The Stacking Benjamins Show

Named 2023 Best Personal Finance podcast by, The Stacking Benjamins Show has a light and friendly tone. Hosts Joe Saul-Sehy and OG aim to make financial literacy fun for all as they sit around the card table in Joe's Mom's half-finished basement and talk with experts about personal finance, saving, investing, and important money trends. As Fast Company once wrote, the Stacking Benjamins podcast "strikes a great balance of fun and functional." So join Joe and OG every Monday, Wednesday and Friday as they read your letters, discuss major headlines, and throw in some trivia and laughs for free.

And Then He Pulled a Gun - How Leisa Petersons ...
We're taking a look back to an episode originally aired in 2016 about a crazy story that left our guest traumatized. She went on to use that fear to change her life for the better. Here is our original show description: A horrifying event changed...
78 min
From $52,000 in Debt to Early Retirement (RWD 9...
How about a kick in the pants financially? Deacon Hayes got one...and today, you're going to get one too, especially if you want to be motivated to pay off debt. Let's get that debt paid! Today we bring you one of our FAVORITE episodes. If you're...
56 min
Are Super Savers Overlooking a Potentially BIG ...
You have your financial plan, you've cut back on the lattes and the subscriptions, you've downsized your home, you know how much debt you need to pay off each month, and you've socked away LOTS of cash... right? In the race to financial freedom, is...
73 min
Adulting Horror Stories (with Amanda Holden and...
Since October is almost Oct-over it's time to turn down the lights and look over your shoulder because today someone might be playing a spook-tacular Halloween episode for you! We'll share some simply horrifying stories about being an adult from...
71 min
Understanding Your Investments (with J. David S...
Do you understand investments? If not, today's show is for you...and if you DO, today's show probably still is for you, because our guest is all about focusing on what you DON'T yet know about your money. David Stein will help us learn more about how...
72 min
Dreaming about Starting a Business? Here Are Th...
You're ready to jump into the waters of entrepreneurship...or maybe you aren't, but you ARE curious. What questions should you ask yourself BEFORE you lay down your hard earned money to invest in inventory, systems, and people? Happy Friday! Today we...
77 min
Igniting Success (with Dr. Melanie Katzman)
What if the difference between today's mediocrity and tomorrow's succes were all steps you've heard before? Things you can do TODAY to get where you want to go tomorrow? Today we'll tackle just that, learning how to ignite success in 52 easy steps...
66 min
Avoiding the Looming Retirement Crisis (with Ch...
There's a storm coming toward retirements all over the United States (and elsewhere). Pensions are broken, Social Security is headed toward big cuts, and personal savings? Nobody is doing it. On today's show, we'll sit down with the visionary behind...
67 min
Should You Love Your Career? (with Angelo Poli ...
When it comes to your career, should you love what you do? A blog post our friend R.L. Graham reads says, "Maybe not." Is that right? We've heard a TON about how you should be PASSIONATE about your work. On today's show we'll ring up Jen Hemphill,...
76 min
When Diversification Is Better, But Works Again...
This year, diversification may have COST you money, as it has many college endowment funds. We'll dive into that topic and three more in our first-ever show that's mostly headlines ripped from the popular financial press! We'll tackle headlines from...
61 min
Leadership Lessons From Walt Disney (with Pat W...
Wondering how the best and brightest leaders emerge in any organization? Whether you're running a business or just your household, we all need leadership skills, and today's guest focuses on those of the great leader, Walt Disney. We'll sit down with...
76 min
What’s The Best Career Advice We’ve Ever Receiv...
What do you get when you place a bunch of seasoned workers in a room? You immediately start telling stories about the best career advice anyone has ever given you. Today we do just that, with the host of the Beyond The Dollar podcast: Sarah Li-Cain....
86 min
How Did College Get So $%!& Expensive? (with Ca...
Why are college costs increasing so fast? While there are lots of theories, only one researcher has reached out to many middle-class families to directly ask them how much money they've spent on college and to get the direct story. Today we talk to...
68 min
Let's Learn To Be Rich (with Ramit Sethi)
What would you say to someone who said they could teach you to be rich? Would you have a hard time believing them? Today we'll sit down with the person who has already done just that for thousands of people across the country: New York Times...
78 min
The Untold Truth About Success (plus an intro t...
Is it frustrated watching successful people work? They seem to do it so easily....and sometimes they even tell you that it IS easy. But is that the truth? What's really behind the success of many people who wisely handle money, or make better business...
82 min
A First-Timer's Adventure Into Van Life (with t...
Ever wonder what it would be like to buy a van and hit the road? Van life is an exciting reality for many people you read about online...but would it be for you? Today we talk to Lisa and Harrison from the Mad Money Monster Podcast, who together...
71 min
Blazing Your Own Path to Independence (with Chr...
Hoping to retire someday? What about retiring early? On today's show we'll sit down with Chris Mamula who retired at...wait for it....41, about how he did it. He's the co-author of the newly released book, Choose FI: Your Blueprint to Financial...
65 min
The Case For and Against Hiring a Coach (plus t...
88 min
Am I Doing Money Right? (with Colleen Bordeaux)
74 min
Crazy, Funny Money (with Paul Ollinger)
75 min
Can "More" Really Make You Happier? (plus a loo...
80 min
Running From Burnout (with Nicole Lapin)
71 min
What To Do After The Car Crash (with Elizabeth ...
74 min
Does Faster Equal Better With Financial Decisio...
70 min
5 (Good) Reasons To Invest In Real Estate (with...
72 min