The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Diet...

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.

All Right, Let's Talk About Talking About Politics
On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about what kind of messaging belongs where, and how to be ready to communicate in a crisis.
11 min
PR is Evolving, Not Dead
The media environment is shifting and more brands are keeping a closer hold on their own narratives which means that PR pros need to adjust their approach. Gini Dietrich is talking about the new reality of Earned Media and how you can evolve with it on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
10 min
It's All About the Prompt
If you try to use an AI tool for a complex or creative task, you might be disappointed by the initial results, but as often as not, that is the fault of the prompt more than the LLM. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast Gini Dietrich is talking about how the different AI platforms perform and how to provide enough training and context to get usable results.
13 min
Planning for an AI Future
What would you do if you didn't need to work to make a living? We may not be there yet - and we don't really know how the technology will develop - but there's no harm imagining a future where most of the labor is done by machines! Gini Dietrich talks about planning for the future that AI may be creating on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
12 min
Celebrating 300 Episodes!
Gini brings in her first-ever guests!
19 min
What Has AI Done For You Lately?
Right now a lot of communications professionals are more focused on what AI can't do than what it can. In this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about why you should be getting a handle on AI's capabilities and making sure your own stay relevant.
9 min
Conducting a Symphony of Robots
Chris Penn once told Gini Dietrich that as AI tools develop, the role of communicators will be one of conducting a symphony of robots, designing and coordinating work from different sources for specific outcomes. That day is near, if it isn't here already and that's what we're talking about today on the Spin Sucks Podcast.
15 min
The PESO Model: Where To Start?
The most common question Gini Dietrich is asked about the PESO model is how to start implementing it. This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast she is talking about starting with the most important element of the model, Owned, and building a campaign around it.
10 min
Big Changes in Generative Search - What It Mean...
Generative search is going to be affecting SEO sooner rather than later - but the foundations don't change - using your content to share your Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust is still going to be the best thing you can do to make sure your content gets found. Gini Dietrich is talking abut the changes you do and don't need to make on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
11 min
The PESO Model© for Higher Ed, Comms Pros, and ...
Gini Dietrich has a vision about making the field of marketing and communications a better, more effective place with a shared understanding of how ROI is created and measured - and she's got a plan for how to make it happen. She's talking about it this week on the Spin Sucks Podcast.
9 min
How TikTok, Twitch, and YouTube Are Changing Ea...
The role of communicators is always changing - not least because there are always new platforms and changes to existing ones to integrate into our plans. What stays the same is balancing the demands of speed, accuracy, engagement and integrity - and today on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how.
15 min
No, We Don't All Lie For A Living.
This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini is talking about how most people are using their PR powers for good.
8 min
Your Questions Answered: The PESO Model© Certif...
If you want your clients to be confident that your communications work is ethical, responsible, and measurable, becoming a PESO Model Certified Guide© is the best way to get there. Gini Dietrich answers your questions about the new program on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks podcast.
9 min
Combating Weaponized Information
Gini discusses the infiltration of weaponized information and what communicators can do about it.
15 min
The Changing Landscape of Media Relations
10 min
How Communications Affects SEO
12 min
How to Make Your Metrics Tell Stories
Data interpretation and communication is critical to help translate your efforts to outcomes. This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about Coverage Impact, a powerful tool that can help you interpret, visualize and share your data and correlate them to organizational goals.
9 min
Measuring PR Results in the 21st Century
Gini talks about the challenges and solutions for measuring PR efforts.
10 min
The Newly Refreshed PESO Model™ Graphic and Pro...
Gini Dietrich is talking us through the changes to the model and graphic, and what it means for communicators around the world.
16 min
The Transformative Effectiveness of the PESO Mo...
On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich reviews the PESO Model© for any of you listening who aren't familiar with it yet, and provides some extra tips and insights for those who are.
15 min
One of the Most Powerful Tools in the Communica...
On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is explaining why you should be considering contributed content, what editors are looking for, how to create it and how to measure it.
10 min
Enough With the Double Standards!
As far as we've come, there is a long way to go when it comes to being a woman in the workplace... and the world. Professionally, women can be sidelined, diminished, talked over and infantilized by even the best-intentioned of men. And sometimes women help them do it.
14 min
What Makes a Thought Leader?
Being a thought leader means having and sharing original thoughts that demonstrate your expertise. Doing this can take a lot of time or a lot of money or both, and that can sometimes be a challenge.
11 min
Why Owned Media is Always Worth the Time
Owned Media is the most important element of a PESO Model plan - it has the most potential for long term benefit, and can perform the heaviest lift in terms of driving your marketing forward. Of course, it also takes the longest to pay off.
8 min
Rise of the TikTok News Anchor
The PESO model is evolving like everything else we do in business, and that means you need to review your strategy, evaluate it's results and make changes as the environment you're working in does. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about some of the changes you might want to make in your application of the model in 2024.
15 min