and come face to face with puzzling paradoxes that challenge them to their very core.
76 min
[One Shot] A Stinky Dragon Honey Heist!
Join Gus, Jon, Barbara, Blaine, and game master Chris for the bear heist of a lifetime in Honey Heist! The players know two things- they have a complex plan that requires precise timing to pull off and they are GOSH. DANG. BEARS.
88 min
C01 - Ep. 56 - Armageddon - Magic Box Down
Returning from Kyborg’s Memory, the Infinights find more than a few surprises prepared for them at HQ. But now that they can conquer the skies, is it time to set off on a new adventure?
92 min
C01 - Ep. 55 - Armageddon - Deja-Kydelius
Hungover from the previous night’s festivities, the newly-promoted Infinights learn of a new way to re-live Kyborg’s memories in a search for clues to the location of Quadron. But can they weather the trauma of a painful past?
77 min
C01 - Ep. 54 - Armageddon - Into the Melding Pot
Ambushed by an assassin sent to kill Kyborg, the Interns reunite with an old friend that helps them track down a source of knowledge in the imposing Temple of Dia.
73 min
C01 - Ep. 53 - Armageddon - Come What Mayor
Returning from their harrowing battle under Shearlake, the interns are on the road back to Boulderay, now with a captured Paralyte in tow. With the knowledge of Entropa, Sorto, and the Diagems weighing heavily on them, maybe a little shopping with a traveling salesman is just what they need...
83 min
C01 - Ep. 52.5 - Paralyte's Poison - Between Th...
The cast and crew recap the adventure so far through the Paralyte's Poison Arc, level up, and answer questions from the audience!
72 min
C01 - Ep. 52 - Paralyte's Poison - End of An In...
Desperate to stop the Everguard invasion of Faeza, the Interns throw everything they have at Paralyte and her retinue in the quickly deteriorating underwater stronghold below Shearlake. But against the magnitude of the arcane powers wielded in the pursuit of Paralyte's domination, can the Interns prevent what is to come?
69 min