The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Diet...

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.

Taking a Stand for Social Justice
In today's episode of the Spin Sucks podcast, Gini Dietrich talks about what it means for a company to take a stand for social justice, what it can cost, and why it's absolutely necessary to do.
11 min
Taking Career Advice from Nature
We can learn a lot from the world. Today, Gini talks about 5 things that you can learn from nature to pull yourself—and your career or your business—out of the pandemic.
9 min
Starting and Scaling a Business
Often, people start businesses because they're excellent at what they do, and want to have control over all parts of the process. If you're going to grow, at a certain point, you need to hire in order to grow, and that comes with it's own set of challenges.
8 min
Replay: Building Online Community
Creating strong, engaged online communities is more important now than it has ever been - in this replay of an episode from early 2019, Gini talks about building online communities, the secret sauce of engagement, and the short and long term benefits of having one.
9 min
What Does Thought Leadership In 2020 Look Like?
If you implement a full PESO Model program, complete with the full foundational work of paid, earned, shared, and owned media working together, it will be inevitable that you’ll build authority for your organization and its executives.
13 min
Celebrating 100 Episodes of the Spin Sucks Podcast
This is the 100th episode of the SPin Sucks Podcast! It’s been quite a ride—from a whopping 53 downloads per episode to more than a thousand today. We’ve had quite the journey together and I thought it’d be fun to celebrate by taking a walk down memory lane.
9 min
Continuing Challenges and Exciting Opportunitie...
Fundamentally, paid media is about finding and reaching your desired audience, and driving results for your organization. When you have content that’s owned or earned, and you want more people to read, listen, or watch it—and then share it and act on it—paid media can help, even in the midst of a pandemic.
15 min
Why Communicators Should Ignore the Hustle Ment...
The hustle mentality isn’t right for right now—and shaming people who don’t have the time (or don’t take the supposed extra time they have) to do something new the absolute wrong thing to do.
11 min
How to Do Your Job When Earned Media Is Out of ...
Right now journalists around the world are being furloughed, and if you pitch them now, it's likely that your email will never see the light of day
11 min
How to Implement the PESO Model, No Matter the ...
In this week’s show, Gini Dietrich talks about how to implement the PESO Model, no matter the size of your team.
12 min
How to Market When the World Is On Fire
Gini Dietrich talks us through marketing appropriately during the pandemic in this week’s Spin Sucks show. She shares five guiding principles to help you decide what and how to market.
10 min
Get Through COVID-19 With These Mindset Shifts
These are unprecedented times. We will get through it, but things will get worse before they get better. This week, Gini Dietrich talks about the mindset shifts that will get us through this crisis.
13 min
So You’re Working From Home. Now What?
It's a crazy time to be alive right now. So much change and now you suddenly find yourself in a work from home situation. In this week's show, Gini Dietrich shows you how to be as successful as you can be, in light of everything that is going on.
12 min
The Newly Refreshed PESO Model Graphic and Process
The PESO model is like a pyramid. Each corner of the base must be built solidly, or the entire structure will collapse. In this week’s show, Gini Dietrich talks about the improvements made to the PESO model graphic and process.
12 min
Star Wars, the PESO Model, and a Challenge for You
A Star Wars superfan has written a thirty thousand word dissertation detailing the problems with the franchise and we look to the PESO model to help him out.
9 min
Who Can Use The PESO Model?
The PESO model has many uses and applications. In this week’s show, Gini Dietrich talks about who within an organization can use it, the different ways they can, and what happens when they don’t.
13 min
How Google Helped BERT Get Revenge
11 min
The PESO Model: Why Communicators Struggle To I...
About eight years ago, we launched the PESO model. Today it’s everywhere. Although we’ve constantly refined and improved it over the years, it’s not always easy to implement.
14 min
A Podcast About Podcasts
Gini Dietrich discusses the innovations, changes, and new opportunities in the podcasting space in this week’s Spin Sucks show.
13 min
PR and the Election
What role is PR going to play in the upcoming election? Between the impeachment trial and the forthcoming election, this year will be dominated by political news - and noise.
10 min
PR Trend: Artificial Intelligence
The Spin Sucks community predicted AI would be the biggest trend in 2020. In today’s show, we look at how big AI is predicted to be, what it could do for communicators, and what we may need to be concerned about.
11 min
What Are Your Business Red Flags?
Whether it’s business, a new job or a client, it’s important to be realistic and weigh the risks against the opportunities. Looking for red flags is the best way to do that.
12 min
Happy New Year!
Making a resolution may not be the best way to make changes in your life or business. A resolution is a decision to make a change that has no end in sight.
12 min
Reworking Earned Media
One of the most frustrating aspects of a communicator’s job is how little control you have over the earned media that you do. Not every interview you give is published.
25 min
12 Days of Christmas - 10 PR Metrics To Track
11 min