The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Diet...

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.

An Integrated PESO Model That Executives Love
On this week’s Spin Sucks podcast episode, Gini Dietrich is sharing a PESO Model™ primer: why you need it, why your communications program should evolve, how to measure it, and why executives love it.
12 min
The Golden Word for 2023
Happy New Year! Hopefully you have had a lovely break, and you're ready to tackle a new year with new projects, new clients and piles of data to measure. Gini Dietrich is talking about what you should measure this year and why on the Spin Sucks Podcast.
9 min
A Robot Wrote this Episode
You might have heard about ChatGPT - the ai engine that can answer questions and generate content. Gini Dietrich is giving a demonstration of the tool and talking about where AI writing can be helpful, and where it won't be on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
8 min
Ignore Communications Counsel at Your Own Peril
You never need a communications professional more than when things get really, really messy. There is a certain type of tech CEO that doesn't seem to believe they need communications counsel - and the results are going to be extremely interesting. Gini Dietrich is talking about the fall of FTX and the actions of Sam Bankman-Fried on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
8 min
Digging into some Content Marketing Data
It's always important to stay up to date on the latest data! Especially when you're building and maintaining robust and comprehensive communications plans. This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is looking at the results from this year's Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs Content Marketing Benchmarks Budget and Trends Survey.
7 min
Why You Need Client Personas
You need to apply the same skills to your internal and external clients as you do to your broader audience and community. Gini Dietrich is talking about creating client personas on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
6 min
How Well Do You Know Your Clients?
Your relationships with your clients are professional ones, but it's also important to understand them on the human level On today's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about some of the things you should know about your clients to create the best possible working relationships.
8 min
Overcoming Struggles Implementing the Peso Model
This week, Gini shares the four main issues many struggle with when using the Peso Model and how to effectively overcome them.
13 min
Why You Should Read Trust Signals
Do you remember when social media was social? Back when it was, Gini Dietrich connected with Scott Baradell and started a friendship that has lasted for years. Scott has recently published Trust Signals, and in this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is sharing an excerpt and talking about why you should give it a read.
10 min
Creating a Community Flywheel
Having a community around your business can be a huge advantage in everything from your sales to your content marketing to your brand reputation, and in this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about why that is, and how to build and nurture one.
10 min
Being Trustworthy When You Can't Trust Anyone
Trust is a scarce commodity these days - but businesses have more of it than you migth expect. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about the lastest Edelman Trust Barometer, and how to use owned media to be seen as a trusted source of information.
10 min
Telling Stories That Mean Something
7 min
Ending The Praise Deficit Between Men and Women
Gini discusses the differences between the praise men and women receive from their peers, colleagues, and bosses.
8 min
Ongoing Education about Earned Media
In PR, you have to educate your clients about what is possible, but also what is going to be the most effective in terms of earned media. That's what Gini Dietrich is talking about on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
9 min
Sweet Sixteen for Spin Sucks - What We've Learned
16 years ago, Gini Dietrich and her team started the Spin Sucks Blog. Enjoy this special clip episode where Gini is talking about the history of the company and members of the Spin Sucks Community talks about what it has meant to them over the years.
12 min
What To Do When You're Professionally Ghosted
It hurts to be professionally ghosted. Gini Dietrich is talking about how to handle it.
9 min
Who is the Worst Villian in Literature?
Sometimes a team meeting can (and should!) stray off of business topics, and get to really vital issues - like who is the greatest villain in literature.
8 min
It's Not All About the Evidence
Persuasion is an art that communicators need to constantly hone. We might wish that data and facts and evidence were enough to make our cases, we need to use a variety of different skills, and wear a variety of different hats, to achieve what we need to.
9 min
What's Up With All the Extra Work?
8 min
Meausuring the Work We Do
Measuring the succes and impact of the work they do is one of the biggest challenges that communicators face. Today on the Spin Sucks podcast Gini Deitrich is talking about how to track, measure and communicate the results of the campaigns you run.
8 min
Using Our Powers for Good
There are a few bad apples that seriously damage the reputaiton of every industry, and PR is no different. Today, Gini Dietrich is talking about how critical it is that professional communicators act with integrity.
8 min
The Many Benefits of Introverts in Business
Today, Gini Dietrich is talking about the different things introverts bring to the table, and how to make sure they're able to contribute the value they bring to the table - without making them completely miserable.
8 min
Break the Rules to Discover New Ideas
Sometimes breaking the rules is exactly what you need to succeed.
8 min
Have You Seen What's Happened Now?
That's the question we're asking each other, and ourselves every week now, and when life and work are a pressure cooker of things to worry about, Gini Dietrich wants us to remember to take care of ourselves, and shares some ideas for how to do it.
6 min
Be Nervous, But Also Be Ready
There is reason to be nervous about the economy, and what is going to be happening in the coming months and years. But, it's all going to be okay.
8 min