The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Diet...

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.

Creating Ecosystems Around Your Opportunities
The magic of the PESO model is integration between the different media types. Often the lines are blurred between the elements and that means you're doing it exactly right. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how to be omnipresent, and why you need to create an environment around each opportunity you have.
14 min
Bridging the Trust Gap with the PESO Model©
Gini Dietrich reviews the Annual Edelman Trust Barometer Report and how you can use the PESO Model to address trust challenges in today's communication landscape.
19 min
Plant Your PESO Model© Tree Today
A mistake that companies and individuals often make with the PESO Model© is treating it like a checklist of tactics rather than what it really is - an integrated strategy. On This week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how to make sure you're getting all of the benefits of the system - not just a few wins here and there.
18 min
Search in 2025 - What Communicators Need to Know
Search is always changing, and as communications professionals, we don't always stay up to date on the latest. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is sharing how you should be updating your SEO strategy in 2025 to make sure that the people who need to find your content, do.
12 min
How to Not Be Replaced by AI in 2025
There are things AI can do. Lots of them, in fact. But it can't do everything and it can't replace a solid communications plan and team. This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how AI can enhance your PESO Model™ Strategy in 2025 - complete with measurement and integration.
12 min
The Importance of Friction
Competing priorities - goals and budget, immediate results and long term sustainability, efficiency and authenticity - communications is full of them. But that friction can be the source of the best, most creative and most profitable work your company does. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how to make sure your programs have enough friction for the magic to happen.
15 min
Succeeding In The New Earned Media Landscape
Communications and PR has always been a fast-changing industry, but something that has never changed is the importance of trust, credibility and authenticity. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about what you need to think about as you work on your Earned Media strategy going into 2025.
15 min
Winning Your Seat at the Strategic Table
To create a truly effective communications program, you need to understand how the organization you're working with measure success - that is going to be the foundation of how you communicate the results of your work. In this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about the best ways to demonstrate the results of your work and become a part of the strategic team.
14 min
How to Prove the Worth of Your Work
Linking PR and communications work directly to business outcomes has always been a challenge, but a shocking percentage of us are not using all of the tools available, or are not using them correctly, to make it easier. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how important it is to have your results tied with other key data about the business.
15 min
Flexible Frameworks are the Key to Your Communi...
The new Earned Media landscape demands a different approach than we've used in the past, and it also offers new opportunities to connect more closely with the stakeholders that matter the most. This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how to make content that can be adapted and transformed for new channels.
14 min
What is your Role in Post-Truth America?
If you're horrified by the very idea of a post-truth country, then you're probably thinking about what you can do to help spread the truth in your role as a communicator. Gini Dietrich is talking about how to fight the three headed monster of modern communications: misinformation, disinformation and malinformation using truth audits on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
14 min
Telling the Truth when Lies are Everywhere
Disinformation is everywhere, and it reflects a fundamental shift in how information is shared. The challenge of maintaining truth in the public sphere is is more difficult - and more important - than ever. Gini Dietrich is talking about how to do it this week on the Spin Sucks Podcast.
14 min
The Future of PR is Here
AI is here, and if you're not using it to make your work more efficient, you're going to be left behind. There are tools available that can help you take whole days worth of work off of your desk - and Gini Dietrich is talking about them on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
14 min
You're Not going to Believe This Episode
The march of new AI tools continues on, and today, Gini Dietrich has another particularly interesting one to share with you. Google's NotebookLM has some functionality you have to hear to believe.
13 min
What To Do When the Expert Doesn't Want to Talk...
Sometimes you're asked to create content based on a subject matter expert who... doesn't actually have the time or desire to talk to you. This can be a recurring (and common!) problem and on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast Gini Dietrich is sharing a secret that makes it a lot easier.
12 min
Let's Make This Certified
More and more companies are requiring certification in the PESO Model© for new roles, and on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how you can get yours.
14 min
Growth Hacks for Quick Wins in Communications
A 'growth hack' is a creative, low-cost strategy to quickly increase brand awareness, stay top of mind and even acquire customers. Gini Dietrich is sharing several, and how to use them so you can create some wins while you work on your longer term strategy this week on the Spin Sucks Podcast.
13 min
Are you Creating the Best Content on the Earth ...
If the answer is yes, then you don't have to worry about the next era of search. If the answer is no, you have some work to do, and that's what Gini Dietrich is talking about on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
12 min
Don't Negotiate Against Yourself
It can often be difficult to stand by higher prices, negotiate higher salaries and to say no when a deal isn't in your favor, but these are critical skills that everyone - especially the next generation of women need to advance their businesses or careers. This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about why it's so important, and how to be a mentor to newer professionals in the industry.
14 min
Why You Can't Be Replaced by AI
Sometimes when someone gets really excited about the (considerable!) possibilities of AI, they might start thinking about replacing their current marketing and communications support. Hopefully, they'll quickly learn why you can't replace real expertise with AI, and this week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is explaining why.
11 min
Why You Need to Make Time to Read Every Day
It can feel impossible to devote time every day to reading and keeping up to date on what is happening in the world and your industry - but having information and an understanding of what is going on lets you provide good advice and make good recommendations to your clients. This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is making the case for reading every single day.
10 min
It Isn't Always Easy - Even When It Works
While the PESO model is the most effective way to create and track successful PR campaigns - it isn't always easy to implement. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about the 5 most common struggles communicators find in rolling it out.
14 min
Get Paid What You're Worth Every Time
Sometimes when you quote a price the reaction is less than enthusiastic. Just because you get a little pushback doesn't mean you should back down, however.
22 min
You Really Don't Need an RFP
A request for proposals might still be a common way to hire a new agency, but it's far from the best one. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about the considerable disadvantages that come from using the RFP method to find a new strategic partner.
13 min
Communications Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Gini Dietrich walks through the steps to establishing an excellent, lasting communications program.
11 min