Spiritual Psychic with Sara Wiseman

Are you an intuitive, empath, sensitive or seeker who wants to learn more? We offer an incredibly deep dive into the study of spiritual intuition, and are a supportive, inclusive community for kindred souls. Whether you're new to this work or have been doing it for many lifetimes, you are most welcome here! Join Sara, as we explore all aspects of psychic development, spiritual awakening, soul growth and channeled messages from the Divine.

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
The different vibrations in nature.
Learn why nature doesn’t vibrate as simply “nature”: each species has it’s own vibration, and so does each individual thing, living and non living
8 min
Taking private space.
Learn why we can’t really every be isolated from one another, and why at the same time, having solitude is the secret to knowing our soul.
11 min
Seeing the world as One.
Learn why The Oneness Principle is not just an idea, but is the reality of how we live and experience our life as a soul.
4 min
Why we can’t solve world problems.
Learn why what affects the least of us, affects all of us as collective soul, and that until we all rise in consciousness, suffering and pain will continue.
6 min
How nature clears us.
Learn why nature’s vibration is both enchanting and expanding, and has the capacity to take us into other dimensions very quickly.
7 min
Shedding your skins.
Learn we even though we think all our various identities are really important, they have nothing to do with who we really are as souls.
6 min
Experiencing many identities.
Learn why the identities we inhabit are like a piece of clothing we may choose to wear: easily donned, easily discarded.
9 min
Learning to shift time.
Learn why seconds, minutes and hours don’t really exist, and we can choose to drop out of hurry and worry of time and live in Flow state instead.
9 min
Awakening in the nectar hours.
Learn why the container of our body is beautiful in all ways at all times, in all shapes and sizes and conditions, and how to make peace with yours.
9 min
Making peace with your body.
Learn why the container of our body is beautiful in all ways at all times, in all shapes and sizes and conditions, and how to make peace with yours.
12 min
When your spirit guides change.
Learn what it means when your trusted spirit guides suddenly disappear, and new guides show up in their places. .
14 min
What you feel might not be real.
Learn why emotions are like waves: continually cresting and retreating, and why we can surf the waves without losing site of the fact that we are a much deeper ocean.
16 min